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Revision as of 23:11, 6 November 2014


All the Exalts from stuff other than Outcastes, PG, and AB:E should be here by now. Does someone who owns those want to add whatever might be missing? - willows

I just got outcastes. I'll be adding stuff when I get the time. Are we going to have a separate section for each group of outcastes? And what about the Gentes? Scrollreader

I just added some of the DBs from Outcaste, but I'm pretty sure I missed a couple. (Added: Eos, Ossissa, and their captains; the two leaders of the Forest Witches.) -- JesseLowe

Started the Infernal Exalted list, since there are a few of those now. -jboerj

This needs to be updated. Most caste and aspect books that have been released has information that places the unknowns in their caste. And for the record, I think Yushuv is an Eclipse. ~StarHawk

You realise that no one is stopping you from doing so. - willows
Correct. Simply lack of books, and free time. But thanks for the comment either way... ~StarHawk
Ah, I understand! The same limitation prevents me from lending assistance. - willows

I've just started reading Cult of the Illuminated, so what the hell, might as well add the characters in there as I go through it. - Stanoje

Thanks! - willows
Okay, chapter 3 is done, too. Now only the chapter on the Wyld Hunt is left. I'm not that interested in it, so it might be a while before I add the characters from it, if ever.
You missed Amaya. Also, Burning Moon is explicitely a Twilight. -Xeriar

I went through and counted how many canon Exalts there were that we have listed before going through and double-checking the 2E sometime in the next weeks. I kind of wanted percentages of canon to non for my own STing purposes. Please make sure to change numbers if you add any more! --UncleChu

I'm hesistant to add them, but there are a number of additional characters in the "Quest for the Great Source" adventure in Exalted: the Autochtonians. Are they canonical enough to include here? - Hapushet, who also, quite sadly, must point out that Crow the Boy might be dead

Why might Crow be dead? If this is significantly likely, it should be mentioned. I'd wager the other characters you've encountered in the QftGS are worth adding, just make sure you cite their book and page location so STs can be like, "ANY CHARACTERS FROM AUTOCHTHONIANS ARE TEH BANNED!" --UncleChu
The reason why Crow is suspected dead is that she is apparently the character that the Roseblack kills in AB: Wood. However, MUran has said that it's not REALLY Crow... just that she needed a "kid Solar" to kill and Crow was the first that came to mind. - Tiffa
Dude, I took a look at my buddy's copy of AB:W and I'll be damned if that's not Crow the Boy in the illustration. Changed 'may have been killed' to 'probably killed'. Its a powerful convincing argument. They've got the same damned goggles. --UncleChu
Mkay, let's try this again...
MUran's comment in the picture is: "Yesh, it's Crow the Boy. She was the first character that came to mind when I had to illustrate that particular bit of text.", and then on a reply which basically goes "NOOOOOO", her reply is "It's not canon! MAN! You people and your attachments!!! >:P"
Me, I take it that Crow isn't really dead :P - Tiffa
Continuing the above, it is also worth noting that the image and text conflict. Crow "the Boy" is an ironic nickname, and Crow is very noticeably female (Quote from CB:E 95: "...took the dress and name when her departure from adolescence into young womanhood turned her from a lanky child into a strikingly beautiful girl."), while the Anathema that Ejava killed was not (Quote from AB:E 51: "...the last one I killed looked like nothing more than an urchin boy out of any market in the Realm."). The illustration is definitely of Ejava doing something unpleasant to Crow, but the text itself is referring to someone who isn't Crow: if Crow == Noticeably Female and Unknown Anathema =/= Noticeably Female (or the text would've said so), then Unknown Anathema =/= Crow. --MentalFloss
Ah, sorry Tiffa. Perhaps MUran underestimates the raw power she wields with such potent illustrations... ones that get published in official materials... which is what canon means. I don't know all the circumstances, of course, but MUran actually has sort of made it canon. But, according to the definitions here, do indicate that something must be inarguable, and in writing. MentalFloss's argument is quite sound, and I'd say that certainly, text indeed trumps freelance illustrations ;) --UncleChu

Moved Gerd Marrow-Eater under No-Moons -- Rafilar

It is with a heavy heart that I declare this page woefully incomplete thanks to Exalted 2nd Edition: but no matter, by blood begun, by blood undone: I will complete the work. --Survival is Niffty! 23:11, 6 November 2014 (UTC)