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=== The Links ===
=== The Links ===
;/AlanaTey:Artist who does (among other things?) edible sculptures (ref. /DarqueChocolat)
*[[TheNexusProject/AlanaTey]]:Artist who does (among other things?) edible sculptures (ref. [[TheNexusProject/DarqueChocolat|Darque Chocolat]])
;/AmylisTiguare:Owners of a sweetshop (ref. /NiceDreams)
*[[TheNexusProject/AmylisTiguare]]:Owners of a sweetshop (ref. [[TheNexusProject/NiceDreams|Nice Dreams]])
;/AnvilDesther:Owns an estate somewhere (ref. /BlackLarksSong)
*[[TheNexusProject/AnvilDesther]]:Owns an estate somewhere (ref. [[TheNexusProject/BlackLarksSong|Black Larks Song]])
;/AshFlowerSociety:Organisation inspired by the example of Charred Blossom (ref. /CharredBlossom)
*[[TheNexusProject/AshFlowerSociety]]:Organisation inspired by the example of Charred Blossom (ref. [[TheNexusProject/CharredBlossom|Charred Blossom]])
;/BastielsBarrel:(In)famous First Age manse (ref. /InterwovenAvenue)
*[[TheNexusProject/BastielsBarrel]]:(In)famous First Age manse (ref. [[TheNexusProject/InterwovenAvenue|Interwoven Avenue]])
;/BelladonnaAndBeeswax:An apothecary shop outside the Little Market (ref. /Bliss)
*[[TheNexusProject/BelladonnaAndBeeswax]]:An apothecary shop outside the Little Market (ref. [[TheNexusProject/Bliss|Bliss]])
;/BloodCrows:A mercenary company operating out of Firewander (ref. /LandslideGang)
*[[TheNexusProject/BloodCrows]]:A mercenary company operating out of Firewander (ref. [[TheNexusProject/LandslideGang|Landslide Gang]])
;/TheBlossomEffect:term for the collective effects of Charred Blossom's actions (ref. /CharredBlossom)
*[[TheNexusProject/TheBlossomEffect]]:term for the collective effects of Charred Blossom's actions (ref. [[TheNexusProject/CharredBlossom|Charred Blossom]])
;/BoulevardOfHopesAndDreams:Street in the Nexus district (ref. /SixRadiantStars)
*[[TheNexusProject/BoulevardOfHopesAndDreams]]:Street in the Nexus district (ref. [[TheNexusProject/SixRadiantStars|Six Radiant Stars]])
;/BraidsOfOchre:A woman with some connection to the Orinas Colors School (ref. /ShunasWell)
*[[TheNexusProject/BraidsOfOchre]]:A woman with some connection to the Orinas Colors School (ref. [[TheNexusProject/ShunasWell|Shunas Well]])
;/TheBringerofUnquietSouls:Deathknight obssesed with showmanship (ref. /TheatreOfDeath)
*[[TheNexusProject/TheBringerofUnquietSouls]]:Deathknight obssesed with showmanship (ref. [[TheNexusProject/TheatreOfDeath|Theatre of Death]])
;/BrothersOfBelzarius:Outlaw organisation (ref. /TheStreetOfQueens, /TravelersCompanion)
*[[TheNexusProject/BrothersOfBelzarius]]:Outlaw organisation (ref. [[TheNexusProject/TheStreetOfQueens|The Street of Queens]], [[TheNexusProject/TravelersCompanion|Travelers Companion]])
;/BubblesAmore:Famous burlesque dancer (ref. /TheBowerOfTheMask)
*[[TheNexusProject/BubblesAmore]]:Famous burlesque dancer (ref. [[TheNexusProject/TheBowerOfTheMask|The Bower of the Mask]])
;/BuriansBuildingCompany:Nighthammer-based contractor (ref. /SovenantChrysanthemumField)
*[[TheNexusProject/BuriansBuildingCompany]]:Nighthammer-based contractor (ref. [[TheNexusProject/SovenantChrysanthemumField|Sovenant Chrysanthemum Field]])
;/BurntPennantBrotherhood (current dib has expired; free to write; feel free to overwrite any current contents):A group that uses graffiti and murals to encode messages (ref. /CinnabarChalkInitiative)
*[[TheNexusProject/BurntPennantBrotherhood|Burnt Pennant Brotherhood]] (current dib has expired; free to write; feel free to overwrite any current contents):A group that uses graffiti and murals to encode messages (ref. [[TheNexusProject/CinnabarChalkInitiative|Cinnabar Chalk Initiative]])
;/CasukonOfTheTower:Geomancer and furnisher (ref. /HouseOfTheBlueRose, /InterwovenAvenue, /LostAntiquities)
*[[TheNexusProject/CasukonOfTheTower]]:Geomancer and furnisher (ref. [[TheNexusProject/HouseOfTheBlueRose|House of the Blue Rose]], [[TheNexusProject/InterwovenAvenue|Interwoven Avenue]], [[TheNexusProject/LostAntiquities|Lost Antiquities]])
;/CatullinosMilliners:Clothmaker in Nighthammer (ref. /RainbowSpire)
*[[TheNexusProject/CatullinosMilliners]]:Clothmaker in Nighthammer (ref. [[TheNexusProject/RainbowSpire|Rainbow Spire]])
