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In the tomb there's bound to be; defenses strong times three The defenses overcome; the ghosts must be undone.



  • Madam Wu - Owner of a cheap Teahouse in Nexus...
  • Pirule Kugimo - hapless mortal Nexus labourer trying to earn a quick coin by spying on Exalts... (and a dwarf)
  • Invincible Serf of the Wyld - Noble Fae
  • Cousin Rosa of Tolinya (ex-slave, branded with the brand of the Wujin Shi Tea Company)
  • The seven emancipated slave girls
    • Bitchy (now a dedicated follower of Savvy)
    • Whiney
    • Moany (now a dedicated follower of Savvy)
    • Groany
    • Catty
    • Fussy
    • Feral (now a dedicated follower of Savvy)
  • Master Wu, Sijanese tour guide

Deceased and or Unknown


  • Nexus (d'uh!)
    • Madame Wu's Teahouse of Infinite Courage
    • The Seven-Thousand Pleasures Teahouse
    • The Drunken Carp Tavern
    • Salt of Creation Tavern (in Sentinel Hills)
    • Nexus Pool
    • Dakura's Mansion
    • The Shining Pearl, Dakura's yacht - deceased
  • An-Teng
    • Dragon's Jaw
  • Riverwood, a small village on the River of Tears. Home of Perfect Butterfly
  • Harbourhead
    • Tiraklou - Savvy's sister here once...
  • Sijan
  • Lookshy
    • Tomhaza Redoubt (Shhhh! It's a secret!) <- Handy. :)

||||||Year 767|| ||Ascending Air|| Resplendent Air|| Descending Air|| ||Ascending Water|| Resplendent Water|| Descending Water|| ||Ascending Earth|| Resplendent Earth|| Descending Earth|| ||Ascending Wood|| Resplendent Wood|| Descending Wood|| || Ascending Fire|| Resplendent Fire|| Descending Fire|| |||||| Calibration||

||||||Year 768|| ||Ascending Air|| Resplendent Air|| Descending Air|| ||Ascending Water|| Resplendent Water|| Descending Water|| ||Ascending Earth|| Resplendent Earth|| Descending Earth|| ||Ascending Wood|| Resplendent Wood|| Descending Wood|| || Ascending Fire||Resplendent Fire|| Descending Fire|| |||||| Calibration|| Year 768

Descending Wood : The odd quartet meet in Nexus, greet a Solar, get a quest, kill a Dynast, steal a yacht.
Ascending Fire : Leave Nexus on a quest to Sijan on behalf of an Eclipse. Flee local authorities for the death of a Dynast. Bring groupies.
Descending Fire : Fae!. Scarred frustrated. Savvy furious. Phinnae flies. Jade Wisdom fights.
Calibration : weirdness happens.

||||||Year 769|| || Ascending Air|| Resplendent Air||Descending Air|| Year 769

Ascending Air : Seven Su-Chi's. Sidereal slyness. Scary stranger. Sijanese stonework. Schooling Savvy.
Resplendent Air :

15th Resplendent Air

Jade Wisdom wakes up very hungover.

Savvy goes fishing as a bear.

Scarred starts drinking again.

No one is sure where Phinnae is, and then she arrives in camp with a deer!

Everyone eats reasonably well as sleet falls around them.

Jade Wisdom, using some advanced five co-ordinate trigonometry, works out exactly where they are. This keeps him amused for a while, but as the answer is ultimately, "up fecal stream", not much use.

The Lunar girls take to the sky to scout around for some semblance of civilisation nearby, preferably on the river to provide access to new river transport.

The Solar and Jadeborn stay at the camp to keep watch over the mortals. Jade Wisdom is missing his tea and getting quite depressed and forlorn. He walks towards the river bank a little and sits and stares at the rippling water...

Some seven hours later Savvy returns with good news. She has spotted a village roughly two days walk down stream and inland a bit. Feeling quite pleased she becomes a bear again to keep Groany warm as night draws near. Soon after, Phinnae returns with now news to report.

16th Resplendent Air

At dawn the cold bedraggled company packs up what little camp there is and leaves the clearing. The Lunars take the lead and Scarred and Jade Wisdom take the rear. The mortals trudge in the middle, except for poor sick Groany who gets to ride Savvy in simhata form.

17th Resplendent Air

Cold and weary the rag tag group walk onwards through the sleet and woodland.

