The Golden Rule: Change What You Want
This is a little bit of a tricky page, because realistically, most of ExaltedWiki is already houserules -- it's just that they're mostly indexed pretty specifically. For example, if you wanted Familiar houserules, you'd look in Backgrounds; if you wanted Charm houserules, Charms; specific Exalted, their Exalt-type pages (e.g. Sidereals); etc, etc, etc. So all we have here are general houserule pages by user. Please index your specific houserule pages on their appropriate WikiContent main pages.
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Specific Houserules By Category
Charm and Essence Houserules
- Sol Invictus, the comprehensive rewrite of Solar Charm trees for 1e.
- Braydz/SolarCharms, Braydz/LunarCharms, Braydz/LunarCharms2, Braydz/DBCharms2 - Charm Houserules
- FlowsLikeBits/MoreCharms - Thoughs on breaking one charm per turn
- FrivYeti/LowPowerHighPowerExalts - A set of rules to reduce the power of the Exalted a smidge.
- MAOAbilityList - A 1e Martial Arts revision.
- Ashande/HouseRulesandStuff - rules on Essence Engorgement
- NewComboRules - Hplovescats's Combo rules.
- Malikai/LunarCharmCosts
- FrivYeti/SpiritWeaponsCryptBolt - FrivYeti compares two Charms to one another
- HouseRules/MultiPersonCombos - Group Comboes
- Telgar/Resonance - Telgar revises Resonance for First Edition.
- Toram/PermanentCharms - Toram provides guidelines for making durational Charms permanent.
- Toram/SpellChanges - Sorcery revisions.
Combat, Weapons and Armor Houserules
- Alternate5MMEffect - Alternate rules for using the Five Magical Materials in weapons and armours.
- Ashande/PeopleAsWeapons - Ashande's rules for people-shaped improvised weapons.
- BogMod/ArmorEdits - Changing how the high level armors work.
- BogMod/GearStatChanges - Changing some artifact weapon bases.
- Charlequin/ArmsAndArmorSystem - A system to equalize weapons and armors.
- FlowsLikeBits/Clinches
- Ald's PowerCombatHouseRule
- Ketrus/SolarAthletics2E - movement
- LorienFeanturi/HouseRules - mostly about "alternate" attacks (clinches, throws, etc.)
- AbstractRange - A Power Combat revision by FourWillowsWeeping
- Malikai/AirDragonStyleFix
- Nikink/QuickNDirtyCombat - A quick resolution to Mass Combat
- NikinkHouseRules - Armor revisions
- Onine/Onineshields - Shields as weapons
- Paladinltd/CalledShots - Called shot rules
- PowerBowPower - Dealing with long powerbows.
- Shallows/AThing - rules to counteract the supremacy of Dex.
- StarJaunter/LevelsOfAction
- Toram/RevisedCombatSequence
- SolVachel/Warstriders - My take on how they work.
- Sol's Artifact Creation - What it says.
- SpeedFix
Character Houserules
- Ascendance/CharacterCreation - Rules for Dynasts and God-Bloods
- BogMod/LunarEdits - Includes new rules for their factions and character creation.
- DMSCharacter_Creaction, DMSCombat
- Caelene/CharacterGenRules - For creating child Dynastic characters.
- Enchantress' custom character creation for Forest Witches and Godbloods.
- GamlainCreationRules
- Orphen/AstrologicalSigns - Powers to characters based on their astrological sign.
- Talion/RakshaHouseRules - House rules for the Fair Folk.
- Will/AlchemicalAttributes - Attribute sets for the Alchemicals
Ability Houserules
- BogMod/Crafts
- CorlanDashiva/UsingCraftsToMakeMagicItems - Crafts rules
- CraftsandLinguistics - Blaque's Ability rules
- PanthanaeaSilverfin/HouseRules - Martial Arts and Linguistics house rules
- Shoggoth/SailingRolls
- Shoggoth/SocialRolls
- solVachel/ThaumaturgyTwo - Trying to spread Thaum. out a bit.
Background Houserules
- RedFox/HouseRuleResources
- Telgar/Backgrounds
- Will/SiderealSorcery - Sidereal Sorcery as a background
Houserules by Contributor (General Rules)
- Ambisinister/HouseRules2E - Ambisinister's main houserules.
- Acantha/HouseRules
- Arafelis/HouseRules
- Azurelight/HouseRules - Azurelight's rules.
- BlackFlame/HouseRules
- Blaque/HouseRules & Blaque/SecondEdHouseRules - My changes to things like Appearance, Lunars, and other stuff about. I particulerly would like help with making Appearance a more useful stat. Stuff.
- BogMod/MentalAttacks A slight chance.
- BogMod/AbyssalRedemption
- BogMod/CombinedHouseRules All my rules rolled into one place.
- BogMod/FamiliarChanges
- BogMod/UpgradingCombos
- BrokenShade/HouseRules
- Braydz/Houserules2
- CorlanDashiva/FixingExalted and CorlanDashiva/RandomThoughts
- CrownedSun/HouseRules
- DarkWolff's HouseRules for 1st and 2nd edition
- DarriusSolluman - His house rules.
- DavidHouseRules by David. - Under Construction
- Darloth/HouseRules (and Darloth/Old1eHouseRules)
- DigitalSentience/StuffIWillUseForSure
- Houserules/Eldmar - a small amount of house rules om my page.
- Enchantress/HouseRules
- Falcon - Things, stuff, whatever.
- FodderBoy/House Rules
- FrivYeti/Rules - A variety of houserules on general effects (2e).
- Gamlain/HouseRules Some things that just bug me. And weirdness.
- GameGuru4/LunarHouseRules
- GreenLantern/Familiarity - Addition of stunt-like auto successes for tasks that are routinely performed. Minimal impact on high-powered Exalts, huge impact on NPC and untrained exalt quality of life.
- Issaru/CampaignNotes
- Kurulham/HouseRules
- LeumasWhite/HouseRules
- Madwand/Social-fu - Simple rules expanding on the Core for making freinds and influencing others.
- MetalFatigue's rules for 1E, 2E, Mail & Steel
- MicahHakubi/HouseRules
- Morpheus - Many houserules intended for realistic games, including MoPoison. Many solar and lunar charm revisions.
- Mortos/Rules
- Myrlan/House_Rules
- Paladinltd/LuckyandUnlucky - Increasing the effects of luck in play.
- RazorWolf/HouseRules - Now with content.
- Resplendence/HouseRules
- SabisHouseRules by Sabis
- SagaciousAscendingHero : new house rules, updated for 2E (1E here)
- Seiraryu's House Rules can be found in his User Page at Seiraryu.
- HouseRules/Shataina ~ I'm a mean Storyteller. Also, I like details.
- SolVachel/HouseRules
- Sootspice/HouseRules
- StarJaunter/AnimalSocialAttacks
- Telgar/HouseRules
- Trithne/Houserules
- CharmsTrees, as redesigned by Etrangere
- Szilard/Houserules
- SuzumeHouseRules
- Topher/HouseRules
- Toram/HouseRules
- The_Book_Of_Air
- The_Book_Of_Earth
- The_Book_Of_Fire
- The_Book_Of_Water
- The_Book_Of_Wood
- TwelveEssays
- Xeriar/HouseRules and Xeriar/Setting
Okay. As I noted at the top, this page is kind of superfluous, because everyone's specific HouseRules are indexed elsewhere already. And if we tried to list every single specific houserule page here, this page would be a horrible mess and we'd probably just end up making subpage indexes anyway, and since everything relevant is already indexed on relevant pages, why should we bother? So I've removed all the specific houserule sets.
~ Shataina