;/[[Cha'Trek]]:Wyld-barbarian bodyguard (ref. /OldGran, /TheBurningBladeDojo)
*[[TheNexusProject/Cha'Trek]]:Wyld-barbarian bodyguard (ref. [[TheNexusProject/OldGran|Old Gran]], [[TheNexusProject/TheBurningBladeDojo|The Burning Blade Dojo]])
;/CrystalWaterfall: Young man, who might be the unluckiest fellow in whole Nexus (ref. /LostAntiquities)
*[[TheNexusProject/CrystalWaterfall]]: Young man, who might be the unluckiest fellow in whole Nexus (ref. [[TheNexusProject/LostAntiquities|Lost Antiquities]])
;/DarkalleeKrace:a noted eccentric who died under mysterious circumstances (ref. /TheBlueCrow, /TheAvenueOfEnigmaticPhilosophy)
*[[TheNexusProject/DarkalleeKrace]]:a noted eccentric who died under mysterious circumstances (ref. [[TheNexusProject/TheBlueCrow|The Blue Crow]], [[TheNexusProject/TheAvenueOfEnigmaticPhilosophy|The Avenue of Enigmatic Philosophy]])
;/DaydreamersRow:Street in the Nexus district (ref. /JunasBreadbasket)
*[[TheNexusProject/DaydreamersRow]]:Street in the Nexus district (ref. [[TheNexusProject/JunasBreadbasket|Junas Breadbasket]])
;/DayoftheMaskedPeacock:Foggy day in Firewander (ref. /MadmansHands)
*[[TheNexusProject/DayoftheMaskedPeacock]]:Foggy day in Firewander (ref. [[TheNexusProject/MadmansHands|Madmans Hands]])
;/DorsonsDoorstep (current dib has expired; free to write; feel free to overwrite any current contents): Sleeping on which results in death (ref. /StoneOfEbonBlood)
*[[TheNexusProject/DorsonsDoorstep|Dorsons Doorstep]] (current dib has expired; free to write; feel free to overwrite any current contents): Sleeping on which results in death (ref. [[TheNexusProject/StoneOfEbonBlood|Stone of Ebon Blood]])
;/TheDejeuneBrothersContractors:Sellers of slaves in Nexus district -- note that slavery is illegal in Nexus and this must be done by means of weird legal dodges (see [[Books/ManacleAndCoin|Manacle and Coin]]) (ref. /BaleOfStars, /LadyFrost)
*[[TheNexusProject/TheDejeuneBrothersContractors]]:Sellers of slaves in Nexus district -- note that slavery is illegal in Nexus and this must be done by means of weird legal dodges (see [[Books/ManacleAndCoin|Manacle and Coin]]) (ref. [[TheNexusProject/BaleOfStars|Bale of Stars]], [[TheNexusProject/LadyFrost|Lady Frost]])
;/DokaTheUnclean:Died in disgrace (ref. /YeskaneroMerchantingFamily, /JadeCageOfWarrants)
*[[TheNexusProject/DreamsOfSilence]]: Drug manufacturer and owner of The Broken Mirror (ref. [[TheNexusProject/TheBrokenMirror|The Broken Mirror]])
;/DreamsOfSilence: Drug manufacturer and owner of The Broken Mirror (ref. /TheBrokenMirror)
*[[TheNexusProject/DrowningInViscera]]: Eclipse Caste proprietor of Malfeas (ref. [[TheNexusProject/Malfeas|Malfeas]], [[TheNexusProject/InvinciblePrincessSword|Invincible Princess Sword]])
;/DrowningInViscera: Eclipse Caste proprietor of Malfeas (ref. [[/Malfeas]], /InvinciblePrincessSword)
*[[TheNexusProject/DullumTheApathetic]]: the regarded, and deeply cynical, philosopher and poet. (ref. [[TheNexusProject/CronesStreet|Crones Street]], [[TheNexusProject/GhallveLibrary|Ghallve Library]])
;/DullumTheApathetic: the regarded, and deeply cynical, philosopher and poet. (ref. /CronesStreet, /GhallveLibrary)
*[[TheNexusProject/DustyCloud]]: last victim of the first spate of Charred Blossom assassinations (ref. [[TheNexusProject/CharredBlossom|Charred Blossom]])
;/DustyCloud: last victim of the first spate of Charred Blossom assassinations (ref. /CharredBlossom)
*[[TheNexusProject/EdaraVulcina]]: Fiery female fighter and leader of the Nexus contingent of the [[TheNexusProject/SevenHillsMercenaries]]. (ref. [[TheNexusProject/HurricaneRebellion|Hurricane Rebellion]])
;/EdaraVulcina: Fiery female fighter and leader of the Nexus contingent of the /SevenHillsMercenaries. (ref. /HurricaneRebellion)
*[[TheNexusProject/ElegantKoi]]: Tailor from Dagon Academy (ref. [[TheNexusProject/DagonAcademy|Dagon Academy]])
;/ElegantKoi: Tailor from Dagon Academy (ref. /DagonAcademy)
*[[TheNexusProject/EmeraldRainbow]]:Minor hearth god (ref. [[TheNexusProject/NiceDreams|Nice Dreams]])
;/EmeraldRainbow:Minor hearth god (ref. /NiceDreams)
*[[TheNexusProject/FishMailAvenue]]:Street in Cinnabar (ref. [[TheNexusProject/CinnabarChalkInitiative|Cinnabar Chalk Initiative]], [[TheNexusProject/TheLonelyMendicantsTree|The Lonely Mendicants Tree]])
