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Sol's Shielding Hand (• • • •) - A light glove with abilities protecting the wearer.
August Gauntlet of Finalty (TBA) - Smashfist that greatly increases the wielder's strength with Moonsilver lining. May be converted to function as an Essence Cannon-like weapon at will.


Maw of the Dragons (• • •) - A Jade Daiklave that is a mancatcher too.


Elegant Mortician's Gifts (• • •) - A robe of finest black weave that guards its wearer by bursting in a storm of black rose petals.
Wraith-Blood Chains (• • • •) - Chains wrapped around the body that feed off your blood, but assist in battle, deflecting blows and entagling enemies.
The Soul Eye (• • • •) - Eyepiece to see the souls of the living, and flay them wholesale from the body, casting them to Oblivion.


Torturous Knives of Cecylene (• • •) - Vitrioline Razor Claws that deplete the victim's strength.
The Perfected Panoply of Alchemical Duplication of Reality and Orders Celestial, Terrestrial and Abyssal (NTrithneArtifacts/A) - Autocthon's tool for remaking Creation if it ever came to pass, programmed to clone the world as it was when he left. Totally game-breaking.