The Primordials were -- and are -- the beings that created Creation. They were overthrown by their servants, the gods in the Primordial War. The slain Primordials became the Neverborn; the survivors were imprisoned in one of their own (Malfeas) and became the Yozis. Two Primordials remain whole and unchanged: Gaia and Autochthon. There were also two further Primordials unaccounted for, one later returned to initiate the Aftershock War (where it was eventually slain) and the fate of the latter remains unknown. In 1st Edition, the slain primordials were known as the Malfeans; this changed to the Neverborn in 2nd Edition.
A large number of CreationTheories involve the Primordials.
[hide]Canonical Primordials
List of named Primordials that would later become Neverborn or Yozis
- Adrian, The River of Torments (later reformed as Adorjan The Silent Wind)
- Cecelyne, The Endless Desert
- Cytherea, Mother of Creation
- The Dragon's Shadow (later the Ebon Dragon)
- He Who Bleeds the Unknown Word (later reformed as Elloge the Sphere of Speech)
- Lidless Eye That Sees (later reformed as Sacheverell He Who Sees the Shape of Things To Come)
- Hegra, the Typhoon of Nightmares
- Isidoros, the Black Boar Whose Tusks Twist the Skies
- Kimbery, The Sea That Marched Against the Flame
- Metagaos, the Unwilted Petals of the Thousand Toothed Blossom
- Oramus, The Dragon Outside the World
- She Who Lives in Her Name
- Szoreny, the Silver Forest
Contributor-created Primordials
- Ashura - another type of primordial, imprisoned before the war.
- Voidstate/PrimordialPowers - Exalts who have stolen the powers of Primordials. Based on Nobilis.
In this page's intro text, there is reference to two unaccounted-for Primordials, one of which initiated the "Aftershock War". Where is this reference from? I don't recall it from any of my 1st Edition materials. - Quendalon
- That's because I don't think it was mentioned in 1E. I believe the idea was first introduced in Dreams of the First Age. - Wordman