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Kagami, the City of Mirrors

The brazen mirrors of the demon city deceive the eye. They show you a distorted likeness of yourself and of the demon city, altered in a thousand subtle ways. If you dare, you may step through such a mirror; thus does one enter Kagami, the echo of the demon realm. It is a twisted reflection of a twisted world, and in its hidden depths, space and time fold in upon themselves in a quicksilver labyrinth of memory and dream. Quendalon

Progeny Count: 2:0:0
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  • Strephon, the Turning Wheel (Quendalon)
    History repeats itself. This principle embodies itself in the demon prince Strephon, who acts to ensure that matters come about as they have before. It has many guises, including a ring of swords and a wheel of fire. It most often appears as an oppositely gendered duplicate of its summoner. It may cause any thing that has happened before to happen again; such is its power and its nature.
  • Qucheil Utau, the Prolonged of Life (Nero's Boot)
    Many are the men and women who would kill their heart's love for the chance to live forever, and for these fools dwells Qucheil Utau, the Prolonged of Life. Hidden in dusty grimoires of spells and rites are the techniques for calling the demon prince of false immortality, and many are the fools who would use them. A dozen young doves must be slaughtered, and the rite performed at Calibration, for only then will Qucheil Utau deign to enter the mortal realm. When he comes, he comes as a frozen, mummified child, his eyes scourged away with flame, his limbs locked in place. Riding a beam of green sunlight, he comes and touches those who summon him on the forehead, and then they are as ash. Such is the fate of those who presume too much.


<roar> Damn you, Quendalon! I had an idea for a Yozi just like this and thought I was being clever. hmph. Well, not just like this. But too similar to make another one ... unless I do some sort of clever twin thing. Le sigh. I suffer.
~ Shataina

Woah, I know this hasn't been looked at in awhile, and I doubt Nero's Boot still frequents the Wiki, but Quchei Utau's description just sent a shiver down my spine. Creepy as HELL. Good work! --UncleChu

He's a slightly modified version of a char from a story by...I think Clark Ashton Smith. Anyway, he figures in a Call of Cthulhu adventure I have. --JohnBiles
Ah. Well then. That fits with why Nero's page has hundreds of comments telling him to read UserPractices and whatnot. I'm disappointed. --UncleChu
Eh, most of Exalted is ganked from somewhere else. Insert Voltaire's quote about originality here. But I am let down by the fact far too much detail is put into the summoning ritual, which is the Solar Circle spell Demon of the Third Circle anyway. Also, what's he touch them with? His forehead? And 'deign to enter the mortal realm'? Most fetiches would be champing at the bit to enter the mortal realm. - Trithne
Well, maybe he's a free spirit or somesuch...Creation's kinda a dump anyhoo... - Han'ya