;/FishMailAvenue:Street in Cinnabar (ref. /CinnabarChalkInitiative, /TheLonelyMendicantsTree)
*[[TheNexusProject/GibletWalk]]:Street in Firewander (ref. [[TheNexusProject/MarosHerbariumAndApothecary|Maros Herbarium and Apothecary]])
;/GibletWalk:Street in Firewander (ref. /MarosHerbariumAndApothecary)
*[[TheNexusProject/GleamingCrystal]]:God of the Gray River, womanizer and party man. (ref. [[TheNexusProject/HurricaneRebellion|Hurricane Rebellion]])
;/GleamingCrystal:God of the Gray River, womanizer and party man. (ref. /HurricaneRebellion)
*[[TheNexusProject/GloweringBustOfDesiccatedIvory]]:A small statuette belonging to an unusual woman (ref. [[TheNexusProject/WivesOfGozen|Wives of Gozen]])
;/GloweringBustOfDesiccatedIvory:A small statuette belonging to an unusual woman (ref. /WivesOfGozen)
*[[TheNexusProject/GodOfBooksAndPrimates]]:A god with an <i>intresting</i> background (ref. [[TheNexusProject/AzureGlassBooks|Azure Glass Books]], [[TheNexusProject/LostAntiquities|Lost Antiquities]], [[TheNexusProject/BudiTheStreetSage|Budi the Street Sage]])
;/GodOfBooksAndPrimates:A god with an <i>intresting</i> background (ref. /AzureGlassBooks, /LostAntiquities, /BudiTheStreetSage)
*[[TheNexusProject/GurchubanRainyHeart]]:Dead, but famous Scavenger Lord (ref. [[TheNexusProject/ThreeRascals|Three Rascals]])
;/GurchubanRainyHeart:Dead, but famous Scavenger Lord (ref. /ThreeRascals)
*[[TheNexusProject/HickorysCharcuterie]]:Meatseller in Cinnabar (ref. [[TheNexusProject/SignOfTheBlackCock|Sign of the Black Cock]])
;/HickorysCharcuterie:Meatseller in Cinnabar (ref. /SignOfTheBlackCock)
*[[TheNexusProject/HopeliaTayaro]]:A resident of Brookside (ref. [[TheNexusProject/ShunasWell|Shunas Well]])
;/HopeliaTayaro:A resident of Brookside (ref. /ShunasWell)
*[[TheNexusProject/TheLoafAndJug]]:Brookside greengrocer's (ref. [[TheNexusProject/BurglarsEnd|Burglars End]], [[TheNexusProject/TheCrazyGooseLady|The Crazy Goose Lady]])
;/TheLoafAndJug:Brookside greengrocer's (ref. /BurglarsEnd, /TheCrazyGooseLady)
*[[TheNexusProject/Magpies]]:Decent tavern in Nexus Underground (ref. [[TheNexusProject/BlackObolFinance|Black Obol Finance]])  
;/Magpies:Decent tavern in Nexus Underground (ref. /BlackObolFinance)  
*[[TheNexusProject/MaluriesDressmakers]]:Clothing shop in Firewander (ref. [[TheNexusProject/MarosHerbariumAndApothecary|Maros Herbarium and Apothecary]])
;/MaluriesDressmakers:Clothing shop in Firewander (ref. /MarosHerbariumAndApothecary)
*[[TheNexusProject/MarauderDocks]]:Dock at southern end of Nighthammer (ref. [[TheNexusProject/SovenantChrysanthemumField|Sovenant Chrysanthemum Field]])
;/MarauderDocks:Dock at southern end of Nighthammer (ref. /SovenantChrysanthemumField)
*[[TheNexusProject/OdalisqueOfThePerpetualGaze]]:A truly disturbing statue (ref. [[TheNexusProject/AbattoirRise|Abattoir Rise]])
;/OdalisqueOfThePerpetualGaze:A truly disturbing statue (ref. /AbattoirRise)
*[[TheNexusProject/PrincesNightRun]]:A tunnel-street in the Underground (ref. [[TheNexusProject/GuenSilYeong|Guen Sil Yeong]])
;/PrincesNightRun:A tunnel-street in the Underground (ref. /GuenSilYeong)
*[[TheNexusProject/ProfaneWhispers]]:God of Heresy, not a man specific to Nexus, but the amount of heretics that hide there makes it a place for him to be. (ref. [[TheNexusProject/HurricaneRebellion|Hurricane Rebellion]])
;/ProfaneWhispers:God of Heresy, not a man specific to Nexus, but the amount of heretics that hide there makes it a place for him to be. (ref. /HurricaneRebellion)
*[[TheNexusProject/RadiantSpear]]:Deceased mercenary captain (ref. [[TheNexusProject/CelebrantsCircle|Celebrants Circle]])
;/RadiantSpear:Deceased mercenary captain (ref. /CelebrantsCircle)
*[[TheNexusProject/RazorWhip]]:Serial killer targeting prostitutes' clients (ref. [[TheNexusProject/Bethrel|Bethrel]])
;/RazorWhip:Serial killer targeting prostitutes' clients (ref. /Bethrel)
*[[TheNexusProject/Rikina]]:Advertisers (ref. [[TheNexusProject/HeavenlyTransportCompany|Heavenly Transport Company]])
;/Rikina:Advertisers (ref. /HeavenlyTransportCompany)
*[[TheNexusProject/RainOfSmoke]]:Nighthammer seamstress, subject of rumors (ref. [[TheNexusProject/AshtownReapers|Ashtown Reapers]])
