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The Rose
The Rose is actually a set of three artifacts a dress, a sword, and a shield forged for the most beautiful woman of the Age. While each powerful in there own right, the synergy created by the three items rivals the perfect balanced harmony of their owner. The Twilight Lilias was something of a contradiction. Beautiful beyond compare and called the greatest healer in creation by many, she enjoyed the slaughter of the battlefield and would often let her temper flare against even those she called friend. It is said that her knowledge of the medicinal arts aided her even more when angered as she can all the better brutally avenge whatever slight offended her.
Rose's Stem
5L/3B Mobility -0 Fatigue 0
Commitment: 6m
Artifact Level: 5
- This silky smooth and slightly shimmering dress is cut in a flowing minimalistic style woven of emerald and rose petals. The dress has one shoulder and is slit up the opposite leg. It is patterned in climbing wild rose vines along the edges.
- While wearing Rose's Stem the mote cost of Incomparable Body Arsenal is lowered by the wearer's Essence in motes.
- In addition the armor and the weapons of said spell recieve the orichalcum bonuses and the spell manifests most interestingly on the caster, for them their body changes to an absolutely idealized version of themself slightly larger and solid Orichalcum, pattered with traceries of roses climbing it in the most aesthetically pleasing manner. While in this form Rose's Thorn and Rose's Petal are explicitly compatible with Incomparable Body Arsenal.
- While in Incomparable Body Arsenal the caster has an extra dot of appearance and presence.
- Finally, if wielded with the rest of The Rose, the petals that surround the wearer can be cast out as a normal action to do 1L to a 30 yard radius. This is a Charisma + Occult roll.
Rose’s Thorn
Speed 4 Accuracy +5 Damage +5L Defense +2 Rate 4 (includes Orichalcum bonus)
Commitment: 5m
Artifact Level: 3
- This elegantly forged Reaper Daiklave will surely be known for its beauty in the coming years as it was made to match the beauty of one known for hers. The tang is made of finely wrought steel, which has been mixed with a deep green, albeit mundane jade. The grip wrapped in soft leather and died green to keep the motif. The hilt is inlaid with small glass markings resembling a tree that’s roots are encircling it and growing back into the top, the Creator’s signature. The hand guard is made in the shape of a blossoming rose’s flower petals and is made of sparkling ruby. The blade itself is a gently curving 4-foot long, 4-inch wide, 2-inch thick thing of beauty and terror. It is forged of feather steel to make it light in the users hands, inlaid with an Orichalcum filigree which spells out the Old Realm word for Beautiful on one side and Vicious on the other, and completed by lining the cutting edge with a thin layer of emerald.
- Whenever the user draws the sword a swirl of flower petals flow out of the sheath and dance around her.
- For 10 motes and 1wp the user can activate the Dreaming Pearl Courtesan charm Fragrant Petal Fascination Kata with these few changes:
- The effects last for 1 scene or until the user stops fighting
- She cannot take hostile actions against those who fail the contested willpower roll and are thus under her sway
- Finally, for flavor purposes, those who fail the willpower roll see her as a thing of beauty that they would do anything for if she willed it of them, but those who pass the roll and are thus merely down her Essence in dice see her as a creature of beauty and power who is the living embodiment of perfection and terror
- For 1 mote, when the sword is sheathed, the user can cause the hand guard to clamp down around the sheath preventing it from being taken out.
- Finally, as long as the user keeps the sword committed and by her side a sweet wild rose perfume wafts around her.
Rose’s Petal
+3 to user’s PDV against ranged and hand-to-hand attacks
Commitment: 5m
Artifact Level: 5
- Rose’s Petal was made to further compliment the beauty of Rose’s Thorn and to provide its wielder, the Twilight Lilias, with further protection. Rose’s petal takes the form of a target shield, except that it is made out living vines that are woven together in an elegant pattern. Three places upon the shield face are three blooming roses, petals spread and edged lightly in Orichalcum. These act hearthstone sockets.
- The shield itself is considered an Orichalcum Thunderbolt Shield and it receives all the bonuses thereof.
