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=== Current Player Characters ===
=== Current Player Characters ===
* [[Malik]] - A Yellow for [[ScrollAndSwordCircle]] by [[FourWeepingWillows]]
* [[Malik]] - A Yellow for [[ScrollAndSwordCircle]] by [[FourWeepingWillows]]
** [[Malik/BrightEmber | Bright Ember]] - Malic's Terrestrial "Familiar"
** [[Malik/BrightEmber|Bright Ember]] - Malic's Terrestrial "Familiar"
*[[Telgar/Boris|Boris]] - A Dawn for [[Moxiane]]'s game.
*[[Telgar/Boris|Boris]] - A Dawn for [[Moxiane]]'s game.
*[[Telgar/Third|Third]] - A random Ex2 (yeah, ugh) Dawn
*[[Telgar/Third|Third]] - A random Ex2 (yeah, ugh) Dawn
=== Deathlords and Abyssals ===
=== Deathlords and Abyssals ===
:<b>[[/WailingDaughter|Wailing Daughter of Light and Silence]] (Deathlord)</b>
:<b>[[Telgar/WailingDaughter|Wailing Daughter of Light and Silence]] (Deathlord)</b>
:<b>[[/PrinceBound|The Prince Bound In Chains Not There]] (Deathlord)</b>
:<b>[[Telgar/PrinceBound|The Prince Bound In Chains Not There]] (Deathlord)</b>

Latest revision as of 03:06, 9 June 2010

Characters and NPCs

Current Player Characters

Deathlords and Abyssals

Wailing Daughter of Light and Silence (Deathlord)
The Prince Bound In Chains Not There (Deathlord)

Silencer of the Voices in Darkness (Abyssal Exalt)
Born in the Bayou of Regret, Kael grew up as a mercenary solider, a particularly good one thanks to a bit of spirit blood in his veins. That blood was enough to let him hear the voices of those close to him in his mind after their deaths. Being a mercenary in a high-mortality company, he quickly gathered some collection of voices. He couldn't understand why, as he didn't know he was God-blooded until he Exalted. In the fight of Thorns against Mask, he died. Walker in Darkness had been watching him and offered the Black Exaltation to him. He took the Exaltation, a chance to end the voices, but didn't work. They're still there and now he has Whispers as well. Just more voices, the dead and the Malfeans. All he wants, all he works for, is silence. He wants silence. Oblivion. He will do almost anything to bring Creation closer to that goal.

Sidereal Exalted

Voren, Chosen of Endings

Famous in his home village for getting 'bad feelings' about things, Voren and his family owe their lives to his ability. When a ragtag Scavenger brought a strange device back to the village, Voren managed to convince his family to visit an aunt in another village. They got the news less then a day after arriving. Their village had been destroyed when the Scavenger's artifact exploded, annihilating everything within several miles.
Shortly after the destruction of his village home, Voren left his family to become a Scavenger. Spending the majority of his career in the southern portions of River Province, along the Grey and Sandy Rivers. He even visited Denandsor for a few hours before being driven off by the curse of the Empty City. Over 10 years of his life were spent scavenging. He joined other people’s parties, offering expertise in language and lore as well as protection. Many were grateful and accepted him easily, but a few he felt draw to watch had to be tricked or coerced into accepting him. He accumulated a significant stockpile of trinkets and talismans and several extremely dangerous First Age weapons, which he was unable to destroy safely. These he took to hiding in several small stashes scattered around southern River Province. Others, he managed to destroy without trouble. When he was thirty, he Exalted as one of the Reckoners, the Chosen of Saturn.
The Gold Faction discovered him during one of his expeditions that uncovered a Solar tomb another Gold had been watching. Joining the Violet Bier of Sorrows and the Celestial Bureaucracy was obviously the expected thing, but it took several months for Voren to capitulate and only did so when assured that his calling was to be continued and he could keep doing what he did best: acting as a guardian of things not meant to be found. Voren destroys any find that has passed beyond its time. Many parties benefit from his aid, for he often helps recover 'safe' Artifacts in the belief that Saturn has not yet decreed their end so they must still have a purpose to be put to. For those who resist his efforts to destroy what can not be trusted in the hands of the people of this age...all things must end at some point.
Spending years in Yu-Shan as part of the Celestial Bureaucracy has given Voren a healthy antipathy for corruption. He suffers audits with ill-temper and constant sullen glares. He passes out required bribes at the lowest possible levels he can and in general makes as much trouble for himself as possible without actually breaking any of the laws of Heaven. It isn’t just himself he makes trouble for, but also other gods. His duties in the Violet Bier of Sorrows sometimes get him involved in audits as a witness or his reports subpoenaed as evidence. Through deft wording and framing of the facts, Voren has managed to get several fines increased a goodly amount and earned a few enemies among the minor gods.