;/RainOfSmoke:Nighthammer seamstress, subject of rumors (ref. /AshtownReapers)
*[[TheNexusProject/RiversEdgeRestaurant]]:Prestigious restaurant in Cinnabar (ref. [[TheNexusProject/JunasBreadbasket|Junas Breadbasket]], [[TheNexusProject/TheMainChance|The Main Chance]])
;/RiversEdgeRestaurant:Prestigious restaurant in Cinnabar (ref. /JunasBreadbasket, /TheMainChance)
*[[TheNexusProject/TheRose]]:Brothel in the Nexus district (ref. [[TheNexusProject/CassioValn|Cassio Valn]], [[TheNexusProject/DelicateOrchid|Delicate Orchid]], [[TheNexusProject/SixRadiantStars|Six Radiant Stars]])
;/TheRose:Brothel in the Nexus district (ref. /CassioValn, /DelicateOrchid, /SixRadiantStars)
*[[TheNexusProject/TheSailorsBreakfast]]:Bad food in Cinnabar (ref. [[TheNexusProject/BoddelsEaterie|Boddels Eaterie]])
;/TheSailorsBreakfast:Bad food in Cinnabar (ref. /BoddelsEaterie)
*[[TheNexusProject/TheScarletManor]]:Large building (ref. [[TheNexusProject/HouseOfTheBlueRose|House of the Blue Rose]], [[TheNexusProject/MoleSpiderThief|Mole Spider Thief]])
;/TheScarletManor:Large building (ref. /HouseOfTheBlueRose, /MoleSpiderThief)
*[[TheNexusProject/SevenHillsMercenaries]]:Mercenary company (ref. [[TheNexusProject/PelepsDeknasIronFoundry|Peleps Deknas Iron Foundry]])
;/SevenHillsMercenaries:Mercenary company (ref. /PelepsDeknasIronFoundry)
*[[TheNexusProject/SignsAndPortents|Signs and Portents]]:Signpainter in Sentinel's Hill (ref. [[TheNexusProject/PrintsOfPleasure|Prints of Pleasure]])
;/SignsAndPortents:Signpainter in Sentinel's Hill (ref. /PrintsOfPleasure)
*[[TheNexusProject/SilverPalm]]:A mysterious man who keeps track of some not-necessarily-legal records (ref. [[TheNexusProject/WinterlightPawnShoppe|Winterlight Pawn Shoppe]])
;/SilverPalm:A mysterious man who keeps track of some not-necessarily-legal records (ref. /WinterlightPawnShoppe)
*[[TheNexusProject/SiteOfSweetQuiescence]]:Nexus burial site(ref. [[TheNexusProject/ThreeRascals|Three Rascals]])
;/SiteOfSweetQuiescence:Nexus burial site(ref. /ThreeRascals)
*[[TheNexusProject/SowsTrotterLane]]:Street in Firewander (ref. [[TheNexusProject/TheNexusScuttlebutt|The Nexus Scuttlebutt]])
;/SowsTrotterLane:Street in Firewander (ref. /TheNexusScuttlebutt)
*[[TheNexusProject/StarlitFantasySquare]]: The first shopping mall in Creation (ref. [[TheNexusProject/TheLittleDeath|The Little Death]])
;/StarlitFantasySquare: The first shopping mall in Creation (ref. /TheLittleDeath)
*[[TheNexusProject/StevedoreRow]]:Street in the Nexus district (ref. [[TheNexusProject/YeskaneroMerchantingFamily|Yeskanero Merchanting Family]])
;/StevedoreRow:Street in the Nexus district (ref. /YeskaneroMerchantingFamily)
*[[TheNexusProject/StonePineCultists]]:Cultists of Firewander with a strange chant (ref. [[TheNexusProject/StonePineMarsh|Stone Pine Marsh]], [[TheNexusProject/DeadBeastHill|Dead Beast Hill]])
;/StonePineCultists:Cultists of Firewander with a strange chant (ref. /StonePineMarsh, /DeadBeastHill)
*[[TheNexusProject/SuoujPhichez]]:A construction boss in Nighthammer (ref. [[TheNexusProject/RednailsKiln|Rednails Kiln]])
;/SuoujPhichez:A construction boss in Nighthammer (ref. /RednailsKiln)
*[[TheNexusProject/TallarnsAlchemica]]:An alchemist's shop-factory, destroyed during the Great Nexus Fire (ref. [[TheNexusProject/TheGreatNexusFire|The Great Nexus Fire]], [[TheNexusProject/CrooknecksRow|Crooknecks Row]])
;/TallarnsAlchemica:An alchemist's shop-factory, destroyed during the Great Nexus Fire (ref. /TheGreatNexusFire,/CrooknecksRow)
*[[TheNexusProject/ToweringMaple]]:Famous puppeteer and puppet maker (ref. [[TheNexusProject/RedstoneTheatre|Redstone Theatre]])
;/ToweringMaple:Famous puppeteer and puppet maker (ref. /RedstoneTheatre)
*[[TheNexusProject/ToweringOpal]]:Rising art critic (ref. [[TheNexusProject/LadyOfDancingTigerReeds|Lady of Dancing Tiger Reeds]])
;/ToweringOpal:Rising art critic (ref. /LadyOfDancingTigerReeds)
*[[TheNexusProject/TowerOfNine|Tower of Nine]] (current dib has expired; free to write; feel free to overwrite any current contents):Mercenary company (ref. [[TheNexusProject/BlackLarksSong|Black Larks Song]], [[TheNexusProject/NightWoodPark|Night Wood Park]], [[TheNexusProject/TshugarsAnnualJunkSale|Tshugars Annual Junk Sale]])
