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An interesting re-interpretation of my favourite Exalts.  Perhaps It makes sense to adapt the Breeding background and Legendary Breeding merit for Lunar use?  Also, maybe change Waning and Waxing moons to Crecent and Gibbous?   
An interesting re-interpretation of my favourite Exalts.  Perhaps It makes sense to adapt the Breeding background and Legendary Breeding merit for Lunar use?  Also, maybe change Waning and Waxing moons to Crecent and Gibbous?   
It doesn't sound as cool, I'll admit, but Half Moons are also Waxing or Waning, whereas Crecent and Gibbous actually refer to the full-ness of Luna.  Either way, I look forward to seeing more stuff.  -AmbroseCollector
It doesn't sound as cool, I'll admit, but Half Moons are also Waxing or Waning, whereas Crecent and Gibbous actually refer to the full-ness of Luna.  Either way, I look forward to seeing more stuff.  -[[AmbroseCollector]]
:Thanks for the comments... and yeah, the breeding and legendary breeding merit would be applicable and will be modified to fit. Hmmm, Crescent and Gibbous... I'll think about the name change. In any event, I'll continue onwards! ~ [[haku]]
:Thanks for the comments... and yeah, the breeding and legendary breeding merit would be applicable and will be modified to fit. Hmmm, Crescent and Gibbous... I'll think about the name change. In any event, I'll continue onwards! ~ [[haku]]
Have you seen the BerserkSeraph/AbilityLunars entry? I imagine that some crossover between this project and his might just create sometihng beautiful. Or a monster. Both suit ^_^ - [[trithne]]
Have you seen the [[BerserkSeraph/AbilityLunars]] entry? I imagine that some crossover between this project and his might just create sometihng beautiful. Or a monster. Both suit ^_^ - [[trithne]]
Yes... that is a very interesting set-up. And definately might result in something odd if crossed over with this... I'll need to think on this. As my Faint Moon would still rely on attribute based charms, and switching over to an ability based system might result in me stepping too much on the DB's feet. ~ [[haku]]
Yes... that is a very interesting set-up. And definately might result in something odd if crossed over with this... I'll need to think on this. As my Faint Moon would still rely on attribute based charms, and switching over to an ability based system might result in me stepping too much on the DB's feet. ~ [[haku]]

Latest revision as of 01:16, 6 April 2010


Skip all that stuff about the primordials creating Creation.

Right up to the first Exalted being created. Luna decided instead of creating potent but limited numbers of exalts like the Unconquered Sun and the Maidens, she would go with less powerful exalts, but more numerous and capable of breeding to replace any losses.

In that war, the Lunar Exalted fought along side the Dragonblooded as shock troops, elite soldiers and sub-commanders. Where the Dragonblooded used elemental forces, the lunars were pure animalistic fury; changing their very forms to devastate their enemies.

For every lunar that fell, there would be more to replace them in the fashion of the dragonblooded host. They weren't as numerous as the dragonblooded host who served as infantry, but their charms were superior to the dragonblooded.

In the first age, the Lunars served the Solar and Sidereal exalted alongside the dragonblooded, as majordonos, lieutenants, commanders of the dragonblooded armies, as well as courtesans in the harems of the Celestial exalted.

Then came the ursuption and everything changed.

The lunars and dragonblooded found themselves the rulers of Creation, the Celestial exalted gone.

The terresterial exalted split creation between themselves, with the Blessed Isle belonging to the Dragonblooded Shogunate, and the Threshold as the domain of the various Lunar clans.

The Lunar clans and the Shogunate prospered in that age, growing strong as they worked together in harmony...

Then came the contagion and the fair folk invasion, the Lunars bore the brunt of the fey invasion. Their various surviving armies were decimated first, while the dragonblooded stood right beside them and were just as decimated.

Standing side by side with the Dragonblooded armies of the Shongunate, the Lunar warriors were certain that they were doomed in the face of the massed fey armies.

That was when the heavens opened with colorless flames that incinerated the fey, gale winds laden with iron nails shredding their otherworldly panoplies into nothingness.

+To be continued+

Anima Power and Shape-shifting

All exalts can channel their essence directly through their anima to various effects, and the lunars are no different. It's not as efficient compared to the refined charms or spells, however, it is reflexive, and can be used without training.

