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== Ragara Myrrun, Grandmaster of the Immaculate Martial Arts ==
== Ragara Myrrun, Grandmaster of the Immaculate Martial Arts ==

Latest revision as of 16:07, 8 June 2010

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Ragara Myrrun, Grandmaster of the Immaculate Martial Arts

by MadGreenSon

Aspect: Earth
Nature: Visionary
Concept: Immaculate Grandmaster, Sidereal Experiment

Physical: Strength 6 , Dexterity 6, Stamina 7
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3 , Appearance 0
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 4 , Wits 5

Athletics5, Archery 4 (Powerbow +1), Awareness5, Endurance7, Craft: Calligraphy 5 (Writing Manuals +3), Martial Arts7[+1](Barehanded +2, Tetsubo +1), Resistance7, Lore5, Linguistics5 (Writing Manuals +3)(High RealmLow Realm, Old Realm, Riverspeak, Mountain Folk, Seatounge), Melee 4 (Paired Short Swords +1), Brawl 4 (Cliching/ Grappling +1), Thrown 4(Chakram +1),Dodge 4 (Unarmored +1) Performance 3, Ride 2, Presence 3, Socialize 3

Backgrounds: Breeding 5, Sifu 5, Reputation 5 (One of three Immaculate Grandmasters)

Virtues: Compassion 3, Conviction 5, Temperance 5, Valor 4
Essence Pool:22/57
Merits and Flaws
Prodigy:Martial Arts (2) Unusual Appearance: Man of Stone with eyes of gems(-2)
Merit bought with exp: Mutation: Body of Stone (+6L +6B soak 14exp)
Spring Follows Winter, Swallows Defend the Nest, Dragonfly Finds Mate
Effortlessly Rising Flame, Fiery Prowess
Precision Observation Method, All-Encompassing Earth Sense, Feeling the Dragon's Bones, Entombed Mind Technique, Unfailing Dragon Glance, Sight of Fluttering Tremors, Pulse of the Dragon's Soul
Drowning Embrace, Riptide Method, Pounding Surf Style
Shaping Hand Style, Stone-Carving Fingers Form, Perfect Climbing Attitude, Resplendent Artisan Mastery, Ramparts of Obedient Earth
<i>Flickering Candle Meditation, Smoke Obscuring Effect, Safety Among Enemies

Unsleeping Earth Meditation, Uneating Earth Meditation, Untiring Earth Meditation, Unbreathing Earth Meditation, Unfeeling Earth Meditation, Unflagging Vengance Meditation, Sleep of Stones Trance, Breath of Earth Trance, Purifying Blood Ascendancy
Ox-Body Technique x7
<i>Language Learning Ritual, Cipher Missive, Craft Icon, Favored Quill Mastery

<i>Elemental Bolt Attack, Elemental Burst Technique, Dragon Vortex Attack, Elemental Concentration Trance, Elemental Empowerment Meditation, Elemental Succor Method, Stern Tutor Discipline

Martial Arts
Jade Mountain Style</b>
Pillar of Marble Stance, Fortress of One, Boulder-Crushing Grasp, Sliding Glacier Grip, Jade Mountain Form, Pasiap Still Stands, Falling Rockslide Onslaught
<b>Five Dragons Style</b>
Five Dragon Fortitude, Five Dragon Blocking Technique, Five Dragon Claw, Five Dragon Force Blow, Five Dragon Form, Five Dragon Invulnerability, Five Dragon Fist, Five Dragon Wrath
<b>Initiation Charms</b>
Spirit Sight, Spirit Walking
<b>Earth Dragon Style</b>
Force of the Mountain, Unmoving Mountain Stance, Stone Dragon's Skin, Earth Dragon Form, Shattering Fist Strike, Stillness of Stone, Earthshaker Attack, Weapon-Breaking Defense Technique, Avalanche Method, Hungry Earth Strike, Ghost-Grounding Blow, Perfection of Earth Body
<b>Fire Dragon Style</b>
Flash-Fire Technique, Flame-Flicker Stance, Searing Fist Attack, Perfect Blazing Blow, Fire Dragon Form, Fiery Hand Attack, Overwhelming Fire Majesty Stance, Breath of the Fire Dragon, Smoldering Wound Attack, Essence Igniting Nerve Strike, Consuming Might of the Fire Dragon
<b>Water Dragon Style</b>
Flowing Water Defense, Rippling Water Strike, Shrugging Water Dragon Escape, Drowning in Blood Technique, Water Dragon Form, Flow Reversal Strike, Theft of Essence Method, Ghost Restraining Whirlpool Stance, Crashing Wave Style, Bottomless Depths Defense, Essence-Dousing Wave Attack, Tsunami Force Shout
<b>Air Dragon Style</b>
Air Dragon's Sight, Shrouding the Body and Mind, Breath Siezing Technique, Wind Dragon Speed, Air Dragon Form, Tornado Offense Technique, Cloud Treading Method, Avenging Wind Strike, Thunderclap Kata, Wrathful Winds Maneuver, Lightning Strike Style, Hurricane Combat Method
<b>Wood Dragon Style</b>
Eyes of the Wood Dragon, Mind-Over-Body Meditation, Wood Dragon Vitality, Soul Marking Strike, Wood Dragon Form, Unbreakable Fascination Kata, Spirit-Wracking Method, Death-Pattern Sensing Attitude, Enthralling Blow Attack, Spirit-Rending Technique, Wood Dragon Succor, Soul Mastery
Dragon Graced Weapon, Refining the Inner Blade, Stoking Bonfire Style
Strength of Stone Technique, Impervious Skin of Stone Meditation, Earth Protection Form, Air Protection Form, Fire Protection Form, Wood Protection Form, Water Protection Form, Chaos Warding Prana, Defense from Anathema Method, Mountain Toppling Method, Armor Hardening Concentration, Mantle of Earth Invulnerability, Mantle of Air Invulnerability, Mantle of Fire Invulnerability, Mantle of Wood Invulnerability, Mantle of Water Invulnerability, Perfected Scales of the Dragon
Seeking Throw Technique, Whirlwind Shield Form, Vengeful Gust Counterattack