;/TowerOfNine (current dib has expired; free to write; feel free to overwrite any current contents):Mercenary company (ref. /BlackLarksSong, /NightWoodPark, /TshugarsAnnualJunkSale)
*[[TheNexusProject/TunnelRatz]]:Street gang in the Nexus Underground (ref. [[TheNexusProject/TheTunnelz|The Tunnelz]])
;/TunnelRatz:Street gang in the Nexus Underground (ref. /TheTunnelz)
*[[TheNexusProject/TwistedLight]]: Master swordsman at [[TheNexusProject/TheBurningBladeDojo|The Burning Blade Dojo]]
;/TwistedLight: Master swordsman at /TheBurningBladeDojo
*[[TheNexusProject/TylerMehling]]: Mastermind of a thieves' guild (ref. [[TheNexusProject/TheBandedDisc|The Banded Disc]])
;/TylerMehling: Mastermind of a thieves' guild (ref. /TheBandedDisc)
*[[TheNexusProject/TheWillfulGoat]]:Restaurant in the Underground. Its waiters have been described as "poor souls." (ref. [[TheNexusProject/GuenSilYeong|Guen Sil Yeong]], [[TheNexusProject/DokaTheUnclean|Doka the Unclean]]/)
;/TheWillfulGoat:Restaurant in the Underground (ref. /GuenSilYeong)
*[[TheNexusProject/UnfetteredUmbrellasBookDepository]]:Privately owned library (ref. [[TheNexusProject/AzureGlassBooks|Azure Glass Books]])
;/UnfetteredUmbrellasBookDepository:Privately owned library (ref. /AzureGlassBooks)
=== Comments ===
=== Comments ===
I did all the links from the Singular People of Note in the [[/Index]], then lost patience.  Hope you guys are willing to add those from your own entries ...<br>~ [[Shataina]]
I did all the links from the Singular People of Note in the [[TheNexusProject/Index|Index]], then lost patience.  Hope you guys are willing to add those from your own entries ...<br>~ [[Shataina]]
Did the whole lot, including direct references. Unlinked references I really couldn't be bothered with. - [[Moxiane]]
Did the whole lot, including direct references. Unlinked references I really couldn't be bothered with. - [[Moxiane]]
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::Sure. If the (N)PC is Nexus-related then no worries. However... the implication of the entries is that the main body is publicly-available and generally accurate, the rumours are easy to track down and of varying veracity and the secret is difficult to find and definitely accurate. If you can get a PC in under those lines then that's great. - [[Moxiane]]
::Sure. If the (N)PC is Nexus-related then no worries. However... the implication of the entries is that the main body is publicly-available and generally accurate, the rumours are easy to track down and of varying veracity and the secret is difficult to find and definitely accurate. If you can get a PC in under those lines then that's great. - [[Moxiane]]
We have 68 unwritten links, by my count.  Maybe there should be a moratorium on new links for a while, or maybe we should let one or two exemplary people (MelWong or [[Moxiane]], perhaps) do "binding" entries to keep things under control. -[[EJGRgunner]]
We have 68 unwritten links, by my count.  Maybe there should be a moratorium on new links for a while, or maybe we should let one or two exemplary people ([[MelWong]] or [[Moxiane]], perhaps) do "binding" entries to keep things under control. -[[EJGRgunner]]
:I don't really think that that's necessary. Part of my goal when starting this was to make it spread out wildly, and the unwritten links help with that. The only <i>real</i> problem is when you get links like the one for /TheGreatNexusFire, which has been referenced now in 6 entries - each of which largely disqualifies the author from tackling it. I fully expected from DayOne that there would be links that would never be written, and this is just a part of that. At the same time, if you want to write up links listed here and only reference other pre-made open links, then that's also fine. You don't <i>have</i> to add new open links if you don't wanna. - [[Moxiane]]
