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The Five Dark Houses of the Underworld

Also known as the Five Houses of Fallen Stars, these constellations govern the same abilities as their reflections in Creation. The children of Ouranos of the Thousand And One Eyes are the keepers of the five Dark Houses. Ouranos created his five dread sons after being betrayed by his daughters, the Five Maidens. After his death in the Primordial War, Ouranos became a Malfean and his sons became the guardians of the Stars of the Underworld. More than demons, less than Malfeans, they are the only true Dead Gods. Through their stars and the Calendar of Setesh do the Dead read the future of the Underworld.

The Five Houses

The House of Souls

The House of Shadow

The House of Madness

The House of Mystery

The House of Decay

The first of the Five Houses is the House of Souls, ruled by Charon. Ruler of the transition to death and the passage of things into the Void, Charon is feared and loved by the Ghosts of the Underworld. He is portrayed as a tall, hunched skeleton wrapped in a grey cowl and is generally guiding a barge.

The second House is Hecate's House of Shadow. Master of darkness and things half-seen, Hecate presides over murder, curses and other such wickedness. He is a thin, sinister man with a large spider on his shoulder.

Deimos rules the House of Madness, third of the Five Houses. A tall, handsome man with no eyes and a shattered mirror, Deimos rules over nightmares, insanity and chaos. All things outside Fate are at least partially within his domain.

Aged and muscular, carrying a three-pronged trident, Posiedon rules the fourth House, the House of Mystery, often associated with the seas and rivers of the Underworld. All things lost to the dead, the secrets and treasures of ages past, are his.

Closest reflection of the Celestials is the House of Death, last of the Five, and its ruler Hades. Feared by any mortal who knows of him, he is the eldest of Ouranos's sons, twin to Saturn. He rules over the process of death as his sister rules over the moment of life's ending. Slow illness, gradual decay and the Shadowlands are his items and places of power.

  • visit DarkCharms

I don't really like these, well, not the order anyhow, so I made my own. Go look at them! TheStarsShadows Not that mine are better or anything but, we all have different tastes. - GoldenH

Thought for Athletics: the Kite or the Prayer Flag. - FourWillowsWeeping

I'll go with Ikeslam's "Hanged Man" idea for now. It's cool. - Telgar

Hey, can we come up with a cooler term than 'Dark Sidereal'? Like Calendrical maybe, after the Calendar of Setesh? - FourWillowsWeeping, the terminology police

I love Calendrical! Very, uh, kosher? - Balthasar

Stygian?\\ _Ikselam

Maybe the Sidereal of the Calendar, instead? - haren

They're called Dark Sidereal Charms because they're Sidereal Charms of the Dark Houses. They're not the Calendrical houses. That's a mouthful.

An important point to remember is that there are no Dark Sidereals to learn these Charms as their natural set. These things exist as an extension of normal Sidereal Charms, but they are a totally new set. I guess you could say the Five Dead Gods were going to make some Exalts, but died before that. The only ones able to learn these Charms, without making a new Exalt-Type, are going to be Moonshadows, Eclipses and Sidereals familiar enough with the Underworld to realize the Charms exist. - Telgar

Are you sure there are no Dark Sidereals? People who weave fate for the purpose of undoing it... that's got a nice hypocracy, almost as compelling as the one inherent to Abyssals... and besides, we know for a fact that some Sidereals have thrown in with the Deathlords, and if Sidereals can become Akuma, there isn't any good reason they can't become death-tainted. Hmmm... - Seraph

I have another version of Underworld Astrology I'm working on, and comments are greatly appreciated. CalendarofSetesh. - Glamourweaver

Hrm, for deathy House of Serenity of deathy death, I think House of Obsession fits better... or something. - sssssz

The Dark Houses are not reflections, they're seperate entities. At one point the Lords lived in Yu-Shan with the Maidens and had domain over the natural processes of the other half of life. They were lesser then their sisters, but after the Underworld came into being they gained much greater power. Of course, after the War they were stuck in the Underworld with their father. But the second House isn't Deathy Serenity. It's Shadow. - Telgar

Er, oops, I guess I misintepretted/was just plain stupid. Sorry.- sssssz