In addition to their individual aspect powers, a lunar can spend a single mote to:

  • cause their Tell to become unmistakable to miss for a tell. Marking the character as one of the Chosen of Luna.
  • cause her anima to glow bright enough to read by for a scene (as if the character had spent 8-10 motes of peripheral essence).
  • know exactly the precise day of the lunar month, the phrase of the moon and the time of the day for the rest of the scene.

Because they are potent shapeshifts, the lunar character can also commit 3 motes to transform himself into the shape of any animal that he has tasted (drank or lapped) the heart's blood of. The committed essence is released upon transformation into a different shape, although, the lunar may need to commit another 3 motes of essence to transform into a different animal form.

In order to be considered 'tasted', the blood from the heart of the animal must be drank right after it has being killed (or in the process of being killed). It has to be done immediately, as the blood can not be stored, transported, preserved or meddled with. Consuming an animal alive and whole counts for this purpose. Only one lunar may gain the heart's blood of any single animal killed in a hunt, if several lunars brought the animal down.

The shapeshifting ability is a full dice action like a simple charm, but is not considered a charm for the purposes of charm activations. The lunar may not do anything else during the turn that he uses this power, actions derived from reflexive or persistent charms are allowed in this turn. The essence used in the transformation is committed for the duration of the transformation.

Reversion to the lunar's default human or totem animal forms is a free reflexive action that does not consume essence. The lunar automatically gains his totem animal form upon exaltation, without the need for drinking the heart's blood of it. However, lunars generally tend to drink the heart's blood of their totem animal to fairly gain its powers and shape.

The lunar may not transform into a shape that is smaller then a house cat or larger then an elk without the use of charms that enable them to do so. The animals that he transform into must be a living, natural beast of creation; the lunar may not consume the heart's blood of constructs of sorcerery, the offsprings of the wyld, or creatures that use essence. If a creature can breed naturally in creation without the use of charms or special magical effects and doesn't have essence enhanced, it's viable for a lunar to use it as a heart's blood animal.

Lunars may assume the form of humans that they consumed the heart's blood from with the use of charms.

After drinking the heart's blood of any animal, the knowledge of that shape stays with the lunar until he dies.

A lunar who shapeshifts into an animal gains the animal's Physical attributes (Strength, Dexterity, Stamina), natural attacks and abilities; such as excellent hearing, night vision, flight, or even the ability to breath water. He retains his own Social and Mental attributes as well as health levels. When transformed into an animal like a bird or a fish, the lunar may use its natural modes of movement, such as flight or swimming. However, beyond that he still uses his own ability scores.

Transforming into animals, the lunar character's equipment are shifted Elsewhere for the duration of the transformation. When they resume their human shape or war form, their gear is on them exactly as it was when they became animals. Artifacts stay attuned to the lunar, as the equipment are attached to the lunar by a thread of essence.

Transformation into the war form does not require drinking any heart's blood. However, it requires the lunar to spend 6 motes and 1 willpower to activate the transformation. This transformation is a reflexive action like a reflexive charm and charms may be used freely in the turn the war form is activated in.

For more details on the lunar war form, please go here.


The lunars on a whole have five aspects, which are pass down by bloodlines. However, due to the amount of crossbreeding between the various aspects over the ages, a lunar can end up any aspect, irregardless of his family's aspects.

Full Moon

Combat all the way.
Aspect attributes: Strength, Dexterity, Stamina
Anima powers: A full moon lunar may reflexively spend 5 motes and double his running and leaping distances for the scene. This bonus stacks with those derived from charms and other effects.

Waning Moon

Stealth ninjas
Aspect attributes: Dexterity, Manipulation, Charisma
Anima powers: A waning moon lunar may reflexively spend 5 motes to wrap an illusionary veil around herself. And for the rest of the scene, the lunar may appear as any person she has seen. This illusion is destroyed if the lunar's peripheral essence is used or if she enters protracted combat with someone. The illusion is visual only and does not work on fair folks.

