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<i>Being a Second Attempt to Correct Certain Flaws in the Exalted Armoury</i>
<i>Being a Second Attempt to Correct Certain Flaws in the Exalted Armoury</i>
The vast majority of the changes made to the mechanics of Exalted in the change from 1st to 2nd edition are improvements, but there are a few places where this is not true. One of the most glaring such instances is in the lists of weapons and armour provided, where shortswords and straight swords have the same statistics but the former is both cheaper and easier to use, or the comparison between a chain hauberk and lamellar armour; the latter provides more protection and is less restrictive, but they cost the same. The following document is my second try at fixing this (my first can be [[/WeaponsRedoneForEx2|read here]]), while also decoupling (to a degree) a weapon’s appearance from its statistics.
The vast majority of the changes made to the mechanics of Exalted in the change from 1st to 2nd edition are improvements, but there are a few places where this is not true. One of the most glaring such instances is in the lists of weapons and armour provided, where shortswords and straight swords have the same statistics but the former is both cheaper and easier to use, or the comparison between a chain hauberk and lamellar armour; the latter provides more protection and is less restrictive, but they cost the same. The following document is my second try at fixing this (my first can be [[Moxiane/WeaponsRedoneForEx2|read here]]), while also decoupling (to a degree) a weapon’s appearance from its statistics.
== The Hard Fast Rule ==
== The Hard Fast Rule ==

Latest revision as of 00:12, 9 June 2010

The Panoply of Mars

Being a Second Attempt to Correct Certain Flaws in the Exalted Armoury

The vast majority of the changes made to the mechanics of Exalted in the change from 1st to 2nd edition are improvements, but there are a few places where this is not true. One of the most glaring such instances is in the lists of weapons and armour provided, where shortswords and straight swords have the same statistics but the former is both cheaper and easier to use, or the comparison between a chain hauberk and lamellar armour; the latter provides more protection and is less restrictive, but they cost the same. The following document is my second try at fixing this (my first can be read here), while also decoupling (to a degree) a weapon’s appearance from its statistics.

The Hard Fast Rule

Ticks are arguably the most important resource in combat; the fewer ticks pass between a character’s actions the more efficient he is in a fight. At the same time, though, having too few ticks between actions can “break” combat, particularly if just one character is moving in bullet-time (the effect gained from a character whose attacks have a Speed of 1). In order to counter this effect the following rule is highly recommended, and is one that I use:

No combination of effects can reduce the Speed of a weapon to less than 3. Any further reduction instead adds that amount to Rate.

Form & Function

Exalted has always had some weapons that were just qualitatively superior to their peers, i.e.: that have the same Resources cost. This has the effect of funnelling players away from otherwise characterful weapon choices, unless they are willing to accept that their chosen implement of war is simply inferior to certain others. In a game like Exalted where style should matter at least as much as substance this rankles, so the system below is a means to rectify this while retaining the mechanical depth.

The system has been split into three sections; close combat (Martial Arts and Melee), ranged combat (Archery and Thrown) and armour, but in each of the sections the process followed is the same:

  1. Select base profile based on (Artifact or Resources) cost.
  2. Choose a number of appropriate keywords.
  3. Modify profile according to keywords.

Once these three steps have been completed the armour or weapon is ready for use in a game. Storytellers should note that the profiles generated with this system are at variance with those presented in the Ex2 Core and using a mixture of the two should be undertaken with care.

A Matter of Division

At many points throughout this document you will see the values “one-half of (Artifact)” or “one-half of (Resources)” used, most usually with respect to modifying the base profile of the armour or weapon being designed. In all instances unless specifically said otherwise the result should be rounded down, but with a minimum value of 1.

Up Close & Personal

Hand-to-hand is the primary means of combat in Creation; accordingly its range of weapons is, by far, the most extensive. The base profiles given below are used for all mundane close combat weapons – those marked with a * are of such a scale that they are intended for use by warstriders and other such anthropomorphic war engines. The designer of the weapon must choose whether it inflicts Bashing or Lethal damage and use the appropriate value; the minimum attribute requirement can be either Strength or Dexterity, although some of the keywords will state which they require.

After selecting the base profile you can apply a number of keywords equal to the weapon’s Resources cost plus one. Some keywords exist in opposed pairs, a weapon with one cannot have the other; each keyword gives its opposite (if any) at the end of the entry.

Close Combat Profiles

For the Accuracy and Defence values given in the base profiles you must choose the values on the same side or the /, i.e.: a Resources ••• weapon will have Accuracy +1 and Defence +2 or Accuracy +2 and Defence +1.

Resources •
Speed 5, Accuracy +0 / +1, Damage +2L or +3B, Defence +1 / +0, Rate 2, Min Str/Dex •
Resources ••
Speed 5, Accuracy +0 / +1, Damage +3L or +5B, Defence +1 / +0, Rate 2, Min Str/Dex ••
Resources •••
Speed 5, Accuracy +1 / +2, Damage +4L or +7B, Defence +2 / +1, Rate 2, Min Str/Dex •••
Resources ••••*
Speed 5, Accuracy +1 / +2, Damage +7L or +10B, Defence +2 / +1, Rate 2, Min Str/Dex -
Resources •••••*
Speed 5, Accuracy +2 / +3, Damage +10L or +15B, Defence +3 / +2, Rate 2, Min Str/Dex -

Close Combat Keywords

Please note that each keyword can be applied to a single weapon once and once only.

