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== Inigo Montoya ==
== Inigo Montoya ==
<i>by BrilliantRain </i>
<i>by [[BrilliantRain]] </i>
(this character sheet is mostly based on the movie version)
(this character sheet is mostly based on the movie version)
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== Comments ==
== Comments ==
Personally, I would reduce Inigo's Melee to 5 and his Dexterity to 4. Wesley is supposed to be his superior in swordfighting. He also needs Linguistics 1 (Native: Spanish, Speaks English), and I'd give him Presence 2, Ride 1, and Awareness 1. Possibly also Lore 1. - FrivYeti
Personally, I would reduce Inigo's Melee to 5 and his Dexterity to 4. Wesley is supposed to be his superior in swordfighting. He also needs Linguistics 1 (Native: Spanish, Speaks English), and I'd give him Presence 2, Ride 1, and Awareness 1. Possibly also Lore 1. - [[FrivYeti]]
: I would leave those stats as they are. Westley is not actually his superior in swordfighting, he just happens to beat him because nothing can stop True Love. I'd also recommend raising his Investigation, as he's also spent his whole life trying to track down the elusive Six-Fingered Man. Also, Inigo is an alcoholic, that might manifest as a flaw. See Haku's comment for how that might affect his Temperance and Resistance. Lastly, I'm not sure if anyone in The Princess Bride actually speaks English. They may speak Florinian. Or Florin, or Florinish, or what-have-you. - [[Panache]]
: I would leave those stats as they are. Westley is not actually his superior in swordfighting, he just happens to beat him because nothing can stop True Love. I'd also recommend raising his Investigation, as he's also spent his whole life trying to track down the elusive Six-Fingered Man. Also, Inigo is an alcoholic, that might manifest as a flaw. See Haku's comment for how that might affect his Temperance and Resistance. Lastly, I'm not sure if anyone in The Princess Bride actually speaks English. They may speak Florinian. Or Florin, or Florinish, or what-have-you. - [[Panache]]
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I would lower the compassion and tempermance to 2... as 3 dots in those fields does seem excessive for him, given his behaviour. He would also have at least 1 dot in survival (it WOULD be silly if he couldn't track people in the wilderness, no?) presence and social are VITAL if you want to have any way of chatting people up to find the killer of your father, and a few dots in endurance (endure being slashed to bits) and resistance (resist alchohol poisoning). He would also have a dot in ride and awareness. ~ [[Haku]]
I would lower the compassion and tempermance to 2... as 3 dots in those fields does seem excessive for him, given his behaviour. He would also have at least 1 dot in survival (it WOULD be silly if he couldn't track people in the wilderness, no?) presence and social are VITAL if you want to have any way of chatting people up to find the killer of your father, and a few dots in endurance (endure being slashed to bits) and resistance (resist alchohol poisoning). He would also have a dot in ride and awareness. ~ [[Haku]]
You mention that Inigo was quite likely pulling off 5 actions, each at 10+ dice. To me, that's a bit more than "World's Best Swordsman" or "Heroic Mortal". To me, that screams "How could the Count possibly not die nearly immediately?". Even with wound penalties, since a 10-die pool will virtually always hit (barring a defense), that means every one of Inigo's attacks must have been parried or dodged. Without the use of charms, that means that the Count would also need to be splitting 5 ways, either to defend, or to suck up Inigo's actions by forcing him to parry. Either way, in such a high die-pool combat, I wouldn't expect the fight to last nearly as long as it did (which was quite long). My guess would instead be that the fight was much more on the order of 10-die pools (e.g. 4 Dex, 4 Melee, +3 Sword), where things aren't quite as ridiculous, and the channeling of conviction not required. Instead, he was dealing with wound penalties which were most likely on the -4 range, not the -2. The count, as a 'normal' swordsman, has a chance then, with Dex 3, Melee 3, giving both parties nearly equal pools, giving the kind of long-time fight we saw. This would also explain the Count's fear of Wesley, as the Count, while an excellent swordsman, knows that there are those that are better than he - such as, say, the Solar Exalted Wesley. Just a theory, but I'm thinking the stats here (along with the Channeled Conviction) result in pools that are way to high for the length of fight we saw, unless you start including things like persistent defenses. - GregLink
You mention that Inigo was quite likely pulling off 5 actions, each at 10+ dice. To me, that's a bit more than "World's Best Swordsman" or "Heroic Mortal". To me, that screams "How could the Count possibly not die nearly immediately?". Even with wound penalties, since a 10-die pool will virtually always hit (barring a defense), that means every one of Inigo's attacks must have been parried or dodged. Without the use of charms, that means that the Count would also need to be splitting 5 ways, either to defend, or to suck up Inigo's actions by forcing him to parry. Either way, in such a high die-pool combat, I wouldn't expect the fight to last nearly as long as it did (which was quite long). My guess would instead be that the fight was much more on the order of 10-die pools (e.g. 4 Dex, 4 Melee, +3 Sword), where things aren't quite as ridiculous, and the channeling of conviction not required. Instead, he was dealing with wound penalties which were most likely on the -4 range, not the -2. The count, as a 'normal' swordsman, has a chance then, with Dex 3, Melee 3, giving both parties nearly equal pools, giving the kind of long-time fight we saw. This would also explain the Count's fear of Wesley, as the Count, while an excellent swordsman, knows that there are those that are better than he - such as, say, the Solar Exalted Wesley. Just a theory, but I'm thinking the stats here (along with the Channeled Conviction) result in pools that are way to high for the length of fight we saw, unless you start including things like persistent defenses. - [[GregLink]]
"It's just that I happened to look behind us and something is there."  Inigo needs some Awareness, dangit. - [[Hapushet]]
"It's just that I happened to look behind us and something is there."  Inigo needs some Awareness, dangit. - [[Hapushet]]
Why does Inigo lack Endurance and Resistance? In the book, not the movie, his training is pretty thorughly detailed, and it's impossibly rigorous. He also was his father's assistant in the craft of Swordmaking. Isn't crafts: 1 appropriate? He establishes a bond of mutual respect and admiration with an enemy he's set to kill. That either requires socialize or pressence. Considering the smolding intesisty with which he utters the line "Hello. I am Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." I'd say it's mostly the latter. Athletics 5 is far too high. Wesley surely has Athletics that high, but Inigo does not. Wesley's acrobatics put Inigo's to shame, and is Inigo were really that athletic, he would have been able to climb The Cliffs of Insanity himself, without burdening Fezzik with his weight. Lastly, I think Inigo is a textbook case of a man with specialites. Such as, Melee X3: With his Father's Sword. Or Pressence X2: Oaths of Revenge. - ImaginalDisc
Why does Inigo lack Endurance and Resistance? In the book, not the movie, his training is pretty thorughly detailed, and it's impossibly rigorous. He also was his father's assistant in the craft of Swordmaking. Isn't crafts: 1 appropriate? He establishes a bond of mutual respect and admiration with an enemy he's set to kill. That either requires socialize or pressence. Considering the smolding intesisty with which he utters the line "Hello. I am Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." I'd say it's mostly the latter. Athletics 5 is far too high. Wesley surely has Athletics that high, but Inigo does not. Wesley's acrobatics put Inigo's to shame, and is Inigo were really that athletic, he would have been able to climb The Cliffs of Insanity himself, without burdening Fezzik with his weight. Lastly, I think Inigo is a textbook case of a man with specialites. Such as, Melee X3: With his Father's Sword. Or Pressence X2: Oaths of Revenge. - [[ImaginalDisc]]
I'd say that Inigo's Melee specialties were Swords (or Wielding My Father's Sword), Dueling, and Fighting For Vengeance, one each. - [[David.]]<i>, who likes nested specialties :)</i>