Half Moon

Observers, Tacticians
Aspect attributes: Perception, Intelligence, Manipulation
Anima powers: Half Moon are the observers and tacticians of the Lunars. After spending 5 motes, the half moon can read the subtle flows, strength and flaws of their opponent's fighting tactics. For the rest of the scene after spending the full action of a turn studying her opponent, the lunar gains bonus die equal to her essence for any plans and actions (attacks / defense) against a single studied enemy. The Half Moon can only have this effect against a single target at a time. This power can be used on the large scale in planning military manuevers against opposing generals and tacticians.

No Moon

Sorcerers, shamans, artificers
Aspect attributes: Perception, Intelligence, Wits
Anima powers: No moon lunars are masters of their essence and combat spells, and may lower the essence cost of their spells by 5 motes for the scene by spending 5 motes. The no moon may not reduce the cost of any spell by more than half their essence cost.

Waxing Moon

Communicators, Couriers, Priests
Aspect attributes: Charisma, Manipulation, Wits
Anima powers: The diplomats, communicators and priests of the Lunar exalted, Waxing Moons can spend 5 motes and for the rest of the scene, their words are chosen carefully while their voices are modulated to pierce the hearts of their audience. The audience will utter believe the words of the lunar, even if the facts contradict his statements. This belief only last for the scene. This power only works on those with a lower essence trait than the lunar who can hear and understand his words.

If this power is used in prayer, the god receiving the prayer gains additional motes equal to the lunar's essence trait for the effusive prayers. This secondary effect of the anima only works once a month on any given god.

Totem Animal

When one of the Children of Luna exalts, they soon find their totem animal. A totem animal is a natural creature of Creation that their inner natures and personalities are closest to. In short, their spiritual representation.

The totem animal may take any form, however the animal that matches the nature of the lunar tend to be found near where they exalt. This usually means that Lunar families tend to have certain animals near their homes, in an effort to make sure that their children have impressive totem animals. This does not, however, mean that the children will get the impressive animal, should his nature be closer to other less impressive animals.

Players may be tempted to take massive or dangerous animals as their totem animal. They should, however, note that their characters' personalities and behaviour MUST match their totem animal in some way.

Also, the totem animal MUST be a natural creature of Creation, which means it must be able to breed normally in creation without the aid of wyld energies or essence (charms or spells). Nor may lunars have outright magical creatures as their totems, such as furnace rhinos.

To be able to assume the form of the totem animal requires that the lunar consume the heart or drink the heart's blood of one of the totem animal's species.


An exalt of lunar straddles a thin line between his humanity and the inner beast that lies in his nature. The flows of essence within his form means that his body will grow and evolve with time.

This evolution takes the form of physical changes called tells. A tell affects his normal human form as this is the way his essence informs him that he is more then human.

A lunar's default 'human' appearance will have some slight modifications to show his animalistic nature. This can take the form of animal ears or eyes, moonsilver horns or trusks, animal tails, talon-like fingernails, tattoo-like patterns on their skin or hair. The player is encouraged to develop his own personalized tell for his character. The tell should be based on the lunar's totem animal.

The tell is something developed during the initial surge of essence that comes from the Lunar's exaltation or slowly manifests in the days after the exaltation. The tell only affects the Lunar's default human form and does not affect any other human forms he may slip into with the use of charms.

However, the degree and level the lunar has a tell at is tied to his war form, it's a well known fact that the greater the war form, the greater the lunar's tell. Certain ancient lunars who have incredible power in his war form tend to have their default 'human' form looking almost identical to his war form due to the amount of essence flowing in his body as well as how much he has transformed his body.

Character Creation

Attributes - note the aspect attributes. Because their powers lie in their attributes and their shifting, a lunar may favor 2 attributes other than their aspect attributes.

As with all characters, Lunars start with 1 dot in each attribute. Because they are exalts, Lunars are more potent then normal mortals. An outcaste Lunar has 9 dots to place in her primary attribute, 7 dots to place in her secondary attribute and 5 in her tertitary attributes. There is no limit to how many dots may be spend on a single attribute, save that it may not go over 5 dots in a single attribute without the use of a 'legendary attribute merit'.

