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Connection to the Cycle</b>

 <b>Cost: None
 Duration: Permanent
 Type: Special
 Min Occult: 5
 Min Essence: 5
 Prereqs: Terrestrial Circle Sorcery

The Emerald Dragons are the champions of Wood, the element of Life and of Death. By tapping into this connection they are able to tune their Essence to the full cycle of life and death. Upon learning this Charm, a Terrestrial becomes able to learn Shadowlands Circle Necromancy. This Charm may only be learned by Wood-Aspected Dragon-Bloods. When casting Necromancy spells, Terrestrials add 1 willpower to the cost of all spells.

Sorcery Shaping Unity</b>

 <b>Cost: None
 Duration: Permanent
 Type: Special
 Min Occult: 4
 Min Essence: 4
 Prereqs: Terrestrial Circle Sorcery

The Dragon-Blooded are not only known for their ability to unify their efforts through training and Charms, but Sorcery. Normally this refers to spells such as that which binds Sworn Brotherhoods together but that is not the limit of the collective powers of the Terrestrial Exalted. Once this Charm has been learned, the Terrestrial is able to join in or lead Supportive Sorcery. See rules for CollectiveSorcery.

Harmonious Union Technique</b>

 <b>Cost: None
 Duration: Permanent
 Type: Special
 Min Occult: 5
 Min Essence: 5
 Prereqs: Sorcery Shaping Unity

Though individually no Terrestrial Exalted can even start to comprehend the mysteries of the Celestial Circle, the power of the Dragon-Blooded was never ment to be measured by individual strength. By working together in groups of auspicious numbers it is possible for Dragon-Blooded sorcerers to improve their power. This Charm allows a Dragon-Blooded to purchase Celestial Circle Sorcery and a limited selection of spells for the same XP cost as Immaculate Charms.

Celestial Circle Sorcery</b>

 <b>Cost: 2 willpower
 Duration: Three turns
 Type: Simple
 Min Occult: 4
 Min Essence: 4
 Prereqs: Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, Harmonious Union Technique

This Charm allows the purchase and casting of spells of the Celestial Circle. Spells must be purchased seperatly from this Charm and have their own costs, normally quite high. The ability of Terrestrials to learn Celestial spells is strictly limited to those spells with heavy elemental themes such as Incomparable Body Arsenal (Earth) or Magma Kraken (Fire) and those that are simply stronger versions of Terrestrial spells such as Demon of the Second Circle and Sapphire Countermagic. See rules for CollectiveSorcery.

Ghosts on the Wind</b>

 <b>Cost: 2 motes
 Duration: One scene
 Type: Simple
 Min Occult: 2
 Min Essence: 2
 Prereqs: Spirit-Detecting Mirror Glance

The whispers of the wind through willow and stone are often meaningless noise. But at times, they hide the whispers of the unseen, immaterial world. While this Charm is active, the Dragon-Blood can hear immaterial beings as if they were material. There is no external sign of this Charm and no way other then magic to detect that it is active. Often Dragon-Bloods use this Charm to spy on spirits who are unaware they are being observed.

Rain Calling Chant</b>

 <b>Cost: 4 motes
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Simple
 Min Occult: 3
 Min Essence: 2
 Prereqs: Harmonious Wind Luring Song

Activating this Charm summons or banishes the rain. Existing rain up to the power of a hurricane will instantly dispurse and vanish. A mild rainstorm can be summoned within five minutes by a single use. Repeated uses of the effect can increase the power to near gale-force levels. This Charm does not affect wind-based storms like tornadoes.

Deluge of Pale Fire</b>

 <b>Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower
 Duration: One scene
 Type: Simple
 Min Occult: 4
 Min Essence: 3
 Prereqs: Rain Calling Chant

Storm clouds roil across the sky when this Charm is activated, summoning a terrible thunderstorm that dances to the whim of the Dragon-Blood. Every turn the Charm is maintained, the character can choose to make a reflexive Dexterity + Occult roll to target a bolt of lightning on any single object or character in his line of sight. The bolt of lightning is treated as a non-magical source of environmental damage, doing 10 dice of Lethal damage which are considered piercing. If a bolt is not targeted during any turn of the Charm's duraction, the character must roll 1 die. If it comes up a failure, the Charm ends instantly and the storm dissipates at once. If the roll botches, the character is struck by lightning.

Comments =

It hadn't occured to me to use covens of Dragon-Blooded to invoke Celestial Circle Sorcery. Very clever! Do you mind if I write up my own implementation of the idea at some point? - Quendalon

Nope, don't mind at all. - Telgar

Hrm. I think I like it :) Hell, I'd probally go a bit easier on the DBs- let them try and cast any Celestial Circle spell, just always require a Circle of five sorcerers.

And, in my mind, the question is begged- could a Perfect Circle of Perfect Circles, each with Essence 7, master Solar Circle Sorcery? DS

I'd allow it... after all, what are the odds a Perfect Circle of Perfect Circles, all at Ess 7 are gonna be available AND work together??? Hehehe... seems difficult enough to be plot worthy and thus accessible and cool. Have Fun... Nikink
Not to mention allowing a Perfect Circle with five Emerald Thuribles to summon a Third Circle Demon. - Quendalon

I considered letting five Perfect Circles to work together on Third Circle Demon and Adamant Countermagic and 25 DBs of the same Aspect work together to get elementally-themed Solar spells...but as Haren pointed out to me, Solar Sorcery is a Solar-specific thing and I think that should be left alone. So even 5 Perfect Circles of Essence 7 DB's can't use SCC. - Telgar

Moved all the specific rules for CollectiveSorcery to their own page. Feel free to add your ideas there, I got some great stuff from the #WoD users. - Telgar