This page is dedicated to the Fair Folk. Princes of chaos and immortal masters of the twisted Wyld, these eldritch beings play their endless games of politics and war beyond the borders of creation. Some few amongst them choose to venture out into the poisonous reality of the mudane world shaping idealised physical forms for themselves, fashioned from the myths and legands of humanity, and feast upon the dreams and nightmares of the mortal cattle. The Fair Folk are detailed in Exalted: The Fair Folk
Frequently Asked Questions andFairFolk/Glossary, or, "How I Learned To Love The Borgstrom"
The Raksha are separated into castes according to the primary virtue that they subscribe to. Each of the virtues corresponds to a grace. Graces are the physical and spiritual representations of the Raksha's virtues. These are matched up as follows:
- Cup = Compassion
- Ring = Temperance
- Staff = Conviction
- Sword = Valour
- Heart
Non-Canonical Graces
Non-Canon Altered Graces:
- Arafelis/FairFolk
- Nirupadhika, the Way Grace - expansion Charms on a canon Minor Grace
Unlike Exalts, who define their castes by single principles, the raksha divide their castes by the Virtues that they uphold. Commoner raksha are tied to a single Virtue, giving them only four Castes to belong to, while noble raksha may not only construct their Caste from two Virtues, but decide which of those Virtues is currently ascendant, shifting their Caste from time to time.
Major Courts
The five major courts of the Raksha are each dedicated to one of the principal virtues of the Fae. These are:
- RubyCourt - Associated with the virtue of conviction
- LapisCourt - Associated with the virute of compassion
- PearlCourt - Associated with the virtue of willpower
- OpalCourt - Associated with the virtue of valor
- JetCourt - Associated with the virtue of temperance
Other Courts of Note
- DiamondCourt - The former court associated with the virtue of conviction
- Voidstate/IcehazeCourt
The core of the fair folk courts are made up of allied and affliated households. These households are groups of Raksha who hold similar views reguarding the assendant nature of one of the cardinal Virtues. Numerous households exist that owe no allegiance to any of the standing courts and act completly independantly of them. When one of the established courts falls either through disgrace or war the households scramble to supplant it. The most recent example of this is when the RubyCourt supplanted the ruined DiamondCourt.
The strongholds and manses of the fair folk. Freeholds are constructed upon the demesnes that form both in creation and in the chaos of the wyld. The fae lords of these domains are attuned to everything within their boundaries, every rock and blade of grass and can shape them to their will from anywhere within the freehold. In the wyld freeholds take the forms of cities of sculpted glass and fortresses of woven mists or anything else that its master has the will and imagination to create. Those Freeholds that exist within the borders of creation are somewhat more limited in scope. Because they are surrounded by the corrosive effects of reality they must be walled away and concealed. These freeholds are smaller than their wyld counterparts and are typically concealed under hills or at the bottom of lakes.
Some Freeholds
- MistIsland - The mysterious island that lies far to the east where the waters of the Rock River mingle with those of the Yellow. (non-canon)
- The Chapel of Liar's Ice
- Samudaya - the Obsidian Household
- Vallikagra
- Caelene/BuildTraits - Building freeholds as in Oedanol's Codex manses.
Shaping combat
- Shaping combat primer
- ShapingCombat-- An attempted explanation of shaping combat. Very rough any help welcome
- ShapingCombat101
The artifacts of the Fair Folk are numerous and strange by the standards of Creation.
The Shinma embody the concepts that provide definition even to the Wyld.
Martial Arts
With the right mutation, Fair Folk can learn martial arts like terrestrials. Here are some styles either specifically for them:
- DarkheartOne/SnowMonkeyStyle
- MartialArts/FallingPetalStyle
- MartialArts/GryphonStyle
- MartialArtsRelay/Raksha
- FairFolkCharms
- BerserkSeraph/LordsandLadies - one path to understanding Fair Folk
- Bedlam - some thoughts
- FifteenRakshaInAmber - MetalFatigue's pointless exercise in assigning each of the major characters from Roger Zelazny's Chronicles of Amber to one of the castes of raksha nobility
- Raksha Combat - DarkheartOne's rambling spiel on what raksha have for and against them, and also just a general discussion page. Input is greatly appreciated!