Accurate (Acc)
The weapon’s construction and balance are excellent, making it more precise than many of its fellows. Increase the weapon’s Accuracy by one-half of (Resources). Accurate weapons usually require a minimum Dexterity score.
Brawling (Brw)
Rather than being held this weapon is meant to be worn, usually strapped to the user’s hands or feet, increasing the damage potential of one adept at unarmed combat. The weapon gains the M tag, but if used with Martial Arts then it adds its profile to the relevant unarmed profile, rather than replacing it. Brawling weapons cannot be used to parry Lethal damage without a stunt unless they also have the Guard keyword. Opposes the Reach keyword.
Deadly (Ddy)
The business end of the weapon is particularly damaging, whether due to sharpness, design or sheer mass. Increase the weapon’s Damage by (Resources). Deadly weapons usually require a minimum Strength score.
Fast (Fst)
Designed for rapid use in combat, the weapon is balanced for speed, making it easier to bring to bear but sacrificing capacity to injure. Reduce the Speed of the weapon by 1 and its Accuracy & Defence by one-half (round up) of (Resources). Opposes the Slow keyword.
Guard (Grd)
By means of a large cutting guard, a catch in the blade or some other method the weapon is exceptional when used to parry with. Increase its Defense by one-half of (Resources).
Heavy (Hvy)
Constructed from strong, dense materials the weapon is more effective overall than many of its cousins, but it is requires greater recovery time and leverage. The weapon gains the 2 tag, and its Rate is reduced by 1 while its Damage increases by one-half of (Resources). Opposes the Light keyword.
Light (Lgt)
Forged from the lightest metals and materials this weapon has a significantly shorter recovery time, but the rest of its capacities suffer for this speed. Increase the Rate of the weapon by 1; decrease its Damage by one-half of (Resources). Light weapons always require a minimum Dexterity score. Opposes the Heavy keyword.
Martial Arts (Mrt)
This is a highly atypical weapon specifically designed to be used with the martial arts; its capabilities are greatly increased by this design, but it has a minimum Martial Arts requirement equal to one-half (round up) of (Resources) +2 (maximum of •••••). The weapon gains the M tag and a number of points equal to one-half of (Resources) +1 to spread between its Accuracy, Damage, Defence and Rate as desired.
Overwhelming (Ovr)
Whether by sheer weight or through careful use of leverage this weapon can deliver powerful blows that are effective through even the thickest armour and the toughest hide. The weapon gains the O tag and inflicts a minimum damage after soak equal to (Resources).
Paired (Prd)
This weapon was designed and constructed to be used in matched pairs, although this requires slightly more skill from its user than would otherwise be the case. When wielded in pairs the character ignores the -1 off-hand penalty to attacks, and the weapon has a minimum Martial Arts or Melee (as appropriate) requirement equal to (Resources).
Piercing (Prc)
The design of this weapon, whether by a razor-edge or sheer mass, makes a mockery of any armour worn by its target. The weapon gains the P tag, causing it to inflict Piercing damage.
Reach (Rch)
The long haft or blade of the weapon means that it can be used to readily strike at opponents who are above the opponent or otherwise outside the length of a sword swing. The weapon gains the R tag; further, if it is neither Heavy nor Light then it gains the L tag as well. Opposes the Brawling keyword.
Slow (Slw)
The sheer mass of this weapon makes for powerful and deadly blows while reducing the pace of combat for its wielder significantly. Increase the Speed and Accuracy of the weapon by 1, and its Damage by one-half (round up) of (Resources). Opposes the Fast keyword.
Trick (Trk)
This weapon has some additional function, not necessarily directly related to combat, but nonetheless useful. Examples would be the ability for hooks swords or sai to help with disarm attempts, or tiger claws’ assistance with climbing. While wielding this weapon the character gains an additional two dice to the function they are designed to assist with.

Example Weapons

The following is a short list of weapons created using the above system. This list is neither exhaustive nor definitive, but represents my view of how these weapons should be constructed. The entries all follow the same layout:

<weapon name> (<Resources cost>) <keywords>
<modified weapon profile, including requirements and tags>
Hatchet (•) Ddy, Fst
Speed 4, Accuracy +0, Damage +3L, Defence -1, Rate 2, Min. Str •, Tags: -
Waraxe (••) Acc, Ddy, Slw
Speed 6, Accuracy +2, Damage +6L, Defence +1, Rate 2, Min. Str ••, Tags: -
Greataxe (•••) Ddy, Hvy, Ovr, Slw
Speed 6, Accuracy +3, Damage +10L/3, Defence +1, Rate 1, Min. Str •••, Tags: 2, O
Dagger (•) Acc, Fst
Speed 4, Accuracy +0, Damage +2L, Defence +0, Rate 2, Min. Dex •, Tags: -
Shortsword (•) Acc, Ddy
Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage +3L, Defence +1, Rate 2, Min. Dex •, Tags: -
Straight sword (••) Acc, Ddy, Grd
Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage +5L, Defence +2, Rate 2, Min. Str ••, Tags: -
Chopping sword (••) Acc, Ddy, Ovr
Speed 5, Accuracy +2, Damage +5L/2, Defence +0, Rate 2, Min. Str ••, Tags: O
Slashing sword (••) Acc, Fst, Grd
Speed 4, Accuracy +1, Damage +3L, Defence +0, Rate 2, Min. Dex ••, Tags: -
Greatsword (•••) Acc, Ddy, Ovr, Slw
Speed 6, Accuracy +3, Damage +8L/3, Defence +2, Rate 2, Min. Str •••, Tags: 2, O
Club (•) Acc, Ddy
Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage +4B, Defence +1, Rate 2, Min. Str •, Tags: -
Warstaff (••) Ddy, Grd, Slw
Speed 6, Accuracy +0, Damage +8B, Defence +2, Rate 2, Min. Str ••, Tags: 2
Mace (••) Acc, Ddy, Ovr
Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage +7B/2, Defence +1, Rate 2, Min. Str ••, Tags: O
Hammer (••) Acc, Ddy, Prc
Speed 5, Accuracy +2, Damage +7B, Defence +0, Rate 2, Min. Str ••, Tags: P
Sledge (•••) Ddy, Hvy, Prc, Slw
Speed 6, Accuracy +3, Dmg 10B, Defence +1, Rate 1, Min. Str •••, Tags: 2, P, R
Spear (••) Acc, Ddy, Rch
Speed 5, Accuracy +2, Damage +5L, Defence +1, Rate 2, Min. Str ••, Tags: L, R
Polearm (•••) Ddy, Ovr, Rch, Slw
Speed 6, Accuracy +2, Damage +9L/3, Defence +2, Rate 2, Min. Str •••, Tags: 2, O, R
Cestus (•) Brw, Prd
Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage +3B, Defence +0, Rate 2, Min. Str •, Tags: M
Tiger claws (••) Brw, Prd, Trk (climbing)
Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage +3L, Defence +0, Rate 2, Min. Dex ••, Tags: M
Khatar (••) Brw, Ddy, Fst
Speed 4, Accuracy +1, Damage +5L, Defence +0, Rate 2, Min. Dex ••, Tags: M
Fighting gauntlet (••) Brw, Grd, Prd
Speed 5, Accuracy +0, Damage +5B, Defence +2, Rate 2, Min. Str ••, Tags: M
Hook swords (•••)Fst, Mrt, Prd, Trk (disarm)
Speed 4, Accuracy +1, Damage +3L, Defence +2, Rate 2, Min. Dex ••• MA •••••, Tags: D, M
Seven-section staff (••)Grd, Mrt, Slw
Speed 6, Accuracy +1, Damage +7B, Defence +3, Rate 2, Min. Str •• MA ••••, Tags: M

