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Solar Melee Charms by Stanoje

Weapon-Warding Treatment</b>

 <b>Cost: 3 motes
 Duration: Scene
 Type: Reflexive
 Minimum Melee: 2
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Retrieve the Fallen Weapon

The Solar infuses the weapon she is wielding with her radiance, bonding it to her Anima. Gleaming Essence subtly outlines the weapon's shape. For the duration of the Charm, she adds a number of automatic successes equal to her permanent Essence rating to any roll to resist being disarmed or having her weapon damaged. If an effect doesn't call for a roll on the defender's part, the Charm increases the difficulty of the opponen's roll by half the Solar's permanent Essence score (rounded up) instead. Despite its duration, this Charm can be part of a combo.

Blazing God-Spark Revelation</b>

 <b>Cost: 1 mote per die
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Supplemental
 Minimum Melee: 4
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Excellent Strike

A successful attack enhanced by this Charm inflicts no damage. Instead, if used against an Exalt, it channels Essence into her anima, causing it to burn more brightly. Each mote of Essence the Solar spends on the Charm adds to the enemy's anima banner rating as if she had spent an equal amount of her own Peripheral Essence. The Solar can invest up to his permanent Essence score in motes into a single attack.

Aegis of the Mirror</b>

 <b>Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower
 Duration: Varies
 Type: Reflexive
 Minimum Melee: 5
 Minimum Essence: 4
 Prerequisite Charms: Bulwark Stance

The Solar observes her opponent’s defensive movements and mirrors them when she comes under attack. Activate this Charm as part of a Melee attack or when an opponent has rolled to parry the Solar's attack. Note the number of successes rolled on this parry. From now on, the Solar receives a corresponding number of automatic successes, up to twice her Dexterity + Melee, on every parry roll against an attack by this opponent. The effects of this Charm last for a number of turns equal to the Solar’s permanent Essence score.


Nice charm. Simple, and Solar. Two changes I'd recommend, if you're interested. The first is to make it Ess 2. It's a scene-long, which, to me, you can't really get at Ess 1. Also, since you've pretty much gotten much of the Solar schtick down, I'd say take it one step further. Change the last part to " any roll to resist being disarmed, having her weapon damaged, or any other effect that might remove the character's ability to control her weapon. If the attempt would not normally involve an opposed roll (such as Weapon-breaking Defense Technique), the difficulty of the opponent's roll is instead increased by half of the Solar's Essence (round up)." Kind of go a bit overboard with the text, as there's so many things that don't always apply, or use weird effects, or whatever. Just to be safe. As a side note, I'm thinking some of the other wikizens might think the text I suggested is a bit much, and there's a good chance they're right - it does seem a bit much, but then again, I like to suggest things. -- GregLink

Appreciate the comments! I added your idea about non-opposed rolls, but the part about any effect that would remove control over a weapon seems too broad. -- Stanoje

Hm. I like this effect, but I'd suggest raising it to Essence 3 and making it a Permanent; 3 motes of Essence is a heavy commitment for protection against the fairly infrequent combat tactics that this concerns. On the other hand, being able to reflexively say "no" to a disarm is really cool; an alternative option that I like would be to leave the Charm as it is, but make it explicitly Comboable. - willows

I'm not sure about the cost of a Permanent version. Should each instance of actual usage have a (very low, reflexively spent) mote cost? Without it, Essence auto-suxx sounds rather cheap, even for such a specialised effect.
Also: look, another Charm! -- Stanoje
No cost; I'm really serious when I say I don't think it's much of an effect. - willows

I rather like this Charm, as revised. :) I'd say leave it as is. - FrivYeti

I'll do that for the moment. Need to think about pricing a little. And here's the new Charm, finally. -- Stanoje

Changed WWT to make it explicitly combo-tible. -- Stanoje And also added a new parry Charm.

I have to say I like Aegis of the Mirror.
-- Darloth