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(cleaning up old and inaccurate stuff)
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== Peanut Gallery ==
== Peanut Gallery ==
Anyone is free to add comments, should the spirit move them. If, for whatever reason, you wish to contact me more directly, I can be reached at [mailto:blucnary@hotmail.com blucnary@hotmail.com] or [mailto:rmaleski@gmail.com rmaleski@gmail.com]. Put something like "Exalted" in the subject header so I will know you're not spam. I'm rarely available on AIM, under the screen name <b>Ikselam</b>, though I really prefer email to chat. Of late, I've also been on IRC fairly regularly, hanging out in #wod or #exaltedbeachvolleyball (on the Magicstar server).
Anyone is free to add comments, should the spirit move them. If, for whatever reason, you wish to contact me more directly, I can be reached at [mailto:blucnary@hotmail.com blucnary@hotmail.com] or [mailto:rmaleski@gmail.com rmaleski@gmail.com]. Put something like "Exalted" in the subject header so I will know you're not spam. I'm rarely available on AIM, under the screen name <b>Ikselam</b>, though I prefer email to chat.  
* Skip my jibber-jabber and go straight to [##TheGoodStuff the good stuff].
* Skip my jibber-jabber and go straight to [##TheGoodStuff the good stuff].
=== Present ===
=== Present ===
I'm not really active on ExaltedWiki much anymore. I basically just hang out in HearthstoneRelay when the fancy strikes me.
=== Past (/Archive) ===
=== Past (/Archive) ===
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* Visit a [http://www.lensmen.net/wiki/exalted.pl?action=random random] page.
* Visit a [http://www.lensmen.net/wiki/exalted.pl?action=random random] page.
== Outside Links ==
== Outside Links ==
* <b>Exalted Links</b>
** [http://exalted.rpgcompendium.com Exalted Compendium], a very big and slick fansite.
** The [ White Wolf Forums], home to the Exalted board I frequent.
** [http://exalted.shaolinpunk.net/ Edge of Creation], a small but spiff site (run by [[Guybrush]]) which features some of my work.
** [http://www.alabrax.com/exalted/ Alabrax's Exalted Page], another good fan site. Use the site map to navigate it, the front page isn't really useful unless you are actually playing in his game.
** [http://rpol.net/rpol/game.cgi?gi=&gn=Exalted:+Kombat Exalted Kombat], where you can go to see Exalted combat tactics in action, and hone your skills if you so desire. My friend Jabberwock (aka [[Domino]]; not to be confused with [[Jabberwocky]]) is one of its admins.
* <b>Miscellaneous Non-Exalted Links</b>
* <b>Miscellaneous Non-Exalted Links</b>
** [http://www.rpg.net RPG.net]; I hang out in the Roleplaying and Other Games Open forums.
** [http://www.wunderland.com/WTS/Ginohn/games/Gnostica/GnosticaRules.html Gnostica], a fun game played with tarot cards.
** [http://www.wunderland.com/WTS/Ginohn/games/Gnostica/GnosticaRules.html Gnostica], a fun game played with tarot cards.
** [http://www.enjoyincubus.com Incubus], my favorite band.
** [http://www.catandgirl.com Cat and Girl], a postmodern comic.
** [http://www.catandgirl.com Cat and Girl], a postmodern comic.
** [http://kungfool.transpect.net/index.php Crazykimchi], a comic drawn by a lovable Korean curmudgeon.
** [http://kungfool.transpect.net/index.php Crazykimchi], a comic drawn by a lovable Korean curmudgeon.
** [http://faith.rydia.net/ Demonology 101], a long-running comic featuring a coherent dramatic arc (<i>gasp!</i>), which has actually come to a conclusion (double <i>gasp!</i>).
** [http://faith.rydia.net/ Demonology 101], a long-running comic featuring a coherent dramatic arc (<i>gasp!</i>), which has actually come to a conclusion (double <i>gasp!</i>).
** [http://www.stringsoffate.com Strings of Fate], a well-drawn comic about the Chinese Zodiac gods which sadly may not update ever again.
** [http://paulm.com/toys/they_fight_crime.html They Fight Crime!], a silly way to while away the time.
** [http://paulm.com/toys/they_fight_crime.html They Fight Crime!], a silly way to while away the time.
** [http://www.jonessoda.com Jones Soda], makers of Whoop-Ass.
* <b>Non-Exalted Roleplaying Links</b>
** The d20 [http://www.wizards.com/D20/article.asp?x=srd35 System Reference Document], containing 90% of what you need to know to play [http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/welcome Dungeons & Dragons 3.5].
** The in-progress d20 conversion of the incredible AD&D [http://www.planewalker.com/index.php Planescape] setting.
** [http://www.interplay.com/games/product.asp?GameID=9 Planescape:Torment], the best computer RPG ever conceived by man, sadly no longer made.
** [http://nwvault.ign.com/index2.shtml Neverwinter Vault], repository of tons of custom content for the [http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/welcome D&D] game [http://nwn.bioware.com Neverwinter Nights].
** [http://nwvault.ign.com/index2.shtml Neverwinter Vault], repository of tons of custom content for the [http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/welcome D&D] game [http://nwn.bioware.com Neverwinter Nights].