Forging Weapons

The majority of the rules for crafting presented on p. 133-4 of the Exalted core are used as written, but with the following additional information:

A character may choose to construct a weapon with no keywords. If this is the case then the difficulty to construct the weapon is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1), since the simplicity of the design makes manufacture much easier. These weapons are also much easier to use, and any prerequisites are reduced by •, to a minimum of -. A weapon without keywords can never be of fine quality or higher.

Weapons of the Demi-Gods

The profiles and statistics above are for purely mundane weapons, but the choice of the Exalted is for artefact arms; daiklaves, grimcleavers and goremauls. These huge and near-indestructible tools of destruction can only be used because of the lightening effects of committed Essence, changing them from hundred-pound monstrosities of metal to almost weightless blade that can be used effortlessly.

The process for creating the profile of an artefact weapon is largely similar to that for their mortal cousins; select a base profile depending on the weapon's Artifact rating, choose a number of keywords up to (Artifact x 2), modify the profile as per the chosen keywords. This system does not create fully-fledged daiklaves of legend, however – the unique powers and histories of these puissant blades are beyond the reach of something this simple, instead it provides “templates” to work from, replacing the standard artefact weapons given in the Exalted core.

Artefact Profiles

As with the profiles above, when it comes to choosing the base Accuracy and Defence of the weapon to be designed you must choose the values on the same side of the /, so an Artifact •• daiklave would have base Accuracy of +1 and Defence of +2 or a base Accuracy of +2 and a Defence of +1.

Artifact •
Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage +3L or +5B, Defence +1, Rate 3, Sockets 0, Commitment 3
Artifact ••
Speed 5, Accuracy +1 / +2, Damage +5L or +7B, Defence +2 / +1, Rate 3, Sockets 1, Commitment 5
Artifact •••
Speed 5, Accuracy +1 / +2, Damage +7L or +10B, Defence +2 / +1, Rate 3, Sockets 2, Commitment 8
Artifact ••••
Speed 5, Accuracy +2, Damage +9L or +13B, Defence +2, Rate 3, Sockets 2, Commitment 11
Artifact •••••
Speed 5, Accuracy +3 / +2, Damage +13L or +17B, Defence +2 / +3, Rate 3, Sockets 3, Commitment 15

Artefact Keywords

The majority of keywords presented above work for artefact weapons as written, substituting the weapon's (Artifact) for (Resources) where appropriate. However, some of them have slightly different effects on artefacts than they do for mundane weapons or can be applied twice, and there are also some new, artefact-only, keywords. These variants and additions are presented below:

Accurate x2 (Acc x2)
The weapon was forged with hate in its soul and it longs for its next victim, forsaking all thought of protecting its user. The weapon's Accuracy increases by a further one-half of (Artifact) but it reduces its Defence by the same amount.
Deadly x2 (Ddy x2)
With a hunger for pain and death designed into the patterns of its Essence, this weapon sometimes becomes blinded with bloodlust. Increase its Damage by a further (Artifact) but reduce Accuracy and Defence by 1 each.
Guard x2 (Grd x2)
A desire to protect was instilled into the weapon's very core and it is highly effective when used defensively, but its compassion means it is not well-suited to the offensive. Increase the weapon's Defence by one-half of (Artifact) but reduce its Accuracy by the same.
Hearthstone (Hrt)
This artefact has an additional hearthstone socket built into it, beyond what would normally be expected of a weapon of its type. This keyword can be taken any number of times.
Heavy x2 (Hvy x2)
Colossal even by the standards of the Exalted, this weapon's capacity for inflicting damage is as immense as the slowness of its swings. Reduce the Rate of the weapon by 1 and increase its Damage by one-half of (Artifact). If it does not already have the O tag it gains it; in either case its minimum damage after soak increases by 1.
Light x2 (Lgt x2)
So fast in its wielder's hands that it can barely be tracked by the eye, the weapon almost sings as it cuts through the air, dancing from foe to foe. Increase the weapon's Rate and Accuracy by 1, and reduce its Damage by one-half of (Artifact).
Overwhelming (Ovr)
Artefact weapons designed for maximum damage are better at it than their mundane equivalents. The weapon gains the O tag and its minimum damage after soak is equal to (Artifact + 1).
Paired (Prd)
This operates precisely as it does for mundane weapons but increase the artefacts' Commitment by 1 (if it's an odd number) to find the cost of attuning to the pair, each weapon requires half of this amount but they can be attuned to simultaneously. Any hearthstone sockets are split evenly between the pair of weapons – if this is an odd number the extra socket is lost.

