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Chorifa, the Soil Fertile With Beginnings and Endings

Progeny Count: 4:13:7
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  • Aiomina, The Thing That Cannot Stop Being (TheHoverpope)
    An eternal wanderer, for whom all of the world is best forgotten.
    • Dav, Expressive, The Mind Without a Home (TheHoverpope)
      A disembodied soul, a pattern of thought that imprints itself on those uncautious enough to be near it.
    • Tototh, Understanding, The Savant Who Has Felt Your Pain Or Will (TheHoverpope)
      An abomination whose entire existence is to experience every suffering.
  • Anapyxi, Fetich Soul of Chorifa, The Sower of Seeds Innumerable (TheHoverpope)
    A spirit of infinite, accidental fecundity, in whose passage the world is changed.
    • Anetessa, Amending, The Doctor Who May Not Heal (TheHoverpope)
      A great ape, a doctor whose healing is artistry.
      • Caroshi, With the Bladed Hands (TheHoverpope)
        Torturers of men created by Anetessa to convince victims of the need for his services.
      • Raneet, The Sacrifice for Life (TheHoverpope)
        Creatures like sea urchins that act as wombs, creating terrible hybrid things in the demon city.
    • Cynessitten, Growing, The Shapeless Expansion (TheHoverpope)
      A barely sentient demon, one that is the grass underfoot made malign.
    • Derethan, Corrupting, The Sprouting Blight (TheHoverpope)
      A creature of plague, for whom spreading disease is the sole purpose of living.
      • Talethus, The Most Wretched Mendicant (TheHoverpope)
        Creatures shaped like holy men who take seek aid from the innocent and disease those who are kind to them.
    • Phormetis, Absorbing, The Permanence of Change (TheHoverpope)
      An oracle and scholar who holds in his hand the wisdom of the demon city.
      • Aai, The Slate (TheHoverpope)
        Hollow men, mannequins that copy those near them and then kill their masters.
    • Shabbuth-Which-Cannot-Walk, Longing, Which Cannot Walk (TheHoverpope)
      A great tree cursed by his own immobility.
    • Terianessi, Consuming, The Desirous Urge Freed (TheHoverpope)
      An embodiment of desire who compulsively seduces.
    • The Thing in Horror of Itself, Cleansing, The Thing in Horror of Itself (TheHoverpope)
      A monster in unimaginable pain who seeks to kill everything thanks to his compassion.
      • Tinetora, Spreader of Salt (TheHoverpope)
        One of the thing's tentacles, a creature that latches onto anything growing.
  • Dikos Mou, The Mine of All Things Buried (TheHoverpope)
    The essence of all things buried and lost in earth, master of the ability of the earth to conceal and reveal the things within it.
    • Shoggoleth, Defining, The Knife That Wittles Away (TheHoverpope)
      A demon who bargains with anyone willing; she has great gifts and greater costs.
      • Achristos, That Which Remains (TheHoverpope)
        A victim of Shoggoleth, the end result of cutting away anything unessential to your desire.
    • Tolens, Reflective, The Bargain that is Not Equal (TheHoverpope)
      A suffering creature remade by its master to be a mine for exotic materials.
  • Ypsos, The Mountain Without Peak (TheHoverpope)
    The power of the earth intruding into the world, the Mountain is the destructive facet of Chorifa.
    • Essanell, Indulgent, The Blades of Battles Past (TheHoverpope)
      Greatest of the warriors of Chorifa's flesh, a creature made of and for combat.
      • Senesho, The Words of True Courage (TheHoverpope)
        A warrior whose purpose is to inspire valor in others, by any means necessary.
    • Tenesene, Reflective, The Track Unmarked (TheHoverpope)
      A being who solves small problems by making many far greater.