Latest revision as of 01:18, 6 April 2010

Inigo Montoya

by BrilliantRain

(this character sheet is mostly based on the movie version)

Attributes: Physical: Strength: 3 Dexterity: 5 Stamina: 3

Social: Charisma: 2 Manipulation: 2 Appearance: 3 Mental: Perception: 3 Intelligence: 2 Wits: 5

Warfare: Archery: Athletics: 5 Awareness: Brawl:

       Dodge: 5
       Martial Arts:
       Melee: 6

Labor: Craft: Larceny: Linguistics: Performance: Presence: Ride: Sail: 3 Socialize: Stealth: Survival: Learning: Bureaucracy: Investigation: 2 Lore: Medicine: Occult: Specialties: Melee (sword) 3

Advantages: Backgrounds:

Prodigy (Melee)
Virtue Specialty (Conviction: Revenge 3)
Driving Passion (get revenge for my father)
Heirloom (father's sword)
Signature Style (Wizard with a Sword)

Addiction 1 (alchohol)

Virtues: Compassion: 3 Conviction: 5 Temperance: 3 Valor: 3 Willpower: 8
Essence: 1
Health: 7/7
-0: [] -1: [] [] -2: [] [] -4: []

      INC: []

Soak: B: 3 L: 0 A: 0 Weapons: Father's Sword: Spd: +3, Acc: +3, Dmg: +3, Def: +2

Notes: Pretty much everything on here that isn't directly related to giving Inigo more dice in combat is pretty dang conjectureable, so I'm quite open to polite critisism about stuff I should add or subtract.