Example Artefact Weapons

Short daiklaves (••) Acc, Fst, Grd, Prd
Speed 4, Accuracy +1, Damage +5L, Defence +1, Rate 3, Min. Dex ••, Sockets 0, Commitment 6, Tags: -
Daiklave (••) Acc, Ddy, Grd, Lgt
Speed 5, Accuracy +3, Damage +6L, Defence +2, Rate 4, Min. Str ••, Sockets 1, Commitment 5, Tags: -
Reaper daiklave (••) Acc x2, Grd, Fst
Speed 4, Accuracy +3, Damage +4L, Defence +0, Rate 3, Min. Dex ••, Sockets 1, Commitment 5, Tags: -
Reaver daiklave (••) Acc, Ddy, Ovr, Hvy
Speed 5, Accuracy +3, Damage +8L/3, Defence +1, Rate 2, Min. Str ••, Sockets 1, Commitment 5, Tags: O
Wavecleaver daiklave (••) Acc, Hrt, Hvy, Ovr
Speed 5, Accuracy +2, Damage +6L/3, Defence +2, Rate 2, Min. Str ••, Sockets 2, Commitment 5, Tags: O
Grand daiklave (•••) Ddy, Hrt, Hvy, Ovr, Prc, Rch
Speed 5, Accuracy +2, Damage +11L/4, Defence +1, Rate 3, Min. Str •••, Sockets 3, Commitment 8, Tags: 2, O, P, R
Grimcleaver (••) Ddy x2, Ovr, Slw
Speed 6, Accuracy +2, Damage +10L/3, Defence +0, Rate 3, Min. Str ••, Sockets 1, Commitment 5, Tags: O
Mountaincleaver (•••) Ddy x2, Hvy, Ovr, Prc, Slw
Speed 6, Accuracy +2, Damage +13L/4, Defence +0, Rate 2, Min. Str •••, Sockets 2, Commitment 8, Tags: 2, O, P
Goremaul (••) Acc, Ddy x2, Prc
Speed 5, Accuracy +2, Damage +11B, Defence +0, Rate 3, Min. Str ••, Sockets 1, Commitment 5, Tags: P
Grand goremaul (•••) Ddy, Hvy x2, Ovr, Prc, Slw
Speed 6, Accuracy +3, Damage +17B/5, Defence +1, Rate 1, Min. Str •••, Sockets 2, Commitment 8, Tags: 2, O, P
Direlance (••) Acc, Ddy, Rch, Slw
Speed 6, Accuracy +3, Damage +8L, Defence +2, Rate 3, Min. Str ••, Sockets 1, Commitment 5, Tags: 2, L, R
Grimscythe (••) Ddy x2, Hvy, Prc,
Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage +11L, Defence +0, Rate 2, Min. Str ••, Sockets 1, Commitment 5, Min. Str ••, Tags: 2, P
Grand grimscythe (•••) Acc, Ddy x2, Hvy, Prc, Slw
Speed 6, Accuracy +3, Damage +16L, Defence +0, Rate 2, Min. Str •••, Sockets 2, Commitment 8, Tags: 2, P
Smashfist (•) Brw, Prd
Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage +5B, Defence +2, Rate 3, Min. Str • MA •, Sockets 0, Commitment 4, Tags: M
Razor claws (••) Acc, Brw, Prd, Trk (climbing)
Speed 5, Accuracy +3, Damage +5L, Defence +1, Rate 3, Min. Dex •• MA ••, Sockets 0, Commitment 6, Tags: M
Hooked daiklaves (•••) Grd, Fst, Mrt, Prd, Trk (disarm)
Speed 4, Accuracy +2, Damage +7L, Defence +4, Rate 3, Min. Dex ••• MA •••••, Sockets 1 each, Commitment 8, Tags: D, M
Serpent-sting staff (••) Ddy, Grd, Hvy, Mrt
Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage +11B, Defence +4, Rate 2, Min. Dex •• MA ••••, Sockets 1, Commitment 5, Tags: 2, M

Action at a Distance

To some it is the first recourse of cowards, to others it is a sound tactic allowing a numerically inferior force to engage a larger one – either way, ranged weapons and ranged combat are here to stay. Ranged weapons in Exalted are split into one of three types: thrown weapons, bows and crossbows, and flamepieces – the method used to derive their final profiles is identical to that for melee weapons, but many of the keywords that can be applied have different effects depending on the type of weapon they're used on. Bows and flamepieces can have up to (Resources) keywords applied, whereas thrown weapons may have up to (Resources) +1.

Profiles marked with a * are not meant for use by individual warriors, they represent weapons designed for large-scale combat and/or use by warstriders.