Dynastic Lunars, who exalt in the realm, and are trained there, sacrifice mastering their bodies to learn the rote teachings of the realm educational system instead of living in the wild and learning to trust their instincts in mastering their bodies. As such, a dynastic realm lunar has 7 dots to place in her primary attribute, 6 dots to place in her secondary attribute and 4 in her tertitary attributes. There is no limit to how many dots may be spend on a single attribute, save that it may not go over 5 dots in a single attribute without the use of a 'legendary attribute merit'.

Abilities start at 0 dots. Because a lunar's focus lies in his attributes, he has trouble mastering abilities like his dragonblooded cousins. Without the use of the prodigy merit, a lunar may never favor any ability. If use of the prodigy merit is approved by the Storyteller, a lunar may NOT purchase more favored abilities than 3.

A lunar has 25 points to spend as he wishes in his abilities, the only requirement is that no ability may go over three (3) dots without the use of bonus points.

If raised in the Realm as a dynast or a patrician, the lunar character has 35 points to spend as he wishes in his abilities. It should be noted that to reflect their intense educations, all dynasts must have an absolute minimum of Archery (1), Brawl or Martial Arts (1), Melee (1), Performance (1), Presence (1), Ride (1), Lore (2), and socialize (2).

This is to reflect their basic training in the affairs of war and the social skills that is the underpinning of the Realm's noble culture. Most dynast nobles will have these abilities at two (2) points or more, and those who don't meet the minimums are considered to be... deficient in the critical life skills.

Lunars have nine (9) points to spend on their backgrounds, none of which may go over three (3) dots without the use of bonus points. This is to reflect the support a given lunar in the threshold has from his family, mentor, or employers.

Dynastic lunars have twelve (12) points to spend on their backgrounds, none of which may go over three (3) dots without the use of bonus points. Dynastic lunars use the same backgrounds as Dynast dragonblooded at the same cost.

Lunars start with eight (8) charms, four (4) of which have to be aspect charms. Lunars have no problems learning terresterial circle spells or terresterial martial arts charms. They may also exchange their charms on a one for one basis with spells as long as they meet the requirements for sorcerery and possess the sorcerery charm.

Optional / Depending on Storyteller Approval - A lunar can learn sorcerery of the sapphire circle (also known as Celestial Circle) if he truly struggles, which requires the mastering of celestial circle sorcerery charm with all of its requirements. The lunar may exchange his charms on a one for one basis with spells. It should be noted that if you, as a Storyteller, allow a lunar to have celestial circle, that it is generally advisable to allow the dragonblooded access to celestial sorcerery as well.

With great difficulty, a lunar MAY learn celestial martial arts. To do so, the lunar exalted must spend great effort to master those charms. As such, the Lunar must master two (2) initialization charms, as listed in the dragonblooded book, the player's guide or as listed in the knowledge charms section below. After that, the Lunar can learn four (4) charms from the celestial arts style he is attempting to master or his own native charms. The lunar can only study a single celestial martial arts style at a time and MUST master that style before starting on a new celestial martial arts style.

Lunars, like all characters, are driven by their emotions and passions. A lunar has five (5) dots to spread among the four virtues; compassion, conviction, temperment, and valor.

Like all exalted, a lunar suffers the effects of the great curse. Note his highest virtue as this is the one that influences his curse. If he has multiple virtues of the same value, the player is free to select the virtue that the curse is influenced by. If the character's highest virtue changes, the curse effect/influence will shift to the new highest virtue.

Finishing Touches
A lunar's willpower is calculated by adding his two highest virtues together. A lunar begins with an essence trait of two (2). These two traits may be increased with bonus points at any time, but the willpower may not exceed a rating of 8 without the lunar's highest or two highest virtues at a value of 4 or higher.

Like all exalted, a lunar has personal and peripheral essence pools. Effects powered by personal essence are subtle, while peripheral essence powered effects generate awe-inspiring anima effects.

A lunar's personal essence pool is calculated by adding their essence trait to twice their willpower (Essence + (Willpower x 2)).

The peripheral essence pool is calculated by multiplying the essence trait by four, multipling your willpower by two, and your highest virtue. Add this three together as well as any motes gained from your breeding. ((Essence x 2) + (Willpower x 2) + (highest virtue) + breeding).