18th Resplendent Air

At about 10pm the group sees the outskirts of the village. It is at this point they become a little nervous about the visibility of their Artifacts and Lunars. After a small discussion they come to agree that Jade Wisdom should enter first, as he can pass for a Dragon-Blood, and Savvy can escort him as she can hide her moonsilver tattoos.

A few minutes later the pair are entering the village and Scarred smacks himself on the forehead with the remembering he can turn invisible, sneak in and steal whatever we needed. A bit late...

Savvy and Jade Wisdom find a small cottage with residents still awake. The Artisan knocks gently on the sturdy wooden door and soon the door is answered by a very beautiful young lady. She seems a little nervous. Jade Wisdom asks her for some help with lodgings for the group, and maybe some clothes or even rags if she could spare them. Savvy offers to repay with any services they can provide. At this the young woman perks up a bit, and says they do have a task that the village requires help with and invites them inside. On the way in the Lunar and Jadeborn introduce themselves and learn that the girls name is Lisda.

There is an old man inside; he looks about fifty after a hard life. Lisda introduces him as her father, Gare. The Jadeborn explains their situation again while Lisda goes off to organise some shelter in the stables. Jade Wisdom chitchats pleasantly to the old man in a friendly manner, which Gare seems to appreciate.

Meanwhile, Scarred keeps drinking and Phinnae attempts to fletch an arrow or two. The mortals huddle together in the cold night air to stay warm...

Some ten minutes later Lisda comes back in with the good news that she has a stable big enough for the entire party. She then leads Savvy and the Jadeborn outside and a small walk through the cold night air to a well kept, if rustic barn. She explains that she will be back in the morning to tell of the task that must be done to repay this generosity, and bids the duo goodnight. Savvy and Jade Wisdom quickly walk to the others and lead them all to the barn. Once there, Phinnae becomes a mouse to sleep the night under the hay, and Scarred buries himself and the Golden Bow of the East within a haystack.

19th Resplendent Air

As the sun feebly climbs its way past the horizon to illuminate another cloud filled sky, Lisda opens the barn door. The weary collection of mortals blinks and slowly shuffles into generally upright positions. Savvy and Jade Wisdom greet Lisda and make introductions. They manage to introduce everyone except Phinnae, who remains a mouse, and Sacrred, who remains asleep and buried under hay. Soon though, the Solar's snores cannot be passed off as a normal hay function and he is woken and introduced while clumsily attempting to keep a giant golden bow hidden.

Lisda explains that her village has been having troubles with the local Wood Court for the last couple of months. No one in the village knows what has caused the Court's animosity. The Spirits have been scaring game away from hunters, demanding worship, hindering eforts to gather firewood and preventing passage through the forest. The Circle of Misfits agree to help as best they can and thank Lisda again for her hospitality.

Savvy is concerned about Groany's hypothermia and asks Jade Wisdom to have a look at her. Unfortunately, the Jadeborn is a bit distracted by the beautiful farm girl and feels for a pulse within a plank lying next to Groany. Absent-mindedly he declares her dead. This causes Savvy to panic for a few moments until they all realise what has happened and a more accurate "she's alive" diagnosis is made.

As Lisda leaves this mysterious band of strangers, Savvy picks up the Phinnae-mouse and she Scarred and Jade Wisdom discuss options. Before long they agree that the mortals should stay here in the village while they go to meet the Wood Court. Telling as much to the slave girls and sailors, the quartet walk north into the wood.

About mid-morning they find a convenient slearing for Savvy to attempt to use her Heaven-Thunder Leaves to gain the attention of local Terrestrial Gods. Phinnae-mouse, Scarred and Jade Wisdom are treated to an alluring performance of southern-sensuousness for several minutes before a woodland nymph manifests itself at the edge of the clearing.

Jade Wisdom recognises it as a Dryad from a fairly old and large Oak. He tries to explain to the Dryad, but is told quickly that the issues are not their concern. Taking a breath, Jade Wisdom then tries to explain about the Oath they have sworn to aid the villagers but the Dryad swiftly interupts that the court is not concerned with the villagers.

Savvy asks what the Dyad is actually concerned with, but the Dryad dismisses her question as none of their business and says they should leave.

Jade Wisdom offers to help resolve whatever is bothering the woodlands, to thus end the conflict with the villagers. At this the Dryad pauses in consideration of the offer. Savvy takes this opportunity to use her New Friend Aroma, causing a small burping sound and a less intoxicating, more toxic kind of smell lingering in the air.

The Dryad says an arrangement may be possible if they come to the court and see the Wood King. The Exalts and Jade Wisdom agree to this and follow the Dryad through the trees into the forest. Soon after, Jade Wisdom's essence enhanced sight allows him to spot Lisda following at some distance. He inwardly groans, but says nothing so as to not give her away.