Revision as of 21:32, 31 July 2006

Ikselam's Page of Friendship and Fun

WBM - ExaltedBeachVolleyball - HearthStones - Charms - Artifacts - CelestialBureaucracy - CrunchRelay

Ikselam, known to some as Roger Maleski, graduated from Haverford College in 2002 with a degree in Mathematics, but the little devil on his left shoulder keeps telling him he should have been an English major instead. His hobbies currently include, but are not limited to, fantasy and science-fiction novels, tabletop role-playing games, existential dread, fiddling with Neverwinter Nights' level editor and its temperamental scripting language, and collecting plush stuffed snakes. He would love Exalted even more than he does now if he ever had the opportunity to actually play it.

  • back to UserPages.

Peanut Gallery

Anyone is free to add comments, should the spirit move them. If, for whatever reason, you wish to contact me more directly, I can be reached at blucnary@hotmail.com or rmaleski@gmail.com. Put something like "Exalted" in the subject header so I will know you're not spam. I'm rarely available on AIM, under the screen name Ikselam, though I prefer email to chat.

  • Skip my jibber-jabber and go straight to [##TheGoodStuff the good stuff].


I'm not really active on ExaltedWiki much anymore. I basically just hang out in HearthstoneRelay when the fancy strikes me.

Past (/Archive)


ExaltedWiki Topics

  • Discussion / Information
    • FormatStandards. A discussion of what standards we should adopt for various sorts of content.
    • BestPractices. Discussion of how the wiki should be structured.
    • ImportantLinks.
    • InCharacter.
  • Open Projects
    • CelestialBureaucracy and SpiritCourts, tons of fun.
    • CombatPlus, attempting to further improve PowerCombat.
    • CrunchRelay, making artifact creation into a party game.
    • ExaltedBeachVolleyball, the best idea ever.
    • IkselamInfernal. An Infernal Exalted project, far from complete.
    • MeritFlawIndex. Making it easier to find the merits and flaws you want.
    • ScarletEmpressTheories. Forget about the Ebon Dragon, this is what really happened to our favorite woman in red.
    • ThaRealGhettoShiznit. Exalted rap battles!
    • WhirlwindBrushMethod, round-robin Exalted fanfic.
  • "Proprietary" Content
    • Crunch
      • Artifacts/Ikselam. Many artifacts, of all levels and purposes.
      • Charms/Ikselam. Charms for Solars, including my Brawl Charms and some ridiculous MartialArts styles. You can also find a Solar Circle spell of mine in the Sorcery section.
      • HearthStones/Ikselam. Little shiny stones of fun, including the amazing Stone Potato!
      • VirtueFlaws/Ikselam. I heard there was this Solar eating at a diner, and some kid dropped a spoon and the Solar killed the whole town.
    • Fluff
      • /DeathlordsOnParade. Make way for Deathlords!
      • /FanFiction. Some Exalted stories I wrote. I am pretty proud of these.
      • /LittleGods. A host of spirits, not all of them particularly little.
      • MadTeaParty. Curiouser and curiouser...
      • /OtherCircles. Right now, just some quick sketches/brainstorms.
      • /PerfectCircle. Some characters I wrote up a while ago; my first serious Exalted project.
  • Games
    • /InspectorKeyes, a character for Telgar's IRC game.
    • /MercifulOsprey, a character for ScrollAndSwordCircle.
    • /KokoTheOctopus
    • ScrollAndSwordCircle, willows' Sidereal game.
    • TreeOfBounties, my GodBlooded game.
    • JungleBook, a Solar game.
  • People
    • BogMod, in a stunning display of parallel evolution, came up with the notion of ExaltedBeachVolleyball independent from my own thoughts on the topic.
    • CrownedSun. I think a lot of Brandon's ideas about how the game should work are crazy and wrong, but they also tend to be well-thought-out and interesting, and the setting stuff he comes up with is uniformly good.
    • DaveFayram does not have a whole heck of a lot of content on his page, but deserves note as the progenitor of ExaltedWiki.
    • Dissolvegirl is a pretty neat person, who writes well.
    • FourWillowsWeeping operates on a wavelength slightly out-of-phase with my own, but nevertheless has many picturesque notions.
    • Jabberwocky's page is worth a visit, if only for the kittens.
    • Quendalon. Fine HearthStones and sundries. Also has good game transcripts.
    • Sigilistic's game transcripts and background material are quite nice.
    • Telgar has a lot of pretty decent HearthStones, Artifacts, and nonesuch.
  • /BrainStorm
  • Visit a random page.

Outside Links

  • back to UserPages.

DummyAlias seemed like a good idea at the time...