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Revision as of 14:18, 10 October 2005

The following spells appeared in The Book of Three Circles, but are not reprinted in Savant and Sorcerer:

Terrestrial Circle

Assassin's Fatal Touch
Calling the Stalwart Servitor
Cirrus Skiff
Coin of Distant Vision
Commanding Presence of Fire
Curtain of Quartz
Dragon of Smoke/Serpent of Flame
Droning Suggestion
Empathic Wind
The Eye and the Mouth
Floral Ferry
Impervious Sphere of Water
Incantation of Effective Restoration
Lesser Golem
Magician's Pleasant Path
Malediction of the Distorted Compass
Mirror of Bending Light
The Parting of the Seas
Purifying Flames
Shadowy Simulacrums of Smoke
Shedding the Serpent's Skin
Song of the Waves
Song of Vertigo
Spoke the Wooden Face
Stalwart Earth Guardian
Summoning of the Harvest
Titan's Icy Breath
Tongue of the Element Spirit
Unstoppable Fountain of the Depths
Venom of the Heart
Violent Opening of Closed Portals
Water From Stone
Written Upon the Water

Celestial Circle

The Crumbling Walls
Venus' Disfavor
Voice of Distant Command

Solar Circle

Enemy of Nature
Light of Solar Cleansing
Loyal Golem
Mirage of Protective Shelter
Mystic Travel
Pressed Beyond the Veil of Time
Solar Sanctuary
Soul Seal
Summon Animal Avatar
Summoning the Greater Minions of the Eyeless Face
Technique Mirror
Theft of Years
Unity of the Closed Fist
Whisperers in the Mirror
Winds of Confusion


Huh... any idea why these were cut? Seems like quite a bit of content to just drop like that. -- DigitalSentience

Lack of space, most likely. With the larger chapter on warstriders and the new chapter on summoning some content had to go. 160 pages seems to be about as large as WW like to make their Exalted softbacks (Time of Tumult notwithstanding). - Moxiane
Also, a lot of these spells are the suck. There really wasn't much reason to reprint spells like Floral Ferry, Curtain of Quartz, or The Eye and the Mouth -- they're lame and uninteresting. I'm sad to see a few of the neater spells -- like Violent Opening of Closed Portals -- go, but most of the cuts to the Emerald Circle, at least, are quite sensible. -- Charlequin

I would say 'some' or maybe even 'a few' were sensible, not 'most', but that's just me. Floral Ferry is the most useless I can think of, but there are a lot in that list that are really good, useful, interesting and fun.
-- Darloth

It's true, a number of them sucked, but dude, Enemy of Nature was the most awesome spell EVAR. It was awesome. --Prions

    • There are several good spells in the list but most people own both BO3C and S&S so its not really an issue unless you are brand new to the game. some of the spells are a little pintless but mos are good. personaly I rather like Floral ferry, its good to make a quick entrance or exit - being tracked by someone and stuck at a big river with no bridge... need a platform to launch a quick attack into an enemy harbour esp if its a small town, you can shape it to your own design so you could make a small fishing vessel, raft etc depending on your initial choice of plant material. Eldmar