Now, Inigo's base combat stats are: Spd: 13, Acc: 17, Dmg: 6, Def: 16 He also gets an extra die on any stunts relating to swordsmanship.

During the fight with Count Rugen, Inigo was stunting heavily (+2 to +4 dice), getting revenge (+1 die), and channeling conviction (+8(!) dice). Even with the -2 from the wound penalties, I would expect Inigo to have been able to split for 5 actions each round without any of them going below 10 dice.


Personally, I would reduce Inigo's Melee to 5 and his Dexterity to 4. Wesley is supposed to be his superior in swordfighting. He also needs Linguistics 1 (Native: Spanish, Speaks English), and I'd give him Presence 2, Ride 1, and Awareness 1. Possibly also Lore 1. - FrivYeti

I would leave those stats as they are. Westley is not actually his superior in swordfighting, he just happens to beat him because nothing can stop True Love. I'd also recommend raising his Investigation, as he's also spent his whole life trying to track down the elusive Six-Fingered Man. Also, Inigo is an alcoholic, that might manifest as a flaw. See Haku's comment for how that might affect his Temperance and Resistance. Lastly, I'm not sure if anyone in The Princess Bride actually speaks English. They may speak Florinian. Or Florin, or Florinish, or what-have-you. - Panache

I would lower the compassion and tempermance to 2... as 3 dots in those fields does seem excessive for him, given his behaviour. He would also have at least 1 dot in survival (it WOULD be silly if he couldn't track people in the wilderness, no?) presence and social are VITAL if you want to have any way of chatting people up to find the killer of your father, and a few dots in endurance (endure being slashed to bits) and resistance (resist alchohol poisoning). He would also have a dot in ride and awareness. ~ Haku

You mention that Inigo was quite likely pulling off 5 actions, each at 10+ dice. To me, that's a bit more than "World's Best Swordsman" or "Heroic Mortal". To me, that screams "How could the Count possibly not die nearly immediately?". Even with wound penalties, since a 10-die pool will virtually always hit (barring a defense), that means every one of Inigo's attacks must have been parried or dodged. Without the use of charms, that means that the Count would also need to be splitting 5 ways, either to defend, or to suck up Inigo's actions by forcing him to parry. Either way, in such a high die-pool combat, I wouldn't expect the fight to last nearly as long as it did (which was quite long). My guess would instead be that the fight was much more on the order of 10-die pools (e.g. 4 Dex, 4 Melee, +3 Sword), where things aren't quite as ridiculous, and the channeling of conviction not required. Instead, he was dealing with wound penalties which were most likely on the -4 range, not the -2. The count, as a 'normal' swordsman, has a chance then, with Dex 3, Melee 3, giving both parties nearly equal pools, giving the kind of long-time fight we saw. This would also explain the Count's fear of Wesley, as the Count, while an excellent swordsman, knows that there are those that are better than he - such as, say, the Solar Exalted Wesley. Just a theory, but I'm thinking the stats here (along with the Channeled Conviction) result in pools that are way to high for the length of fight we saw, unless you start including things like persistent defenses. - GregLink

"It's just that I happened to look behind us and something is there." Inigo needs some Awareness, dangit. - Hapushet

Why does Inigo lack Endurance and Resistance? In the book, not the movie, his training is pretty thorughly detailed, and it's impossibly rigorous. He also was his father's assistant in the craft of Swordmaking. Isn't crafts: 1 appropriate? He establishes a bond of mutual respect and admiration with an enemy he's set to kill. That either requires socialize or pressence. Considering the smolding intesisty with which he utters the line "Hello. I am Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." I'd say it's mostly the latter. Athletics 5 is far too high. Wesley surely has Athletics that high, but Inigo does not. Wesley's acrobatics put Inigo's to shame, and is Inigo were really that athletic, he would have been able to climb The Cliffs of Insanity himself, without burdening Fezzik with his weight. Lastly, I think Inigo is a textbook case of a man with specialites. Such as, Melee X3: With his Father's Sword. Or Pressence X2: Oaths of Revenge. - ImaginalDisc

I'd say that Inigo's Melee specialties were Swords (or Wielding My Father's Sword), Dueling, and Fighting For Vengeance, one each. - David., who likes nested specialties :)