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Session 1: A Time of Meetings

Being an account of the Lunar Game being run by Hplovescats.

By AlecAustin

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We open on the preparations for a great Tlak, being held somewhere in the wilderness of the far East. Amala and her shroud-covered mentor, Greenclaw, are already present, assisting in the preparations of the grounds, while others (Seeta and Ruin) are on their way to the Tlak, being led or bid to go there by their respective mentors.

Greenclaw bids Amala help him gather up a few strays, and with a swirl of his shroud, opens up a hole in the fabric of creation that leads through a seemingly endless field of gray. Instructing Amala not to look away from him or stray from the path, Greenclaw leads Amala across the gray waste and out into the path of Seeta and her two 'mentors', Orlando and Lazlo.

Seeta, who has been complaining about being forced to walk to the Tlak, is surprised by the appearance of Greenclaw and Amala in the path of her group. When Greenclaw asks to speak with Orlando privately, she eavesdrops on their conversation, and gathers that she may be taken from the charge of Orlando (who she likes) and given to another mentor, possibly even Lazlo (who dislikes Seeta immensely, after having been repeatedly humiliated by her in his attempts to capture her and bring her to have her Caste fixed).

Meanwhile, up north, August's mentor Grimfang wakes from slumbering as a bear and informs August that there is a Tlak far to the south that he should attend. August dutifully tranforms into an ice hawk and flaps madly to the south, in an attempt to avoid being absurdly late.

Greenclaw commands Seeta and Amala to come with him to collect the last stray, and the three of them emerge high in the sky, where they encounter August, desperately winging his way south. Descending to perch on a mountain that was split in half by a First Age battle, Greenclaw opens the passage into the grayness once more, and August, Seeta, and Amala are deposited in a patch of Eastern forest known as the Majestic Emerald Basin and left there to fend for themselves. As it is near dusk, the three of them make camp, August as a human, Amala and Seeta in their totem forms.

Meanwhile, Ruin has been walking eastward behind his mentor, Stultz, without any indication of why or where they are going. Despite Ruin's attempts to engage in conversation with Stultz, he gains no more information, and finally he finds himself alone, his mentor having vanished without a trace. Hungry, Ruin chases down a deer in Beastman form, and bursts into the camp of the other young Lunars. After a brief standoff, August offers to share his fire with Ruin in exchange for a portion of the deer, and all are introduced to one another.

In the morning, the characters see a plume of smoke in the distance, and Amala, while bathing, finds a series of beautiful pools which are surrounded by a sense of absense and loss, as if their spirit is missing. The characters set out to investigate the source of the smoke, but then the curtain descends, postponing further knowledge of their deeds.


[A short session. 4 xp plus 2 "totem xp" for all.]