A lunar character possesses the normal seven health levels (-0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Incapacitated) as well as any health levels gained from charms and merits.

A lunar has fifteen (15) bonus points that he may spend at any point during character creation

Bonus Point Cost Chart
Attribute                  4 (3 if in an aspect or favored attribute)
Ability                    2
Background                 1 (2 if raised above 3)
Specialty                  1
Virtue                     3
Willpower                  2
Essence                   10
Charm/Spells               7 (5 if in aspect or favored attribute)
Terresterial Martial Arts  7 (5 if Wits is aspect or favored attribute)
Celestial Martial Arts    10 (7 if charm XXX is purchased and Wits is aspect or favored attribute)
Celestial Sorcery Spells  10 (7 if Intelligence is aspect or favored attribute)
Merits/Flaws	           Listed Cost



It should be noted that the breeding background is a result of intense breeding programs and essence enhancement techniques that survived from the first age. There are also charms and hearthstones that can mimic the breeding bonus. There are ways of gaining a breeding over 5 in game. The natural cap for any lunar's breeding trait is 5 at character creation without the use of specific charms.

0 - Unremarkable bloodline, perhaps, you are the first in unknown generations to exalt as a lunar in your bloodline.

1 - +3 to your peripheral essence pool. You have lunar exaltations in your family's bloodline recently if your parents aren't lunars.

2 - +5 to your peripheral essence pool. One of your parents is most certainly a lunar exalted.

3 - +8 to your peripheral essence pool. Your immediate family is filled with lunars, and you are but the latest in a long line of lunars. You most likely share the same aspect as the other lunars in your family.

4 - +11 to your peripheral essence pool. +1 to the roll to see if your child exalts. -1 mote from your anima banner (NOT anima power) to be activated from the spending of peripheral essence. Your pedigree is impeccable. The connection you and your family have to your aspect is undeniable.

5 - +14 to your peripheral essence pool. +2 to the roll to see if your child exalts. -2 motes from your anima banner (NOT anima power) to be activated from the spending of peripheral essence. You are descended from a bloodline that is truly potent, and you possess numerous lunars of note in your ancestry. Your tell is unmistakable, making it clear that you are far more then just a mere mortal.

6 - +17 to your peripheral essence pool. +3 to the roll to see if your child exalts. -3 mote from your anima banner (NOT anima power) to be activated from the spending of peripheral essence. The character is a legendary bred lunar, the pinacle of evolution and a master of the essence within himself. The tell is so unmistakable that the lunar gains an additional die on social rolls with other lunars and those who respect or fear the lunars. It also means that the lunar takes a 2 die penalty to disguise himself while in his native human form. It is impossible to get this level of breeding at character creation without the 3 point merit (legendary breeding) or without use of charms in game.

7 - +20 to your peripheral essence pool. +4 to the roll to see if your child exalts. The character is a legendary lunar, who has perfected his body as well as his essence. The tell is so unmistakable that the lunar gains an additional 2 die on social rolls with other lunars and those who respect or fear the lunars.

It also means that the lunar takes a 4 die penalty to disguise himself while in his native human form. It is impossible to get this level of breeding without the use of charms.

  • Please note that it is possible to get an essence trait higher then 7. Thus, with the correct combination of charms and hearthstones, a lunar could have a breeding over 7. However, the bonus for the lunar's children to exalt still can not make the child exalt with a die roll result of 10.

At breeding 8, you get 23 motes, and +5 to the roll to see if your child exalts or not. The social bonus with regards to other lunars and those who respect or fear lunars is 3 die. While the penalty to disguise your default human form as someone else is 5.

At breeding 9, you get 26 motes, and +6 to the roll to see if your child exalts or not. The social bonus with regards to other lunars and those who respect or fear lunars is 4 die. While the penalty to disguise your default human form as someone else is 6.

At breeding 10, you get 29 motes, and all of your get will exalt as a lunar even if the die roll is 10, your essence is just that potent. The social bonus with regards to other lunars and those who respect or fear lunars is 5 die. While the penalty to disguise your default human form as someone else is 7.