An hour later they come to a thick copse of treets. As they draw closer the trees part to let them through into a clearing filled with immaterial woodland gods and elementals, including the Wood King. Jade Wisdom is a little concerned about Lisda as she is nowhere to be seen.

Debate is joined!

The King rumbles forth "Hushah kikiki shou-burrum faramni?" as Lisda is brought into the clearing by a pair of strong Dryads and held firmly for all to see.

There's an awkward pause as the entire court, including the Misfit Circle realises that the people before the King cannot understand Forest-Tongue at all... The King slumps a little in his throne of ivy, a little dejected.

Jade Wisdom smoothly interjects in Riverspeak a denial of knowing of Lisda's presence and reiterates their intention to mediate the dispute so he requests that she be allowed to stay free of harm. The King sniffs in contempt and ignores the Jadeborn's babbling. He raises his voice again, in Riverspeak.

"Remove this mortal from my sight!" he commands. No one moves. Some crickets can be heard chirping in the distance. Members of the court look slightly uncomfortable...

The Jadeborn beckons for Lisda to come and stand with the party. As she runs over, Jade Wisdom pleads for mercy as "She is from the village and wishes an amicable solution to this diagreement." but again the King ignores him, looking around the court in disdain.

"Leave now or be removed by force!" the King commands. The quartet (and Lisda) are taken aback by this new commanding tone and very nearly get up to leave.

Jade Wisdom again pleads with the King to let them stay and help, and is again ignored by the woodland monarch. Then the perceptive Artisan, notices flecks of gold essence coalescing around the fearful but defiant farm girl. The essence flecks become an aura as she steps forward and shouts "Stay your tongue, Forest Lord, and listen!". Jade Wisdom turns to her and bows deeply, saying "Congratulations, Golden Bull, welcome to your power."

The Kings eyes widen and focus directly upon her in surprise. He nods his head slightly in acquiescence.

Lisda continues, "I want you to stop harrassing Riverwood!"

Scarred and Savvy are a bit speechless and stand there in silent respect. Well, silence at least.

The Wood King starts nodding his head furiously, whipping leaves from his crown. Gulping, he remains defiant, saying "Only if you stop logging this Forest."

The Jadeborn notices a look of confusion play across Lisdas face at this statement, and he interjects "Your Highness, you can plainly see this girl knows nothing of the logging you speak of! There is obviously a third party at the root of this dispute. Please tell us all what is happening that we may help?" At this the King looks thoughtful and nods.

"If you stop the logging of my domain, Riverwood will once more be allowed within my borders." he says.

"We will stop the logging, your Highness," says the Jadeborn. "Can you spare us a guide to take us to it?"

Again the King slowly nods. He summons the Dryad forward and commands it to lead the group to the logging site.

20th Resplendent Air

21th Resplendent Air

22th Resplendent Air

23th Resplendent Air

24th Resplendent Air

25th Resplendent Air

26th Resplendent Air

27th Resplendent Air

28th Resplendent Air


Added links to the first age exalts and linked other NPCs to my pages. - Bencyclopedia

Trying some organisational changes. If anyone has a better idea, I'd love to see it! :) Will leave the last couple of days in game time (or game sessions) up on this page and archive off the others on a rolling schedule (alternatively, one of you lot can do that too if you feel so inclined, just copy how I've done it. Each Archived day will usually be fairly short to read, has it's own comments section and should be easy to build off, but one thing I'm wary of is losing exactly what the party of misfits has learned. If it's archived away who's to say what day they learned the specific bit of info you're looking for to recall... hm... wordy sentences for the win tonight! Maybe each date should have a reminder about that day? So like: 16th Descending Wood - Nexus, quartet met, alley thugs, Taros intro. - nikink

Perhaps you could just have this page be a timeline with a brief rundown of each day + the calander with the links off to the more detailed descriptions. Possibly just have the most recent game or two on here as well, to act as a memory tickler if needed. - Bencyclopedia
I'm pretty sure you just said what I said... :) nikink
Quite possibly, I just did it less wordy :P Bencyclopedia

Damn homophones! :) nikink

What the hell is Toxophilite? - nikink

According to a Toxophilite is a lover of Archery - Bencyclopedia
The more you know! :) nikink

Good grief! I hate falling behind on the notes... three pages transcribed, nineteen to go! I hope you people appreciate the effort! ;) nikink

Who did the what now? - Muzz