Burning Dragon's Thundering Shockwave</b>: 16m 1Will - (Breath of the Fire Dragon, Fiery Hand Attack Avenging Wind Strike, Force of the Mountain) Myrrun exhales a searing column of white-hot fire that explodes around an opponent, throwing them backward with a clap of thunder while they continue to burn.
This Combo was designed by Myrrun to test the blending of Earth, Air and Fire Essence into a single, fluid, motion of Essence. He was pleased by the powerful synergy of the Charms making up this technique.
(Perception + Martial Arts to hit with 7 automatic successes, 7 yard range, Base Damage is 63L, Roll Strength +MA vs target's Stamina +Resistance, if target wins or ties, no additional effect if target loses they continue to burn as if in a bonfire, see page 254 of Dragonblooded for more details. Target is thrown 70 yards -5 yards per success the target gets on a reflexive Dexterity + Athletics roll)

<b>Blazing Magma Fist Onslaught</b>: 8m 1Will - (5-Dragon Force Blow, Force of the Mountain, Fiery Hand Attack) Myrrun draws back one fist and his Anima coaleces around it, forming a sheath of pure magma that he then launches towards an opponent like a blazing comet of martial fury
(The punch has a base dame of 38L, Myrrun and his opponent engage in a reflexive contest of Myrrun's Strength + Martial Arts vs the Opponent's Strength + Resistance if Myrrun Wins the Opponent is knocked down. Roll Strength +MA vs target's Stamina +Resistance, if target wins or ties, no additional effect if target loses they continue to burn as if in a bonfire, see page 254 of Dragonblooded for more details.)
[This Combo is one Myrrun routinely uses while using Perfection of Earth Body and the damage is thus listed as if used under the influence of that charm]

<b>Wrath of the Dragons</b>: 18m 2Will - (Avenging Wind Strike,Earthshaker Attack,Firery Hand Attack, Rippling Water Strike,Spirit-Wracking Method) by FrivYeti
Myrrun raises his fists, one coiling with water essence and the other with flame. Bringing them together, he twists vines from his arms around the twin Essence flows, and breathes wind essence into the roiling mix. He then slams his hands down into the ground, sending five Essence flows spiralling through the ground towards every target within 70 feet of Myrrun, dematerialized or material.
(First, they must roll Dexterity + Resistance at difficulty 7 or be knocked down, taking 14 dice of lethal damage as the ground bursts into flame. Secondly, Myrrun rolls Strength + Martial Arts (default 13 dice) against the target's Stamina + Resistance; if he wins, the target burns as per a bonfire for seven turns. Upon this inferno raging, damage spreads amongst the victims; every victim takes extra dice of bashing damage equal to the levels of lethal damage dealt to another victim within 10 feet of them. If any of these victims are spirits, Myrrun rolls 14 dice (Essence + Martial Arts) at a difficulty of the spirit's Essence. Each success takes one die off the spirit's rolls, which fade at a rate of one per turn. Finally, every target is blown back into the air, flying in all directions. They must roll Strength + Athletics; they fly 70 yards away from Myrrun, -5 yards per success on their roll. Extra damage could result.)


Myrrun does not, per his vows as an Immaculate Monk, own anything. If required he could lay hands on any of the signature weapons of his mastered styles or any other gear appropriate to the situation.