Families and Life Spans

Lunars have a lifespan equal to their dragonblooded cousins. After their two hundred and fiftith year, lunars must make a stamina + endurance roll every ten years at an increasing difficulty. From the age of 250 - 259, the difficulty is 1. From 260 - 269, the difficulty is 2. From 270 - 279, the difficulty is 3. From 280 - 289, the difficulty is 4. After 290 and higher, the difficulty is 5 and remains so. If the lunar fails the stamina + endurance roll, some time in the next decade he will die of old age.

The stamina + endurance roll may be modified by charms, spells, and various wonders. This can result in a lunar living far beyond 300 years.

Lunars tend to have children who are normal humans until their puberty, at which time, they'll likely exalt.

To determine weather a given child will exalt as a lunar, roll a single ten sided dice.

If both parents are humans, then the child will exalt on a roll of 1-2. There, however, HAS to be a lunar in the ancestry, such as grandparents or further back.

If one parent is lunar and the other is human, then the child will exalt on a roll of 1-4.

If both parents are lunars, then the child will exalt on a roll of 1-6.

The results are modified by the breeding of the parents. The bonus afforted by the breeding of the parents are added to the result necessey to determine if the child will exalt. Unless stated otherwise, on a roll with a result of 10, the child will NEVER exalt as a lunar, even with extremely bred parents.

The child's breeding trait is half the combined total of the parent's lunar breeding traits.

Lunars grow up as normal children, and generally exalt at the age of 9 to 14, but exaltations at the age of 17 is not unheard of, just as the rare prodigy has been known to blossom 'prematurally' at the age of 7. Roll a single ten sided dice and add 6 to determine at what age they come into their power.

The physical aging of a lunar slows down after her exaltation in adolescence before apparantly stopping at the end of adolescence, the aging resumes as they near the end of their long life span (once they make their first stamina + endurance roll to extend their life-span). This does not mean their appearance won't change with the raising of their essence or charms.

War Form

Lunars have a war form that they can transform into. War form levels are purchased as backgrounds at character generation and may NOT be purchased more times than the Lunar's essence trait.

Transformation into his war form costs a lunar 6 motes and 1 willpower and its not committed. This change is a reflexive action and does not count towards charm activation in any given turn. The transformation, while powerful, only last as long as the scene; at the end of the scene, the lunar character MUST change back to his default human form, totem animal form or one of the animal forms in his heartsblood library. He may, if he so choses, opt to stay in his war form, to so requires spending another 6 motes.

At character creation, a lunar player may get levels of war form as a background. The lunar character may reflexively gain his war form at the exact moment of his exaltation by Luna or may chose develop it after exaltation.

In game, the war form levels may be purchased or increased at a cost of 15 experience points per level. It also takes a lot of meditation and practice (New Level x Weeks) as the lunar deliberately warps his body to better optimize it for combat. The war form levels may not be increased above the lunar's essence trait.

The lunar war form is a monstrous hybrid of the human form and a totem animal. This body is typically a good three feet taller then the lunar's default human height and possesses many benefits. Anyone who sees the lunar in this shape can tell the lunar for what he is; a sleek, deadly killing machine.

The first level of the war form gives the lunar 8 points that they can allocate as they wish.

The second and higher levels of the lunar war form only gives the lunar with 6 points, to be allocated as they wish.

A lunar may not have more levels in his war form than he has dots of essence.

Allocating points to their war form attributes is done on a 1 for 1 basis. Alternatively, the player may opt to purchase a charm-like gift at a cost of 1 gift per 2 points spent.

The lunar may not possess an enhanced attribute score over 10 in his war form before essence 6. After an essence of 6 or higher is achieved, the cap is increased by 2 per dot of essence over 5 (ie. a cap of 12 at essence 6, 14 at essence 7). If an essence 5 or lower lunar with an enhanced attribute score of 10 increases his natural attribute, the enhanced attribute score stays at 10, until he hits essence 6, where it will increase up to 12 on its own.

The player of the lunar should be aware that the character's tell is affected by how many levels of war form the character has.