Graveyard of Ships and the Lost Soul (Rohan Empire)

Originally an Artifact warship of the Realm Navy under the command of Leviathan, The Delight of Starlit Seas was one of the first to be captured by the Kraken before it was slain. Dragged down into the Behemoth’s lair, to rest along with what became hundreds of other ships. Eventually the Shadowland that formed created its own dangers for travelers, yet enough braved it (and died) to keep the Graveyard of Ships growing. As the Rohan Empire extended its claim over the oceans near it, the Graveyard came to the attention of the Royal Circle. An expedition mounted to explore the Graveyard of Ships returned with a fraction of its original crew. The others had been claimed by the ghosts of the Shadowland. A second task force was sent, lead by the Wrath of Kindi. In three days, the Wrath returned sans its escorts. The crew reported a savage attack by the Lost Soul. The Graveyard remains a source of some concern, for whatever the origin of the Lost Soul, it poses a threat powerful enough to turn back the strongest naval force the Empire possesses.

The Survivors of the First Graveyard Expedition

Once an infamous pair of pirates on the Inner Sea, Saumer and Velden Karran were finally brought to heel by an anti-pirate expedition lead by Dragonlord Illhousen. For the past ten years the brothers have lent their considerable talents in sailing and combat to the Rohan Empire. Though their mother was one of the Fair Folk, the twins show more of their mortal heritage in appearance. While muscular and handsome, the two lack the perfection of the fae, and the only visible sign of their mother’s blood is their hair, which changes color to match the sea around them. Their incomparable skill with blade and sail is the most telling sign of inhumanity and it was these traits which allowed Saumer and Velden to guide the original expedition ship, the Fair Maiden, out of the Graveyard with any of her crew alive at all. After their captain’s death at the hands of the crew of the Lost Soul, the twins took command and managed to escape with five others.
Tatjana Blacksail entered Rohan service at the same time her long-time acquaintances the Karran twins did and in the same manner. Converted by Johan Illhousen, she has come to love her position in the Rohan Navy and works diligently in clearing out the worst of the pirates who lair in the Southern portions of the Inner Sea. Dark skinned, with constantly changing hair styles of the most elaborate variety, Tatjana attracts attention from numerous sources but is interested mainly in her long-time companion Saumer Karran. Her encounter with the Lost Soul and its spectral crew has left Tatjana with a healthy antipathy for all things dead. Excellent navigator that she is, a number of Shadowland-free posts have kept her occupied since the disastrous voyage.
The Fair Maiden’s cabin ‘boy’, Lan (Lanna) Kepper has been masquerading as a young boy for two years, and quite successfully. Tatjana Blacksail is the only member of the Fair Maiden’s crew to have seen past Lan’s ruse and has happily kept the secret. Lan has a secret, and fruitless, crush on Velden Karran and, for the time, the affection is returned. Unfortunately, Lan has not been able to work up the heart to tell Velden that she is a woman. Tatjana constantly attempts to get Lan to confess, but has so far been unable to persuade the soft-hearted child.
Unofficial mascot and community pet of the Fair Maiden, Naffer is a rat. A rat three feet long and preternaturally intelligent, but a rat. Sleek, black and supposedly a bringer of good luck, Naffer has accompanied the Fair Maiden since her first voyage, though originally as a stow-away. After surviving the horrific encounter with the Lost Soul, Naffer’s status as a good luck charm is affirmed and none of the crew will sail without him aboard.
Skinny, scarred and scary, the Fair Maiden’s cook Crids looks more like a warrior then any member of the crew except for the Karran brothers. Gruff and sometimes flat out rude, it is still Crids the crew turns to for their health and well-being. A skilled healer as well as a mediocre cook, he keeps the various infections and diseases that might otherwise cause serious problems from the ship. He has trained Naffer, who sticks close to him, to clean himself, keep the ship free of other rats, and help in making the food.
Having survived two of the worst storms in living memory at sea, a direct hit by lightning, two falls from the crow’s nest, it was no surprise to anyone when old man Jorgan emerged unharmed from the encounter with the Lost Soul. Having spent the entire time up in his crow’s nest, Jorgan was the only one of the six human survivors to have a coherent report of the entire incident. Ancient and wizened as he is, Jorgan’s eyesight is still keen, his hearing still sharp and his information about the Lost Soul and her crew has been the most complete ever gained. Not even the Exalted crew on the Wrath of Kindi brought back more information then Jorgan