From Exalted - Unofficial Wiki
Revision as of 03:58, 17 January 2006 by ThatWhichMoves (talk)
An urban hell of rickety buildings, makeshift stalls, gang warfare, Wyld-spawned monsters and worse, Firewander is generally inhabited only by those who have no choice in the matter, either through poverty or violence. Scant trade occurs here, and most of that would be illegal anywhere else in the Scavenger Lands and is frowned upon by the “upright” citizenry of Nexus itself, but the denizens make do with what they have.
The Entries
- /TheBandedDisc by Buji
- /BoddelsEaterie by Moxiane
- /ChapeloftheEarthboundStars by FlowsLikeBits
- /DeadBeastHill by Hulen
- /DrunkenWindStreet by Moxiane
- /Eroica by Everyl
- /FlitteringShroud by Xarak
- /Kelyom by OhJames
- /KreshInik by Paladinltd
- /MadmansHands by ThatWhichMoves
- /Malfeas by Scytheus
- /MarosHerbariumAndApothecary by MelWong
- /MyProdigalSun by OhJames
- /TheNexusScuttlebutt by MelWong
- /NexusScepticsSociety by Xarak
- /OldGran by OhJames
- /PenYaun by OhJames
- /PrintsOfPleasure by Moxiane
- /Qurtok by FlowsLikeBits
- /TheRivergateScandal by EJGRgunner
- /SeventhTomb by BrilliantRain
- /TheSingingDisease by Paladinltd
- /StonePineMarsh by OhJames
- /VictrolaFlardun by Paladinltd