Ranged Combat Profiles – Thrown

Resources •
Speed 5, Accuracy +0, Damage +2L or +3B, Rate 2, Range 10, Min. Str •
Resources ••
Speed 5, Accuracy +0, Damage +3L or +5B, Rate 2, Range 20, Min. Str ••
Resources •••
Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage +4L or +7B, Rate 2, Range 30, Min. Str •••
Resources ••••*
Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage +7L or +10B, Rate 2, Range 40, Min. Str -
Resources •••••*
Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage +10L or +15B, Rate 2, Range 50, Min. Str -

Ranged Combat Profiles – Bows

Resources •
Speed 6, Accuracy +0, Damage -, Rate 2, Range 100, Max. Str •••, Tags: 2, B
Resources ••
Speed 6, Accuracy +0, Damage -, Rate 2, Range 150, Max. Str ••••, Tags: 2, B
Resources •••
Speed 6, Accuracy +1, Damage -, Rate 2, Range 200, Max. Str •••••, Tags: 2, B
Resources ••••*
Speed 6, Accuracy +1, Damage -, Rate 2, Range 250, Max. Str -, Tags: 2, B
Resources •••••*
Speed 6, Accuracy +1, Damage -, Rate 2, Range 300, Max. Str -, Tags: 2, B

Ranged Combat Profiles – Flamepieces

Resources •
Speed 5, Accuracy +0, Damage 4L, Rate 1, Range 4, Ammo 1, Shots² 1, Tags: F
Resources ••
Speed 5, Accuracy +0, Damage 6L, Rate 1, Range 8, Ammo 1, Shots² 1, Tags: F
Resources •••
Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage 10L, Rate 1, Range 12, Ammo 1, Shots² 1, Tags: F
Resources ••••*
Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage 14L, Rate 1, Range 16, Ammo 1, Shots² 2, Tags: F
Resources •••••*
Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage 20L, Rate 1, Range 20, Ammo 1, Shots² 5, Tags: F

² The number of “standard” charges of firedust the weapon needs to be able to fire once.

Ranged Combat Keywords

As with melee weapons each keyword can be applied to a given weapon once and once only.

Accurate (Acc)
Designed to be highly precise, this weapon consistently strikes the target-point. Increase its Accuracy by one-half of (Resources).
Crossbow (Xbw)
Rather than being muscle-powered this bow is driven by clockworks and levers, becoming a crossbow. As such it can only fire target or fowling arrows (called quarrels), and its base profile is modified as follows: Speed is set to 5, Damage is equal to (Resources) x 2.5 (round down), Range is halved and Rate is reduced to 1, it also gains an Ammo stat of 1. It is still treated as a bow for the purpose of all other keywords. This keyword can only be applied to bows.
Deadly (Ddy)
This weapon was built specifically to cause as much damage as possible upon those it strikes, whether through careful design of the impact surface or reshaping the combustion chamber. If applied to a flamepiece increase its Damage by (Resources), otherwise increase it by one-half of (Resources). This keyword cannot be used on bows (unless they also have the Crossbow keyword).
Fast (Fst)
Specially designed to be easy to bring to bear upon its wielders’ targets, this weapon loses some of its potential for damage in the process. Reduce the weapon’s Speed by 1 and its Damage by one-half of (Resources). Cannot be applied to bows without the Crossbow keyword. Opposes the Slow keyword.
Light (Lgt)
Constructed from lightweight materials this weapon can be thrown or drawn more rapidly than many of its ilk, but it loses some precision in the process. Increase the weapon’s Rate by 1 and reduce its Accuracy by one-half of (Resources). Can only be applied to thrown weapons and bows without the Crossbow keyword. Opposes the Heavy keyword.
Heavy (Hvy)
This weapon was made from strong, dense materials that make it capable of packing a greater punch but mean that it requires greater recovery time. Reduce the weapon’s Rate by and increase its Damage by one-half of (Resources). Can only be applied to thrown weapons and bows without the Crossbow keyword. Opposes the Light keyword.
Piercing (Prc)
The weapon has a lethally sharp point capable of punching through armour, rendering its wearer vulnerable to ranged attack. The weapon gains the P tag, causing it to inflict Piercing damage. This can only be applied to thrown weapons without the Sling keyword.
Reach (Rch)
The weapon was designed to fly farther or shoot further than many of its peers. Increase the Range of the weapon depending on its type: (Resources) x 5 for thrown weapons, (Resources) x25 for bows or (Resources) x2 for flamepieces.
Returning (Rtn)
This weapon was carefully shaped so that in the hands of a skilled user it will return should his attack miss. This feat requires that the character have at least Thrown •• and makes a successful reflexive (Dexterity + Thrown) check upon missing his target (unless the character botched). This can only be applied to thrown weapons without the Sling keyword.
Sling (Slg)
One of the oldest ranged weapons known to Man, slings have been in use by animal herder for millennia – their ammunition (egg-sized stones) being available almost anywhere. The weapon has the Range of a bow rather than a thrown weapon (including applications of the Reach keyword), but its Rate is reduced to 1. This keyword can only be applied to thrown weapons.
Slow (Slw)
This weapon is slower to use than many of its cousins, but this allows for greater precision and damage capacity. Increase the weapon’s Speed and Accuracy by 1 and its Damage by one-half of (Resources). Cannot be applied to bows without the Crossbow keyword. Opposes the Fast keyword.
Warmachine (War)
This is an emplaced weapon, designed for use in war or meant to defend a city or other fortified position – even the largest warstriders cannot use them in battle (although they have been known to carry them into place). The exact effect depends on the type of weapon it is used on (it can only apply to flamepieces and crossbows with (Resources) of ••••+). Flamepieces multiply the Range and Shots of the base profile by 10, their Damage by 1.5 (round up), and get the standard range increments as they become cannon; crossbows ignore the Range penalty for their keyword and their Damage becomes equal to (Resources) x 4. Warmachines gain the S tag and require a number of miscellaneous actions equal to (Resources) to reload.