- Creation Surviving Strategies - Talion's list of some of the more obscure methods of surviving Creation.
- Raksha Chargen - Morrigu's gathered thoughts on how to make raksha chargen in a celestials level game set in Creation work, as well as ways to try and beat the rather low roof for long term progression. Mostly made because she wishes she'd had something like it when she started trying to make her first raksha.
- DariusSolluman/CreepyFae
- ShapingArts
- DharmaShinma
- Xeriar/Shinma
- IsawaBrian/Celestines - The unconquered sun as Creation's graces.
- LunarsAreFine/FairFolkCharms - Lunar use of Fair Folk charms
- SuzumeArtifacts/WyldChallenge
- BerserkSeraph/RakshaChallenge
- Challenge/SevilleRabbit
- Thus_Spake_Zaraborgstrom - contains many entries that deal with Fair Folk
- Caelene/WoDRaksha - Part of a "What would happen if the Exalted returned to the World of Darkness?" setting I'm working on with a number of folks. Come check it out!
- TedPro/Mobstergame - An idea for using Fair Folk rules in a game of modern organized crime narrative.
- A number of examples for oaths, behemoths, glamour sorcery, etc. can be found within individual write ups of Characters/Raksha
FairFolk/ShapedSociety FairFolk/RainwaterJaguars
- Wordman/PrimordialTheory and how Fair Folk were made. And what they could become.
- Grypph/FFMutCharms - List of mutatable charms
- Vaegrim/FairFolkCrunch
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Just a thought - wouldn't the various types of fair-folk be better as sub-pages to this one? eg: FairFolk/Luminary
-- Darloth
Errrr... not on a wiki. Possibly better as FairFolkLuminary. -szilard
- Implemented this suggestion. --MF
I don't quite follow you. Each of the Fair Folk castes already links to a sub page. I intend to put descriptions of the castes in here just as soon as possible. I'm trying to do it with out copying out of the book and I'm a bit tired to be creative. Look under Anarch to see what i mean. If anyone wants to help we fill this stuff out it would be welcome. Also any works of glamour any one wants to post. -- Ageis
Hey don't forget the EmeraldCourt. The Raksha of the DiamondCourt aren't the only Fair Folk to fall victim to their own hubris. Glamourweaver
EmeraldCourt you say. I must of missed that one (Unless it was the one that got raided by the winged monkeys of the wicked witch) would you care to offer up a page number or better yet do short section yourself? -- Ageis
- p. 64: Previous courts include the EmeraldCourt--now a mere household, due to the carelessness of its twin rulers, though still devoted to Valor.... That's the only mention of it in the book. A longer description was presumably cut for lack of space. --MF
Could someone do an example of Fae<nowikiFairFolk/Raksha</nowiki> Shaping and Charms , a la HowToEnrichCattleProduction? -- RichardX1
- Absolutely. I for the life of my can't work out how it all works. The one shaping action per scene really throws me out - NightRain
- It's exactly like physical combat but slower and you use different Traits sometimes. - willows
Way to go OhJames with all the caste descriptions! --MF
Ok just added some stuff I got off the WW Forums by Mailanka. Some good stuff on Shaping Combat. - Paladinltd
Just moved both shaping combat articles to the same catagory, as well as adding a description to oaths. - FrozenHermit
Added a link to Frequently Asked Questions - I, for one, have been confused by The Fair Folk since I bought it. I think it would be a good idea to have a resource to collectively clarify the terms within it, so it can be more easily used. --Kukla
Total agreeance. I intend to work up a Shaping Combat and You breakdown, and maybe my own attempt at a staged shaping battle, since OhJames seems to have stalled out on his for the moment. (And it was so awesome, too!) Man, finally something I can have regular input on! -RakshaBoy