- The shield was made to be specifically compatible with Steel Devil Style
- To enhance its defensive capabilities the shield also provides protection against mystical attacks. It allows the user to spend 5 motes and be in a guard action to disperse any spell of the Emerald or Sapphire circles the specifically target her. These spells are dispersed as if Sapphire Circle Countermagic was being used.
- The shield provides a type of mental defense as well and it allows the user to add the shields DV bonus into the calculation for her MDV.
- Finally, the shield keeps its user immaculately clean in battle
Synergy Effect
When attuned together Rose's Petal can be shrunk down to a hairpin while Rose's Thorn will take the form of a pin in the side of Rose's Stem. These items do not perform as shield and sword when like this but are easily concealed and rather elegant. Either item can be readied with a flurry action.
The Weapons of the Dawn
This set of artifacts was made for the great Second Age Dawn Caste warrior General Rivers. General Rivers is entirely composed out of opposites. He is a brilliant swordsman, yet he has sparred almost as many lives as he has taken. He has led great armies on many campaigns, but left to his druthers he would prefer to simply sit by and live a quiet and peaceful life. This set of artifacts tries to embody all of those qualities that make up the great general. Each part of the set is forged from Orichalcum that was distilled on the summit of the Imperial Mountain during the Sun’s ascending hours, from gold that has never seen darkness, on the anniversary of the days that the last great battle of the Primordial War. The set itself is broken up into three pieces, but it is also made to incorporate a Wings of the Raptor cloak and an attuned weapon into its effects.
General’s Mind
8 motes to commit
Artifact Level: 4
- War is all about planning, and it is often the case that he who plans the best is he who comes away with victory. This brilliant, golden circlet is meant to sit upon the brow of one who takes joy in leading men into battle, but who is also concerned for those men and the overall outcome of the conflict. Upon first inspection the band appears to be inlaid with a reddish orange substance that seems to be intricately patterned around its circumference. When one looks closer, however, they see that the substance is not a stationary color, but actually living, dancing flame that seems to move around the pattern with a mesmerizing fluidity. The pattern is also quickly discerned to be a prayer to the Easter Goddess of War and Soldier, Sunipa, who also contributed to the items creation by bestowing a blessing upon it. Aside from its ascetic value the circlet is a weapon of war, the likes of which can turn the tide of battle even against impossible odds.
- While the bearer is wearing it he has the ability to enhance those warriors who he himself has personally trained to be truly god like in battle. The user can for the cost of 3 motes (committed) per unit leader grant the individual the ability to fight and lead with the Exalt’s non-charm enhanced dice pools. He can commit up to his Permanent Essence in unit leaders.
- Furthermore the circlet modifies the solar war charm Ideal Battle Knowledge Prana. When the Solar places this charm up during battle he receives its normal benefits plus he gains the ability to pay one additional mote, up to his PE, on each Excellency he uses. Doing this allows the user to extend the effects of that Excellency over his committed unit leaders.
- The circlet also possesses one hearthstone socket
Warrior’s Arm
5 motes to commit
Artifact Level: 4
- Sometimes tactics alone won’t win you a battle, and it is through strength of arm that victory must be achieved. This item takes the form of a bracer that fits over the Exalt’s left forearm, and is seemingly made from storm clouds on the verge of tempest and streaked through with golden Orichalcum lightening. It truly was made from the clouds that form when the great Thunderbird warrior Storms-As-He-Walks goes to battle, and the rain that fell from them blessed it. The bracer grants the users Glorious Solar Saber Charm a permanent enhancement, by allowing it to modify another blade the Solar already has committed. When the charm is activated a golden aura encircles the Exalt’s left hand and all he needs to do it touch the hilt of his other blade to complete the effect. The blade now glows with holy light and if the sword was not already a Grand Daiklave it becomes liken to one as golden essence grows out of the back of the sword and extends it upward until it reaches 6 feet in length. Once done this blade becomes a weapon of pure destruction that is capable of such feats of legend that its name nor its wielders name may ever be forgotten.
- For 6 motes and 1 willpower (the usual summoning cost for the saber) the bracer automatically doubles the users dice pool to its maximum level.
- All attacks by the Exalt are considered Holy.