Example Ranged Weapons

Baton (&bull) Acc, Lgt
Speed 5, Accuracy +0, Damage +3B, Rate 3, Range 10, Min. Str •, Tags: -
Needle (&bull) Fst, Prc
Speed 4, Accuracy +0, Damage +1L, Rate 2, Range 10, Min. Str •, Tags: P
Hatchet (•) Acc, Ddy
Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage +3L, Rate 2, Range 10, Min. Str •, Tags: -
Dagger (•) Acc, Rch
Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage +2L, Rate 2, Range 15, Min. Str •, Tags: -
Shuriken (&bull) Fst, Rch
Speed 4, Accuracy +0, Damage +1L, Rate 2, Range 15, Min. Str •, Tags -
Javelin (••) Acc, Prc, Rch
Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage +3L, Rate 2, Range 30, Min. Str ••, Tags: P
Chakram (••) Ddy, Fst, Rch
Speed 4, Accuracy +0, Damage +2L, Rate 2, Range 30, Min. Str ••, Tags: -
Hunting boomerang (•) Rch, Rtn
Speed 5, Accuracy +0, Damage +3B, Rate 2, Range 15, Min. Str •, Tags: -
War boomerang (••) Acc, Ddy, Rtn
Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage +4L, Rate 2, Range 20, Min. Str ••, Tags: -
Sling (•) Acc, Slg
Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage +2L, Rate 2, Range 100, Min Str •, Tags: -
Staff-sling (••) Rch, Slg, Slw
Speed 6, Accuracy +1, Damage +4L, Range 200, Rate 2, Min. Str ••, Tags: -
Self bow (•) Rch
Speed 6, Accuracy +0, Damage -, Rate 2, Range 125, Max. Str •••, Tags: 2, B
Longbow (••) Acc, Rch
Speed 6, Accuracy +1, Damage -, Rate 2, Range 200, Max. Str ••••, Tags: 2, B
Cavalry bow (••) Acc, Lgt
Speed 6, Accuracy +0, Damage -, Rate 3, Range 150, Max. Str ••••, Tags: 2, B
Composite bow (•••) Acc, Lgt, Rch
Speed 6, Accuracy +1, Damage -, Rate 3, Range 275, Max. Str ••••, Tags: 2, B
Crossbow (••) Rch, Xbw
Speed 5, Accuracy +0, Damage 5L, Rate 1, Range 125, Max. Str -, Tags: 2, B
Heavy crossbow (••) Ddy, Xbw
Speed 5, Accuracy +0, Damage 6L, Rate 1, Range 75, Max. Str -, Tags: 2, B
Siege crossbow (•••) Acc, Rch, Xbw
Speed 5, Accuracy +2, Damage 7L, Rate 1, Range 175, Max. Str -, Tags: 2, B
Flame pistol (••) Acc, Ddy
Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage 8L, Rate 1, Range 8, Tags: 2, F, S
Firewand (•••) Acc, Ddy, Rch
Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage 13L, Rate 1, Range 15, Tags: 2, F, S
Ballista (••••) Acc, Ddy, Slw, War
Speed 6, Accuracy +3, Damage 20L, Rate 1, Range 250, Tags: S (4), W
Heavy ballista (•••••) Acc, Ddy, Rch, Slw, War
Speed 6, Accuracy +3, Damage 24L, Rate 1, Range 425, Tags: S (5), W
Light cannon (••••) Acc, Ddy, Slw, War
Speed 6, Accuracy +3, Damage 25L, Rate 1, Range 160, Tags: S (4), W
Heavy cannon (•••••) Acc, Ddy, Rch, Slw, War
Speed 6, Accuracy +3, Damage 35L, Rate 1, Range 200, Tags: S (5), W

Projection of Divine Power

An Exalted archer wielding a bow made from yew and gut is dangerous, but the same archer with a powerbow forged from jade and steel can inflict death on his enemies out to a mile or more away. These wondrous weapons cannot even be drawn without having been infused with Essence, but when wielded by one of the Chosen they are fast, responsive and deadly.

As with their lesser, mundane, cousins, to create an artefact ranged weapon simply choose a base profile of the appropriate type and level and apply up to (Artifact) x2 keywords for thrown weapons, or up to (Artifact) +1 for bows and flamepieces, modifying the profile accordingly.

Artefact Profiles – Thrown

Artifact •
Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage +3L or +5B, Rate 3, Range 20, Commitment 2, Sockets 0
Artifact ••
Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage +4L or +7B, Rate 3, Range 40, Commitment 3, Sockets 0
Artifact •••
Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage +6L or +9B, Rate 3, Range 75, Commitment 5, Sockets 0
Artifact ••••
Speed 5, Accuracy +2, Damage +9L or +12B, Rate 3, Range 120, Commitment 8, Sockets 0
Artifact •••••
Speed 5, Accuracy +2, Damage +12L or +15B, Rate 3, Range 150, Commitment 10, Sockets 0

Artefact Profiles – Bows

Artifact •
Speed 6, Accuracy +1, Damage +0L, Rate 2, Range 150, Commitment 2, Sockets 0
Artifact ••
Speed 6, Accuracy +1, Damage +1L, Rate 2, Range 200, Commitment 4, Sockets 1
Artifact •••
Speed 6, Accuracy +1, Damage +2L, Rate 2, Range 250, Commitment 6, Sockets 1
Artifact ••••
Speed 6, Accuracy +2, Damage +4L, Rate 2, Range 350, Commitment 9, Sockets 2
Artifact •••••
Speed 6, Accuracy +2, Damage +6L, Rate 2, Range 500, Commitment 12, Sockets 2

Artefact Profiles – Flamepieces

Artifact •
Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage 6L, Rate 1, Range 10, Ammo 1, Commitment 2, Sockets 0
Artifact ••
Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage 9L, Rate 1, Range 15, Ammo 1, Commitment 4, Sockets 0
Artifact •••
Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage 12L, Rate 1, Range 30, Ammo 1, Commitment 6, Sockets 1
Artifact ••••
Speed 5, Accuracy +2, Damage 18L, Rate 1, Range 50, Ammo 1, Commitment 9, Sockets 1
Artifact •••••
Speed 5, Accuracy +2, Damage 25L, Rate 1, Range 75, Ammo 1, Commitment 12, Sockets 1