:I don't really think that that's necessary. Part of my goal when starting this was to make it spread out wildly, and the unwritten links help with that. The only <i>real</i> problem is when you get links like the one for[[TheNexusProject/TheGreatNexusFire|The Great Nexus Fire]], which has been referenced now in 6 entries - each of which largely disqualifies the author from tackling it. I fully expected from [[DayOne]] that there would be links that would never be written, and this is just a part of that. At the same time, if you want to write up links listed here and only reference other pre-made open links, then that's also fine. You don't <i>have</i> to add new open links if you don't wanna. - [[Moxiane]]
::My only concern is that with things being so unwieldy, people might be discouraged from joining in.  - [[EJGRgunner]]
::My only concern is that with things being so unwieldy, people might be discouraged from joining in.  - [[EJGRgunner]]
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:Thanks. I wasn't sure how to do it. - [[Moxiane]] <i>pissed at the spammer</i>
:Thanks. I wasn't sure how to do it. - [[Moxiane]] <i>pissed at the spammer</i>
I motion that we institute a rule that states that you can't dib a new entry unless you've completed your previous outstanding dibs.  It's unfair to let people dib multiple times at once, and it also seems unfair to me to allow people to dib at all if they have a record of not following through -- all that accomplishes is disallowing other people who might actually write the entry.  The purpose of the "dibs" rule is to keep other people from writing an entry that you're already working on, after all, not to prevent other people from doing so if you're not even sure what you'll do with it.  (Note, BrilliantRain, please don't be offended -- this isn't aimed solely at you and isn't intended as a criticism or attack on your character or whatever, although I'll admit that you inspired it.)<br>~ [[Shataina]]
I motion that we institute a rule that states that you can't dib a new entry unless you've completed your previous outstanding dibs.  It's unfair to let people dib multiple times at once, and it also seems unfair to me to allow people to dib at all if they have a record of not following through -- all that accomplishes is disallowing other people who might actually write the entry.  The purpose of the "dibs" rule is to keep other people from writing an entry that you're already working on, after all, not to prevent other people from doing so if you're not even sure what you'll do with it.  (Note, [[BrilliantRain]], please don't be offended -- this isn't aimed solely at you and isn't intended as a criticism or attack on your character or whatever, although I'll admit that you inspired it.)<br>~ [[Shataina]]
:Hmm, I don't know, Shataina... What if you have a great idea for an entry, and you're working on it, but then you get a great idea for another entry and you just <i>have</i> to finish that one before you can go back to the first one? I'm pretty sure I've done that (but then, my thought processes tend to jump around - and no comments please on the relative "greatness" of my entries, because that's not what I mean ^_~). Maybe no more than two entries dibsed at a time? There are a lot of unwritten entries, and I'm not sure that instituting a rule that potentially discourages dibsing is the best move. I wonder if it would be better to rely on basic wiki courtesy to keep people from just putting dibs on a bunch of entires at once? Because putting in a rule is trusting wikizens to follow it out of courtesy anyway. -[[Okensha]]
:Hmm, I don't know, Shataina... What if you have a great idea for an entry, and you're working on it, but then you get a great idea for another entry and you just <i>have</i> to finish that one before you can go back to the first one? I'm pretty sure I've done that (but then, my thought processes tend to jump around - and no comments please on the relative "greatness" of my entries, because that's not what I mean ^_~). Maybe no more than two entries dibsed at a time? There are a lot of unwritten entries, and I'm not sure that instituting a rule that potentially discourages dibsing is the best move. I wonder if it would be better to rely on basic wiki courtesy to keep people from just putting dibs on a bunch of entires at once? Because putting in a rule is trusting wikizens to follow it out of courtesy anyway. -[[Okensha]]