- Finally it grants the wielder a second source of damage equal to his Permanent Essence, do to the essence part of the blade also slashing into the opponent.
Stag’s Heart
10 motes to commit, as well as a level 3+ hearthstone
14B / 14L; 9B / 9L Hardness Mobility –0 Fatigue 1
(Orichalcum bonus already included)
Artifact Level: 5
- Finally, there are times when neither tactics nor strength of arms will get you through a fight. Sometimes you simply have to rely on pure heart and determination in order to come out on top. This suit of personal battle armor is constructed in the Celestial Battle Armor style, and actually takes the physical form of the armor on the left hand side of page 90 of the Age of Lost Wonders Book for 2nd Edition sans the whip and helmet, and the chest plate being adorned by the image of a stags face done in a shimmering white filigree, which is used to create several other designs in different spots all over the armor. This inlay is actually made of the bones of a great stag warrior, which were blessed by the Animal Avatar before being placed in the armor. Between the elks antlers on the chest plate there is the picture of a rising sun that seems to indeed be made out of the rising sun’s light. On the back there are places where a Wings of the Raptor can clasp and become a beautiful cape, but retains all of its abilities.
- The armor has 3 hearthstone sockets.
- It grants the user a +2 bonus to resistance against poison or disease.
- As a reflexive action the wearer gains a +2 bonus to awareness roles.
- The wearer gains +2 strength for calculation of feats of strength, jumping and damage.
- It doubles movement rate; 10mph marching rate
- The boots have stats of Speed 5 Acc. 0 Damage +6B Defense –2 and Rate 2. The right gauntlet has stats of Speed 5 Acc. +1 Damage +5B Defense +2 and Rate 3. Plus they can parry lethal attacks with need for a stunt.
- +2 bonus to stealth while moving and a +3 bonus when standing still. This ability specifically defends against essence sight. In addition this color-changing feature can also be used to provide the armor with the appropriate colors and imagery for parades ad other formal occasions.
- The armor causes the wearers anima and totem become so enormous that it can be seen for miles around. This puts fear in the hearts of the Solar’s enemies, and brings hope to the souls of his men. Increase the range or all War Charms by one factor.
- This increased anima also modifies the Dawn caste anima ability so that the DV increase also applies against Exalted and other magical beings.
- Finally, the wearer’s totem becomes capable of staying out for an entire battle regardless of whether he Exalted is spending motes or note. The totem takes advantage of this increase in power and duration to come alive and fight for its creator’s cause. The anima fights with double the wear’s strength (including the boost from any armor or charms) and stamina, his dexterity, and it also gains any other combat related abilities or specialties that the solar has which is applicable to it. The totems valor is perfect and it can only be made to stop fighting if the scene ends or if its Exalted creator is killed or knocked unconscious.
Synergy Effect
When all the pieces of the set are attuned the Solar gains the ability to banish them to elsewhere, plus a Wings of the Raptor cloak if it is attached to the armor at the time, and any committed weapon the Exalt has, and retrieve them via the Hauberk-Lightening Gesture charm as a complete set for 1 mote.
Wild Mage's Vestments
Twilight Venom Echo
Speed 4 Accuracy +5 Damage +5L Defense +3 Rate 4
5 motes to draw
Artifact Level: 3
- In its natural form this “blade” appears as a forest green Hearthstone edged in violet. Once set in a Daiklave’s socket it shines with an inner golden glow. For 5 motes one may draw a second Daiklave out of the first. As one draws the second Daiklave it seems to rapidly grow and twist as a living, working vine of Orichalcum, glass and wood. This blade quickly forms into the Reaper Daiklave “Twilight Venom Echo”.
- This blade may be invested with another 3 motes, which infuses the blade with life withering essence. For the scene this adds +3 damage. Each strike with this blade so infused also holds the solar fire of the Orichalcum black widow razor spider.