Soak: 13B/10L (unarmored) 20B/17L (Perfection of Earth Body) 27B/24L/7A (Po EB and Earth Dragon Form)
27B/27L (Po EB and Water Dragon Form)
Dodge Pool: 10/11(unarmored), 11 +7successes (Fire Dragon Form), 18 (Air Dragon Form, unarmored)
Power Combat Dodge Pool: 17/18(unarmored), 18 +7successes (Fire Dragon Form), 25 (Air Dragon Form, unarmored)
Health Levels: -0 -1x9 -2x9 -4 Incap

Power Combat Attacks</b>

Myrrun usually fights unarmed to take full advantage of his broad range of abilities


Ok, the two Terrestrial Martial Arts are because I see him having grounding in the Root of the Perfected Lotus before striving for the Blossoming of the Perfected Lotus. Archery, Brawl, Melee and Thrown are to get an even greaterunderstanding of the other Apects of Essence through the weapons used by their styles. The non shooty Lore and Linguistics as well as Resplendent Artisan Mastery are to fulfill his stated role as teacher and writer of manuals. The shooty Lore charms are because every Martial Artist on this level needs a generic "blast attack" as well as specialized ones from the MAs. Dodge is in support of the Fire Dragon Style, good synergies there, and finally the Awareness, Endurance and Resistance are for his strong ties to Earth Essence, he's a Kung-Fu man of stone. Ican see him as possibly being qualified for Essence 8 as he is living a careful regimen of prayer, meditation and dietary control laid out by his Sidereal puppetmaster, but I leave that up to the reader.
So, who has Combo Ideas for this freak? -MadGreenSon

First Combo up along with more progress, that combo is such mote-wasting perfect defense bait, but it's pretty, no? -MadGreenSon
It looks to me like pretty much any combo Myrrun uses is easily defended by a perfect defense. that is why combat is simply more than using charms, but strategy comes into play. and the charms don't really use that many motes. Madoka

Here's a combo i thought of real quickly: Punishing the Soul this combo is based off of high accuracy and acting first. there are defensive charms in there as well. dealing intense damage is not the goal here. as with any character that doesn't have scene longs and persistants, initiative is always a key factor and that was added in as well. i don't remember if dragon bloods can still utilize their reflexive ability if they are using a combo, so i included the reflexive charms in there. if db's can still activate reflexives at will when using a combo then they wouldn't be in there.

Pasiap Still Stands: negate damage reflexive</i>
Safety Among Enemies: redirect attack reflexive</i>
Wind Dragon Speed: + ma to initiative reflexive</i>
Flash Fire Technique: reroll initiative reflexive</i>
Perfect Blazing Blow: reroll attack reflexive</i>
Crashing Wave Sytle: extra attack extra action</i>
Drowning in Blood: tears away stamina until dead simple</i>

so basically you keep attacking until they have no more stamina and they then die. the defensive charms shoudl be applied in this series, first SAE. if that fails then you can soak the damage and then negate the left over with PSS. while this combo has many charms, only 2 have to be used when activating the charm, all the rest are optional, well exept for WDS that should always be used. Use Perfection of earth Body and water Dragon Form. You are a true house with that set up. hell, if the guy your fighting is throwing down 50 or so lethal, bump your soak with WDF and any successes rolled on on damage negate on PSS. ok that is it, a quick thought, i hope you like it....go get em champ!! Madoka

Really need to get cracking on the rest of his combat stats, they're more important for a character like him than for Mnemon. Also, I honestly think that if, as AB:E dexcribes : "His Essence has begun to warp and blur preparing to accept either the Blossoming of the Perfected Lotus or death" then maybe he should have something like Wrapt in Crystal Initiation, eh, maybe I'll do up a home-brew version for the next time I run Sidereals... -MadGreenSon

Comment: Five-Dragon Force Blow only doubles base damage, not total. So the damage on this Charm would be 38, not 54.

As far as comboes, his best bet is combining long-term effects. Fire Dragon Form + Perfection of Earth Body + Hurricane Combat Method. Add Bottomless Depths Defense as needed. Frightening combination for him. The effect: Speed 32, Accuracy 23, Damage 19L, Defense 24, a persistant 7 die + 7 success dodge which can be applied with Safety Among Enemies for automatic success, 8 attacks per turn (one of which can activate Charms or split normally), and 20 B/L soak. It commits 26 motes, and costs 2 Willpower, and 1 health level per turn of use. Worse, if he's fighting two or more people, he can redirect any attack for 4 motes. - FrivYeti

Thanks for catching that, I was unsure how to apply 5DFB in this instance. What I'm trying to do by coming up with a few more combos for Brother Pawn here is show his experiments with combining various types of Elemental Essence in single effects. Ugh, what I need to do is figure a combo that uses one charm from each style, that would be his goal, I think, truly unifying the Dragons for a single perfect moment.
Any suggestions? -MadGreenSon
Hrm... the reflexive nature of many Dragon-Blooded Charms mean that Myrrun's best comboes aren't actually comboes. But let's see...