:None taken. I admit I've been a bit lax lately.  I would point out, though that they do expire and I don't mind somone taking one if I've left it for a while.  I'll try to complete my outstanding claims in the next week, assuming no-one else wants them.  I didn't realise it was that big of a problem actually, as there are tons of unwritten links and dibbs only last for 2 days.  --BrilliantRain
:None taken. I admit I've been a bit lax lately.  I would point out, though that they do expire and I don't mind somone taking one if I've left it for a while.  I'll try to complete my outstanding claims in the next week, assuming no-one else wants them.  I didn't realise it was that big of a problem actually, as there are tons of unwritten links and dibbs only last for 2 days.  --[[BrilliantRain]]
::Yeah, you're right, my suggestion is a bit hardcore, [[Okensha]], and we might as well tone it down.  (And don't worry, I had no intention of complimenting your entries again, you've had apparently too much praise from me. ;)  It isn't really a major problem, BrilliantRain, except that people are often unwilling to write dibsed entries even when the dibs have run out.  Basically, I have no problem with people who haven't followed through on previous dibs writing entries -- I'm just not sure it's a good idea for them to dibs things, you know?  I just want to keep the dibs rule from becoming something that discourages writers more than it aids efficiency.<br>~ [[Shataina]]
::Yeah, you're right, my suggestion is a bit hardcore, [[Okensha]], and we might as well tone it down.  (And don't worry, I had no intention of complimenting your entries again, you've had apparently too much praise from me. ;)  It isn't really a major problem, [[BrilliantRain]], except that people are often unwilling to write dibsed entries even when the dibs have run out.  Basically, I have no problem with people who haven't followed through on previous dibs writing entries -- I'm just not sure it's a good idea for them to dibs things, you know?  I just want to keep the dibs rule from becoming something that discourages writers more than it aids efficiency.<br>~ [[Shataina]]
:::I would agree that probably a lot of people are reluctant to write a dibsed entry, even if they know th dibs has expired... -[[Okensha]]
:::I would agree that probably a lot of people are reluctant to write a dibsed entry, even if they know th dibs has expired... -[[Okensha]]
::::That is a good point.  I know that I am reluctant to take over a dibbsed entry myself.  So why not create a rule or policy or something that, if a particular dibbs claim has expired, you leave a message asking for the page and if it isn't answered in another 48 hours, you are free to take the page anyway.  or something.  And I'm going to get that statue finished tonight or totally erase everything there and let anyone have it if they want it--BrilliantRain
::::That is a good point.  I know that I am reluctant to take over a dibbsed entry myself.  So why not create a rule or policy or something that, if a particular dibbs claim has expired, you leave a message asking for the page and if it isn't answered in another 48 hours, you are free to take the page anyway.  or something.  And I'm going to get that statue finished tonight or totally erase everything there and let anyone have it if they want it--[[BrilliantRain]]
:::::I like that idea, asking if it's okay to take over an expired dibs, and waiting the same amount of time as takes a dibs to expire also seems right. -[[Okensha]]
:::::I like that idea, asking if it's okay to take over an expired dibs, and waiting the same amount of time as takes a dibs to expire also seems right. -[[Okensha]]
:I messed up when adding a link, and -- in a rush -- forgot to check it as a minor change. So, this one will be marked as minor. -ThatWhichMoves
:I messed up when adding a link, and -- in a rush -- forgot to check it as a minor change. So, this one will be marked as minor. -[[ThatWhichMoves]]
I really quite like this project, and I do believe I will start to dive in on some of these unwritten links. - TheHoverpope
I really quite like this project, and I do believe I will start to dive in on some of these unwritten links. - [[TheHoverpope]]