Primal Cycle
Speed 5 Accuracy +2 Damage +17B/5 Defense +2 Rate 3 (Piercing, Overwhelming, and Orichalcum bonus already included)
Commitment 8 motes
Artifact Level: 5
- This solidly constructed wooden staff opens into a gnarled hand shape at the top. Suspended in this area is a molten pint of liquid Orichalcum. Around the top of the shaft intricate images spiral depicting scholars, sorcerers, travelers, and shamans. The staff is not a warriors weapon by intent, it is the staff of a great shaper of spells: a wild mage, a tribal sorcerer, a nature wizard and a wayfarer.
- The staff itself can function as a Goremaul save that each strike stands the chance of inflicting a non-cumulative –4 internal penalty from poison to pure to meet mortal blood, Stamina + Resistance difficulty 3 to resist this effect.
- The wielder can invoke the powers of the Traveler’s Staff and the spirit charms Weather Control and Words of Power (Intelligence + Temperance) at normal costs.
- Further, the user can use the staff as a focus, casting spells “through” it. This results in a larger radius usually by 1.5 or counts the Caster’s PE as two higher for the spell.
- The Orichalcum globe is able to hold one spell from the Emerald Circle cast by the wielder, and any variable cost spell has the Caster’s PE subtracted from its cost by the staff before the wielder spends any motes.
- The spiritual relief is a rather intricate World Within a Picture.
Wild Growth Resonance Circlet
Commitment 1 mote
Artifact Level: 4
- This circlet has the appearance of twisted vines softly worked through with Orichalcum. Bits of unnatural glass harvested from the glass and poison forests of the Far East during Resplendent Wood’s glittering days are ground through the work. The natural properties of the circlet as well as the craftsmanship lead to an interesting synergy.
- Nearby vegetation gains a rudimentary intelligence, but is still restrained by its form.
- Further, those charms of the First Excellency the solar activates have one die purchased at no cost.
- Finally, by actively channeling essence through the circlet at a rate of 3 motes every 6 ticks, essence expenditures are dampened in a small area. This last effect is identical to the Wood Dragon Armor effect.
Wood Venom Elixir
No commitment cost
Artifact Level: 3
- This gourd is lined with glass poison and the moss hair of a wood king on the interior. The exterior is a dull brown-green with a leather strap around the neck, below the wood stopper. The liquid inside is a brilliant thick violet, however, and never runs out. While it may only be used once in a given day and thrice in a given week its effects last a scene. After drinking the liquid the imbiber is imbued with the elemental will of the oaks and the keen deliberation of the Forest Lords. Further, the drinker takes on something of the elemental aspect of wood.
- For the next scene after drinking the user is up one temperance and conviction as well as being affected by the spell Venom of the Heart.
Wilder Bindings
Commitment 10 motes
Artifact Level: 5
- These robes look to be old travelers robes from a distance. Upon closer inspection the truth is slightly more apparent. These voluminous robes are worn ad old in appearance, but they are made from layered skins, woven bark, spider silk, and moss. Orichalcum thread lines the inside, but remains well hidden. The edgings and back starting at the bottom are intricately embroidered with all species of animals, many unknown to all but the wisest of savants.
- This robe allows the wearer to bind animals to it. These must be natural animals. Once bound through agreement or submission the animals are locked into the robe and new embroidery appears. Animals can be later summoned forth for a number of motes equal to their health levels and are under the wearers sway.
- The billowing robes can also form into moss, fur, woven bark, and spider silk amalgamations of giant bat wings for 5 committed motes. These wings allow normal movement with a –1 mobility penalty.
- While the robe is committed the wearer has an extra set of arms hidden in the folds of the robe. These arms grant one die to join battle, removes –2 flurry penalty, and a –0 health level.
- While the robe is committed the caster need only spend 10 motes and 1 willpower to activate Wood Dragon’s Claws (forgoing casting).
- The duration of the spell Becoming the Wood Friend is doubled.
- With an expenditure the user takes on the form of a Forest Walker. They remain their normal size but their flesh becomes well-polished wood. This effect is identical to Invulnerable Skin of Bronze save the user’s strength and stamina increase by one.
Synergy Effect
When this set is totally committed the Mage is granted the ability to never be separated from his familiars. No matter how he travels or how fast he goes, his familiars will be capable of traveling right beside them even if the travel involves taking flight or moving underwater.