Wrath of the Dragons: Avenging Wind Strike + Earthshaker Attack + Firery Hand Attack + Rippling Water Strike + Spirit-Wracking Method. Cost: 18 motes, 2 WP.
With this vicious Charm, Ragara Myrrun can devastate armies. Myrrun raises his fists, one coiling with water essence and the other with flame. Bringing them together, he twists vines from his arms around the twin Essence flows, and breathes wind essence into the roiling mix. He then slams his hands down into the ground, sending five Essence flows spiralling through the ground towards every target within 70 feet of Myrrun, dematerialized or material. First, they must roll Dexterity + Resistance at difficulty 7 or be knocked down, taking 14 dice of lethal damage as the ground bursts into flame. Secondly, Myrrun rolls Strength + Martial Arts (default 13 dice) against the target's Stamina + Resistance; if he wins, the target burns as per a bonfire for seven turns. Upon this inferno raging, damage spreads amongst the victims; every victim takes extra dice of bashing damage equal to the levels of lethal damage dealt to another victim within 10 feet of them. If any of these victims are spirits, Myrrun rolls 14 dice (Essence + Martial Arts) at a difficulty of the spirit's Essence. Each success takes one die off the spirit's rolls, which fade at a rate of one per turn. Finally, every target is blown back into the air, flying in all directions. They must roll Strength + Athletics; they fly 70 yards away from Myrrun, -5 yards per success on their roll. Extra damage could result.
How's that for a combo? Devastating. Note that it relies primarily on the fact that Earthshaker is a multi-target attack that doesn't need to spend supplementals repeatedly. >:) - FrivYeti

So... how do you take worship? Do you prefer straight prayer or do ya like some burnt offerings thrown in too? ;)
I had not been aware of that fact about Earthshaker attack. Just. So. Nasty. I think that's enough Combos, he probably dosen't use these much except as theoretical exercises anyway. I kinda see Myrrun as being this freakishly skilled savant of the Martial Arts that has rarely, if ever, gotten to put his skills and techniques to real use. He may be a bit frustrated by this after all this time, he could accomplish quite a bit in the world if he were allowed to. Might be a story hook in there, eh? I imagine if he does acheive the Blossoming of the Perfected Lotus there would be far less chance of stopping him should he desire to go out into Creation and get into things a bit, and the trauma of such an acension may leave him far more willing to break out of his assinged role to do so. -MadGreenSon (now I just need to fill in his combat stats)
    • Started on the combat stats, more later - MadGreenSon (imagine if he did get the Sidereal level, Four Magical Materials Form would be nasty on this guy, not to mention Charcoal March of Spiders Form, Demense Emulation or Soul Fire Shaper...)
That's nothing - he's a dragonblood, and thus could use Inner Dragon Unbinding and still use other charms. That, combined with 5mm form, would make him nigh on unkillable. Although his essence pools would be a tiny little bit of a problem. - TheHoverpope
I had not considered that, no combo needed for Spiritual Perfection, Dance of the Hungry Spider, Astrology Interruption, Spell Shattering Palm... Mother of God, the possibilities... who cares if Lunars got cut out of SMA? I want DBs cut in to them... damn...


That is incredibly mean. Friv, you are a bad, bad man. I approve. And while it is not a combo, I would like to point out the terror that is the combination of perfection of earth body and Drowning in Blood technique. -TheHoverpope

On a side note, how old is this guy? Do we imagine his Sidereal masters working out any life-extending systems on the chance that he does succeed at initiation? The last thing I'd want is the strain on an old Exalt's body taking him due to old age just after he'd mastered the SMA initiation. -- GregLink

It's funny, the book dosen't actually mention his age, it just says that he mastered all 5 Glorious Dragon Paths in his first century of life and that he's Ragara's grandson. So I guess he could still be fairly young as these things go. As far as extending his life, the mortality of Dragonblooded is determined by a Stamina + Endurance roll every ten years after age 250 with an increasing difficulty that tops out at 5 at age 290. That roll could be modified by some really well-done astrology (he is Essence 7, after all) and can explicitly be modified by Charms, spells and wonders. I suppose coming up with a way to extend his life wouldn't be too hard with the resources of the Bronze Faction to pull on. Also, Manacle and Coin mentions that the Realm has some Beasts of Resplendent Liquids that produce an anagathic that can increase the imbiber's lifespan by as much as double.
Y'know, all of this speculation kinda makes me want to work out some good DB life-extension methods...