Artefact Keywords

Accurate x2 (Acc x2)
Almost literally capable of striking a fly on a wall at a mile's distance, this weapon is incredibly precise but the enchantments that allow this cause it to inflict less serious wounds as a result. Increase the artefact's Accuracy by one-half of (Artifact) but reduce its Damage by the same amount.
Deadly (Ddy)
This keyword can be applied to artefact bows regardless of any other keywords they may have.
Deadly x2 (Ddy x2)
Designed to greatly enhance its ability to wound this weapon sacrifices some of its precision to achieve this goal. Increase the artefact's Damage by one-half of (Artifact) and reduce its Accuracy 1.
Crossbow (Xbw)
This keyword behaves in much the same way for artefact bows as it does for their mundane brethren, except that the Damage rating of the base profile becomes equal to (Artifact) x 3.5 (round down). These weapons are most commonly known as arbalests.
Hearthstone (Hrt)
This artefact has an additional hearthstone socket built into it, beyond what would normally be expected of a weapon of its type. This keyword can be taken any number of times.
Magazine (Mag)
With a chamber or rack for storing additional ammunition and a system for readying it quickly the artefact need reloading less often than is the norm for its type, and thus the Exalted can avoid that onerous task in the middle of combat. The weapon’s Ammo increases to (Artifact) x 3. Can only be applied to flamepieces and bows with the Crossbow keyword.
Rapid Fire (Rpd)
This artefact has been constructed to fire more rapidly than is normal for its type, freeing its Chosen wielder from the need for Charm use for such a task. The Rate of the weapon increases by 1 (Ammo increases to match if necessary); if the weapon does not also have the Magazine keyword then it will have multiple firing mechanisms. Can only be applied to flamepieces and bows with the Crossbow keyword, and it can be applied up to twice.
Reach x2 (Rch x2)
Weapon like this are said to be able to shoot the horizon, hitting any target that its Exalted wielder can see – unfortunately the magic that propels its shot to such distances reduces their power. Double the Range of weapon (after applying all other modifiers), but reduce its Damage by one-half of (Artifact). This keyword can only be applied to bows.
Returning (Rtn)
Artefact weapons are too valuable to be lost to the vagaries of chance, even those weapons that were designed to be thrown. The weapon automatically returns if an attack misses, and by reflexively spending motes of Essence equal to one-half of (Artifact) the character can summon the weapon back to his hand after a successful attack. This keyword can only be applied to thrown weapons.

Example Artefacts

Windcleaver (throwing dagger) (•) Acc, Ddy
Speed 5, Accuracy +2, Damage +5L, Range 20, Rate 3, Commitment 2, Tags: -
Typhoon wheel (•) Fst, Rtn
Speed 4, Accuracy +1, Damage +2L, Range 20, Rate 3, Commitment 2, Tags: -
Corona disc (chakram) (••) Ddy, Fst, Rch, Rtn
Speed 4, Accuracy +1, Damage +4L, Range 50, Rate 3, Commitment 3, Tags: -
Vajra (••) Ddy, Rch, Prc, Rtn
Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage +5L, Range 50, Rate 3, Commitment 3, Tags: P
Short powerbow (••) Acc, Ddy, Rch,
Speed 6, Accuracy +2, Damage +2, Range 250, Rate 2, Commitment 4, Sockets 1, Tags: 2, B
Long powerbow (•••) Acc, Ddy, Lgt, Rch
Speed 6, Accuracy +1, Damage +3, Range 325, Rate 3, Commitment 6, Sockets 1, Tags: 2, B
Arbalest (••) Acc, Ddy, Xbw
Speed 5, Accuracy +2, Damage 8L, Rate 1, Range 100, Ammo 1, Sockets 1, Commitment 4, Tags: 2, B
Assault arbalest (•••) Ddy, Mag, Rpd, Xbw
Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage 11L, Rate 2, Range 125, Ammo 9, Sockets 1, Commitment 6, Tags: 2, B
Plasma tongue repeater (••) Ddy, Mag, Rpd
Speed 5, Accuracy +1, Damage 10L, Rate 2, Range 15, Ammo 6, Commitment 4, Tags: F
Twin-dragon rod (•••) Acc, Ddy, Rch, Rpd
Speed 5, Accuracy +2, Damage 15L, Rate 2, Range 36, Ammo 2, Sockets 1, Commitment 6, Tags: 2, F

Metal Clad Heroes

In a place as full of death and danger as Creation it is takes a truly brave (or insane) man to venture out beyond the safety of home without some form of protection. Requiring little or no instruction on its use and having easy (if often laborious) manufacture, armour fills that position nicely for the vast majority of people who expect to come up against armed opposition. As with the rest of the Panoply, armour statistics are generated by taking a base profile and applying a number of keywords to it, in this case (Resources), modifying the numbers according to the chosen keywords.

Armour Profiles – Soft

Resources •
Bashing 3, Lethal 1, Fatigue 1, Mobility -0
Resources ••
Bashing 4, Lethal 2, Fatigue 1, Mobility -1
Resources •••
Bashing 5, Lethal 3, Fatigue 2, Mobility -1
Resources ••••
Bashing 7, Lethal 4, Fatigue 2, Mobility -2
Resources •••••
Bashing 9, Lethal 5, Fatigue 3, Mobility -2

Armour Profiles – Hard

Resources •
Bashing 1, Lethal 2, Fatigue 0, Mobility -1
Resources ••
Bashing 2, Lethal 3, Fatigue 1, Mobility -1
Resources •••
Bashing 3, Lethal 4, Fatigue 1, Mobility -2
Resources ••••
Bashing 4, Lethal 6, Fatigue 2, Mobility -2
Resources •••••
Bashing 6, Lethal 8, Fatigue 2, Mobility -3