Latest revision as of 22:25, 3 June 2010

Unwritten Links

This is a list of entries to which there are links in existent entries, but which haven't been written yet.

You can call dibs on an unwritten entry by making a note with your name and the date / time next to its name. Dibs last for a maximum of 48 hours. Once you are done with an entry, please remove it from this list.

The best way to find the entries which have cited a link that you want to complete is to use the Wiki-search function.

It would be awesome if people would add unwritten links from their own entries.

(By the way, it's considered polite to add your links to this list using a minor edit.)

The Links


I did all the links from the Singular People of Note in the Index, then lost patience. Hope you guys are willing to add those from your own entries ...
~ Shataina

Did the whole lot, including direct references. Unlinked references I really couldn't be bothered with. - Moxiane

Wow! Well done. By the way, I think you missed a question of mine on the main page -- do you think it's okay to write entries about things that have long backstories elsewhere (e.g. PCs)?
~ Shataina
Sure. If the (N)PC is Nexus-related then no worries. However... the implication of the entries is that the main body is publicly-available and generally accurate, the rumours are easy to track down and of varying veracity and the secret is difficult to find and definitely accurate. If you can get a PC in under those lines then that's great. - Moxiane

We have 68 unwritten links, by my count. Maybe there should be a moratorium on new links for a while, or maybe we should let one or two exemplary people (MelWong or Moxiane, perhaps) do "binding" entries to keep things under control. -EJGRgunner

I don't really think that that's necessary. Part of my goal when starting this was to make it spread out wildly, and the unwritten links help with that. The only real problem is when you get links like the one forThe Great Nexus Fire, which has been referenced now in 6 entries - each of which largely disqualifies the author from tackling it. I fully expected from DayOne that there would be links that would never be written, and this is just a part of that. At the same time, if you want to write up links listed here and only reference other pre-made open links, then that's also fine. You don't have to add new open links if you don't wanna. - Moxiane
My only concern is that with things being so unwieldy, people might be discouraged from joining in. - EJGRgunner
Why don't we just say that only the person who invented a given unwritten link is disallowed from writing it? Hence, I couldn't write Radiant Spear or Interwoven Avenue, but anyone else could, even if they first referenced them somewhere else. I don't see any reason to disallow everyone who references an unwritten link from writing it.
~ Shataina

Hey Moxiane, I'm not sure if you already know this, but it looks like you used an unnecessary amount of effort editing out the spam last time so I figured I'd note it just in case ... if you click on the link for the revision that happened right before the spammer hit a certain page, it'll allow you to edit directly from that revision so that you don't have to copy/paste or whatever.
~ Shataina

Thanks. I wasn't sure how to do it. - Moxiane pissed at the spammer

I motion that we institute a rule that states that you can't dib a new entry unless you've completed your previous outstanding dibs. It's unfair to let people dib multiple times at once, and it also seems unfair to me to allow people to dib at all if they have a record of not following through -- all that accomplishes is disallowing other people who might actually write the entry. The purpose of the "dibs" rule is to keep other people from writing an entry that you're already working on, after all, not to prevent other people from doing so if you're not even sure what you'll do with it. (Note, BrilliantRain, please don't be offended -- this isn't aimed solely at you and isn't intended as a criticism or attack on your character or whatever, although I'll admit that you inspired it.)
~ Shataina

Hmm, I don't know, Shataina... What if you have a great idea for an entry, and you're working on it, but then you get a great idea for another entry and you just have to finish that one before you can go back to the first one? I'm pretty sure I've done that (but then, my thought processes tend to jump around - and no comments please on the relative "greatness" of my entries, because that's not what I mean ^_~). Maybe no more than two entries dibsed at a time? There are a lot of unwritten entries, and I'm not sure that instituting a rule that potentially discourages dibsing is the best move. I wonder if it would be better to rely on basic wiki courtesy to keep people from just putting dibs on a bunch of entires at once? Because putting in a rule is trusting wikizens to follow it out of courtesy anyway. -Okensha
None taken. I admit I've been a bit lax lately. I would point out, though that they do expire and I don't mind somone taking one if I've left it for a while. I'll try to complete my outstanding claims in the next week, assuming no-one else wants them. I didn't realise it was that big of a problem actually, as there are tons of unwritten links and dibbs only last for 2 days. --BrilliantRain
Yeah, you're right, my suggestion is a bit hardcore, Okensha, and we might as well tone it down. (And don't worry, I had no intention of complimenting your entries again, you've had apparently too much praise from me. ;) It isn't really a major problem, BrilliantRain, except that people are often unwilling to write dibsed entries even when the dibs have run out. Basically, I have no problem with people who haven't followed through on previous dibs writing entries -- I'm just not sure it's a good idea for them to dibs things, you know? I just want to keep the dibs rule from becoming something that discourages writers more than it aids efficiency.
~ Shataina
I would agree that probably a lot of people are reluctant to write a dibsed entry, even if they know th dibs has expired... -Okensha
That is a good point. I know that I am reluctant to take over a dibbsed entry myself. So why not create a rule or policy or something that, if a particular dibbs claim has expired, you leave a message asking for the page and if it isn't answered in another 48 hours, you are free to take the page anyway. or something. And I'm going to get that statue finished tonight or totally erase everything there and let anyone have it if they want it--BrilliantRain
I like that idea, asking if it's okay to take over an expired dibs, and waiting the same amount of time as takes a dibs to expire also seems right. -Okensha
I messed up when adding a link, and -- in a rush -- forgot to check it as a minor change. So, this one will be marked as minor. -ThatWhichMoves

I really quite like this project, and I do believe I will start to dive in on some of these unwritten links. - TheHoverpope