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Theatre of Death

by Issaru

"It's just a F*&#$%^ building and this'll prove it!!" <walks inside, and lies down>
- A citizen who disappeared last Calibration
"Hell No!!! I didn't get a GOOD LOOK! I was running too damn fast!!!!"
- Eyewitness of the "Theatre" during final night of the Calibration

The Theater of Death started as the Ashton Corrections and Executions Center, a brutally dismal jailhouse and gallows. It served its purpose without fanfare until about fifty years ago. The last warden of the facility decided he needed to "make a name" for himself. Being a sadist, he decided to make the executions into macabre spectacles. The residents of Nexus took to this with a passion, enjoying the bizarre but often spectacular displays of cruelty. In later years, the warden took to using a scythe for executions to make them more stylish.

Soon there weren't enough prisoners slotted for execution to keep the "Theatre of Death," as the people began to call it, going. Becoming desperate, the warden began "recruiting" the homeless and wayfarers who were luckless enough to not be missed. The populace had its rumors, but the "theatre" never bothered anyone "important", so they stayed just that: rumors. These practices/shows continued up to and even during the great Nexus fire. The warden who started everything and was still in charge never got a "name" or even recognition. The theatre was all the people saw, or wanted. The warden (whose name the people still can't remember) was just a fixture.

During The Great Fire of Nexus, the warden went mad, executing all he could with the help of several of the guards who were on duty and loyal (read: nuts) enough to stay. Raging throughout the building, he and the guards murdered the remaining prisoners, as well as some of the staff who had become trapped. As the flames rose higher, the grisly band took to the higher floors within the theatre. One by one the guards died as the smoke and flame overtook them. Some ran, only to be cut down by the warden and his scythe. Climbing to the highest parapet and swinging his scythe madly, he shouted, "And this, my good people, has been the finest performance of the Theatre of Death! Thank you for your patronage, have a good night." With that, the flames roared higher and consumed him.

Now all that is left of the "Theatre" is the broken stone frame and blackened courtyard. The building constantly reeks of smoke, and screams can be heard within on the nights of Calibration. Underworld creatures of all sorts are drawn to this site, so it is given a wide berth even by the desperate natives of Ashtown. On the final night of the Calibration, the building seems to reconstruct itself, and the tragedy of the night of the Great Fire is re-enacted.


  • The "theatre" is one of the havens for the Ashtown Reapers.
  • The souls of those who die in this place are cursed, and may only leave by making a mortal take their place in the "theatre" by forcing them to die as they did.


  • The Warden who commited these attrocities rose as a powerful Ghost on the night he died in the fire, becoming the being the Bringer of Unquiet Souls. He personally brings the ghosts of those who died in the fire and in his executions together on the final night of the Calibration, and slaughters them as an encore.
  • The lower levels, covered in rubble, are the site of a very small shadowland. This shadowland is the width and length of the building but only rises to a height of ten feet at its highest point. Even this height leaves the shadowland buried six to seven feet underground.


I'll take it if there are no objections. I just need to know where this was originally linked from so i can get some sort of background. - Issaru

The backlinks suggest that it's just coming off of /Ashtown. -EJGRgunner
Basically, that's it - yeah. It's in Ashtown & that all I've done. Four tries to do this, and they all sucked. >_< Feel free to take it Issaru, my dib ran out ages ago anyways - I was just announcing it. - Moxiane
Thanx for the hand-off. I'll start on it today so it should be done by Friday. - Issaru

Sorry it took so long Turkey day kinda threw me behind in eveything. -Issaru

Thanx for the assist Shataina!!! I forgot to put backlinks to the nexus project or Ashtown. I also forgot to put my name in. Thanx a lot for the help (I've been rushed lately)!! - Issaru
P.S.you get5exp. lol

Oh, it's no problem at all. :) I'm way too crazily obsessive not to edit every single entry on this project. I actually tend to think of it as kind of a flaw in myself. So yeah, no big deal; thanks for the thanks.
~ Shataina

I don't know if it really matters for the purposes of the Nexus Project, but I noticed a contradiction between this page and the Great Nexus Fire... the GNF took place nearly 50 years ago, but this says that a guy who "died" in it Exalted as an Abyssal. But Abyssals have only existed for about 5 years. I don't know whether this page came before the GNF page or what, though. Just thought I'd point it out, even if it doesn't matter in the slightest. -Everyl

Hmmm!! You're right. I'll edit it in a bit. Thanx for pointing that out. Issaru