Armour Keywords

Discreet (Dsc)
Through clever design and precise measurements this armour has been designed to fit the human form closely, rendering it easier to disguise and able to be worn beneath heavy clothing. If so worn the diffulty to spot the armour (via a (Perception + Awareness) check) is (3 – Mobility penalty).
Easy (Esy)
This armour has been constructed in such a way that it channels heat and sweat away from its wearer with greater efficiency or with lighter materials such that it does not weigh so heavily upon the shoulders. In either case the Fatigue value of the armour is reduced by 1. This keyword can only be applied to soft armour.
Flexible (Flx)
Whether by using multiple plates upon a non-rigid backing, or by careful and cunning use of interlocking scales this armour has been cunningly fashioned to restrict the movements of its owner less than its peers. The armour’s Mobility penalty is reduced by 1. This keyword can only be applied to hard armour.
Heavy (Hvy
By the use of heavier materials or thicker layers this armour has had its protective qualities noticeably increased, but it makes it more tiring to wear or harder to move around in. Increase the Bashing and Lethal soaks of the armour by one-half of (Resources), but hard armour increases the Mobility penalty by 1 while soft armour increases its Fatigue value by a similar amount. Opposes the Light keyword.
Light (Lgt)
This armour has been made lighter and easier to wear by the careful use of thinner leathers or just less metal in its construction, but this has the effect of reducting the protection it delivers. If applied to hard armour reduce its Mobility penalty by 1, or its Fatigue value if applied to soft armour; in either case the Bashing and Lethal soaks of the armour are reduced by one-half of (Resources) to a minimum of 0. Opposes the Heavy keyword.
Padded (Pad)
Through the addition of soft leather padding around the joints and in empty spaces the armour’s ability to dissipate blunt trauma is increased without adversely affecting its wearer’s mobility. Increase the Bashing soak of the armour by one-half of (Resources). Can only be applied to hard armour.
Plated (Plt)
By adding thin metallic plates to cover the wearer’s vital areas this armour has had its protection against penetrating wounds increased without making the armour noticeably harder to wear for long periods of time. Increase the armour’s Lethal soak by one-half of (Resources). Can only be applied to soft armour.
Strengthened (Str)
Designed with stiffer, tougher materials and with potential weak spots given their own protection this armour has had it ability to resist penetrating damage greatly increased, with a concomitant increase to its blunt trauma resistance and its restriction of its wearer’s movement. Increase the armour’s Lethal soak by (Resources), its Bashing soak by one-half of that amount and its Mobility penalty by 1.
Thickened (Thk)
This armour has been constructed with thicker, heavier materials and designed to absorb impact damage, while also protecting from edged weapons, but this extra mass also makes the armour more tiring to wear. Increase the armour’s Bashing soak by (Resources), its Lethal soak by one-half of that amount and its Fatigue value by 1.

Example Armour

Buff jacket (•) Hvy
Bashing 4, Lethal 2, Fatigue 2, Mobility -0
Chain shirt (••) Dst, Esy
Bashing 4, Lethal 2, Fatigue 0, Mobility -1
Reinforced buff jacket (••) Hvy, Plt
Bashing 5, Lethal 4, Fatigue 2, Mobility -1
Chain hauberk (•••) Esy, Hvy, Thk
Bashing 9, Lethal 5, Fatigue 3, Mobility -1
Light chain (•••) Dst, Esy, Plt
Bashing 5, Lethal 4, Fatigue 1, Mobility -1
Scale armour (•••&bull) Esy, Hvy, Plt, Str
Bashing 11, Lethal 12, Fatigue 1, Mobility -3
Chain swathing (••••) Esy, Hvy, Plt, Str, Thk
Bashing 18, Lethal 16, Fatigue 4, Mobility -3
Bracers & greaves (&bull)
Brigandine (••)
Breastplate (•••)
Lamellar (•••)
Reinforced breastplate (••••)
Articulated plate (•••••)
Superheavy plate (•••••)


This is excellent stuff. Do you mind if I transfer it to the White Wolf wiki? --Kukla

Yes, I do. It's not finished, for one – hence the Minor Edits I’ve been using, also I don’t particularly want to have to maintain it in two separate places. Link to it, though, sure. - Moxiane
I'll set up a link to it once it's completed. Elegant work. --Kukla

Just a note that the waraxe currently doesn't seem to have any source for its overwhelm tag.
-- Darloth

Yah – that would be a holdover from a previous iteration. Caught & killed. - Moxiane

I'd just like to note that characters with high Resources get access to much more powerful weapons in this system than they otherwise would. Let's say I custom design a backwards-sweeping forearm blade (such as those used by Alita in Battle Angel), and make it a Resources 5 weapon. If I take Accurate, Deadly, Guard, Brawling Aid, Martial Arts Weapon, and Piercing, I could have a weapon that looks like this: Spd 5, Acc +7, Dam +16L, Def +7, Rate 2. Even with a perfect, enchanted weapon, that kind of accuracy, defense, and damage isn't possible in a non-artifact weapon in the base system - but it is possible with this system. I am not saying that it's too much, necessarily, but I felt it worth noting that this system places considerably more power in the hands of those just buying weapons with lots of money than they had before. - IanPrice

The system gets a bit unbalanced above Resources 3 for personal weapons, yes - this is why I note that weapons designed around that level are meant for use by warstriders, giant Lunars, Thousand-Corpse Frames, and so on. The combination of Brw and Mrt is one I had missed and should probably put in a note about, though. - Moxiane

Awesome redo. Any thought about how to cost Artifacts with special abilities like Force Projection, etc? -- VaticanT

Absolutely none. ^_^
Maybe when I get the armour section done, I'll tackle that idea, but I don't want to end up with a point-based or D&D-like system for defining artefacts, because that doesn't suit the game IMO. If I was gonna try it I'd most likely end up by subtracting points from the modified profile to pay for powers, but amounts and strengths and stuff are just beyond me right now - Moxiane

If I may make suggestion: use an Artifact version of the Trick Keyword for special powers. -Azurelight