Experience & Growth

Other than the modified listed costs here, 
the cost are as per the exalted core book.
Attribute                  Current rating x 4
Aspect Attribute           (Current rating x 4) - 1
Essence                    Current rating x 9
New Warform Level          15
New Charm                  12 (10 if in aspect or favored attribute)
New Terresterial MA Charm  12 (10 if Wits is aspect or favored attribute)
New Terresterial Spell     12 (10 if Intelligence is favored or aspect attribute)
New Celestial MA Charm     15 (12 if XXX charm is purchased and Wits is aspect or favored attribute)
New Celestial Spell        15 (12 if Intelligence is aspect or favored attribute)

Other than the modified listed training times here, 
the training times are as per the exalted core book.
Aspect Attributes          No training time
New Warform Level          New Level x Weeks

Peanut Gallery

Please leave all comments and such here. Old comments and questions can be found here.

An interesting re-interpretation of my favourite Exalts. Perhaps It makes sense to adapt the Breeding background and Legendary Breeding merit for Lunar use? Also, maybe change Waning and Waxing moons to Crecent and Gibbous? It doesn't sound as cool, I'll admit, but Half Moons are also Waxing or Waning, whereas Crecent and Gibbous actually refer to the full-ness of Luna. Either way, I look forward to seeing more stuff. -AmbroseCollector

Thanks for the comments... and yeah, the breeding and legendary breeding merit would be applicable and will be modified to fit. Hmmm, Crescent and Gibbous... I'll think about the name change. In any event, I'll continue onwards! ~ haku

Have you seen the BerserkSeraph/AbilityLunars entry? I imagine that some crossover between this project and his might just create sometihng beautiful. Or a monster. Both suit ^_^ - trithne

Yes... that is a very interesting set-up. And definately might result in something odd if crossed over with this... I'll need to think on this. As my Faint Moon would still rely on attribute based charms, and switching over to an ability based system might result in me stepping too much on the DB's feet. ~ haku

Alright, this one is for breeding. If a Lunar and a Dragonblood mate, do we make two rolls to determine if the child exalts? I assume the parent with the higher breeding takes presidence, but if that roll to exalt fails, do we roll for the other parent? Also, how is it determined if both parents have the same breeding? ~ kakitashinsumi (I haven't bothered making a page for myself yet)

Well, Kakitashinsumi, that is a good question. But yes, both lunar and dragonblooded would require the kid make two seperate rolls, the one with the lowest result is what the kid exalts as. Yes, this does mean that a lunar + DB pairing does result in a higher chance of exaltation of some kind, at a cost of better breeding. I feel that the kid's breeding background is the average of their parent type's breeding (lunar breeding 3 + lunar breeding 5 = kid lunar breeding 4 / lunar breeding 2 + DB breeding 5 = kid lunar breeding 1 / lunar breeding 1 + DB breeding 4 = DB breeding 2), and if your parents don't sync up, then the wrong type is assumed to be 0 for the calculation. ~ haku

I like idea alot and it's obvious that you put alot of time into this. My 2 cents: The devision of attributes should be more like alchemicals, where, if you had a 6th caste/attribute/whatever, you'd have every attribute used twice. I also noticed that appearance was not mixed into the frey. Is there a reason for this? Also, like alchemical, make legends of a 6th attribute. Something like this caste, despite breeding can appear anywhere at any time but is the most infrequent. They are the personal chosen of Luna whatever purpose luna desires. dmccoy1693

Thanks! Hmmm, the division of the attributes is similiar to the alchemicals, As for the appearance attribute... oh kay... that one slipped by me... I'll need to think it over and reallocate the attributes and such, thanks for the catch. ^_^;

As for the 6th aspect... now THAT is a secret, it's something I've thought on, but I'll need to think more on it. ~ haku
Perhaps the Waning Moon should have Appearance instead of Manipulation. At least their anima reflects appearance as an important attribute for them, and Manipulation is already favored for two other castes. ~ kakitashinsumi
Well... I've been giving some thought to the aspects, and I'll actually be changing what the aspects do, I think I'll make it so that we don't get so much over lep between waning moon and half moon, one of them will stay as is (ninja, observation, tactician), the other will be revised into being the medics, teachers and such. I might even shuffle the other aspects about. And yes, Appearance will be a factor, with charms. ~ haku

This is a great thing Haku. Its a very interesting version of the Lunars. It is also a very cool one. -Heru

Adding a link to Haku/FM_Curse