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Character Sheet

NAME                                                            HOMELAND
Maylin                                                          Stonewall	
CASTE                                                           ANIMA BANNER
Eclipse                                                         Pouncing Caracal
NATURE                                                          EXPERIANCE
Critic                                                          12

PHYSICAL                        SOCIAL                          MENTAL
Strength        2               Charisma        3               Perception      4
Dexterity       3               Manipulation    3               Intelligence    4
Stamina         4               Appearance      5               Wits            3
--DAWN--                        --ZENITH--                      --TWILIGHT--
□Archery                       ■Endurance    ***              □Craft         
□Brawl                         ■Performance  *****             □Investigation     
□Martial Arts                  ■Presence     *****            □Lore           ** 
■Melee         ***             □Resistance   *                □Medicine
□Thrown                        □Survival     *                □Occult         **

--Night--                       --ECLIPSE--
□Athletics     **              ■Bureaucracy  ***              --SPECIALTIES--
□Awareness     **              ■Linguistics  ***               Lore (First Age *)
■Dodge         ***             ■Ride         **                Presence (Persuasion **)
□Larceny       *               ■Sail                
□Stealth       *               ■*Socialize   *****

LANGUAGES: Forest Tongue, River Tongue, Old Realm
BACKGROUND                      DESCRIPTION
Influence    *                  Successful Gem Merchant
Artifact     ***                Tiara of Weather Control
Resources    *****              Leader of a vast Merchant Empire
Familiar     ***                Desert Caracal (Sayjin)
Allies       *                  Alabaster Chimes
TEMPERS                         ESSENCE         ****             VIRTUES
Willpower:   7                  Personal:       18:__           Compassion        **
O O O O O O                     Committed:      None            Conviction       ***
Limit                           Peripheral:     45:35           Temperance       ***
X X X O O O O O O O             Committed:      10              Valor             **                

Prodigy                  +3        Socialize is enhanced, +1 to all rolls

Selective Conception     +1        Infertile when desired, spend one Willpower to auto-
                                   matically conceive and know that one has done so

Born to Rule             +2        +1 to all Social rolls with acknowledged inferiors
        Initiative:     6       Soak (L/B):    (2/4)            Mobility:         -0
ARMOR:  Silk Armor              w/Armor:       (7/7)            Fatigue:           0

   -0   -1          -2                -4    Incapacitated    Negative
    O    O O O       O O O O           O    O                O O  

Movement: 15 yards normal, 29 yards sprinting

Fist                    6(+0)      4(+1)       2B(+0B)  5(+2)    5
Shamira Spear           6(+0)      9(+3)       11L(+9L) 10(+4)   4
Knife                   6(+0)      7(+1)       4L(+2L)  4(-2)    4

Dodge:  6/9 (+3 Permanent Essence)                
CHARM                   COST     DURATION   TYPE           EFFECT
Ox Body Technique       None     Permanent  Special        -1 x 1, -2 x 2, health levels        

Respect Commanding      5 Motes  One Scene  Simple         Makes people pay attention
Attitude                                                   & show respect while listning

Masterful Performance   2 Motes  Instant    Supplemental   Buy additional successes on 
Exercise               [[Maylin/Success]]                           a performance roll

Heart-Compelling        6 Motes  One Scene  Supplemental   Roll Man + Performance, chose
Method                  1 Will                             emotion. Will under successes
                                                           feels emotion, Will under 2x
                                                           make willpower roll to resist

Harmonious Presence     6 Motes  One Hour   Simple         Add Permanent Essence to all
Meditation                                                 1 on 1 Soc, Bur, or Pre rolls

Frugal Merchant Method  1 Mote   Instant    Simple         Knows quality of handled item

Deft Official's Way     6 Motes  One Task   Simple         Grants the knowlege of who to
                                                           talk to to acomplish a task

Wise-Eyed Courtier      3 Motes  Instant    Simple         Allows character to get their
Method                                                     bearing in social situations
Excellent Emissary's    3 Motes  Special    Simple         After hearing a lanugage for
Tongue                  per                                one hour, can speak it 
                                                           fluently. May not read or write it.

Reed in the Wind        1 Mote   Instant    Reflexive      Adds 2 dice per mote to one
                        /2 Dice                            dodge action.  Must be aware.

Mastery of              3 Motes  One scene  Reflexive      Allows character to respond 
Small Manners                                              correctly in a social situation.

Motive Discerning       6 Motes  Instant    Simple         Explains the true motive behind 
Technique                                                  an action.

Knowing the Soul's     10 Motes  Instant    Simple         Know instantly the cost of Price 
Price                  1 will                              any object or action, 
                                                           though cost may be impossible
                                                           to attain

Excellent Strike        1 Mote   Instant    Supplemental   Adds dice to a single melee
                        /die                               attack

Phantom Conjuring       5 motes  one scene  supplemental   Adds perm. Essence to Charisma
Method                                                     and performance rolls

Hungry Tiger Technique  1 Mote   Instant    Supplemental   Counts extra successes twice
                                                           for determining damage

Majestic Radiant        8 Motes  One Scene  Simple         Anyone attempting to attack
Presence                                                   or argue must roll Willpower 

Crypt Bolt              2/2 L    Instant    Simple         Dex+Ath+perm Essence in a range of perm essence
                                                           times 10 to unleash a bolt of decay at 2 L 
                                                           per mote. Agg to Fae and Wyld creatures

Speed the Wheel         8 Motes  One scene  Simple         Speeds bureau. (Essence+1) times faster.
ITEM                            QUANTITY                   NOTES
Spear                           1                          Carried
Knife                           1                          Carried
Gems                            Several                    Gems of mild value
Tiara                           1                          Worn
NAME                            COMMITMENT      EFFECT
Tiara of Weather Control        4 Motes         Activates for 3 motes. (Any changes can 
                                                be attempted,particularly difficult or                                                           
                                                quick ones require MAN plus Occult roll
                                                Usually takes around 15 minutes, though
                                                longer for major effects, like 
                                                Hurricanes).  User may also predict 
                                                the weather with a PER + Awareness roll.
                                                Has one Hearthstone setting.

Silk Armor                      6 Motes         Armor that's not armor

Shamira                         7 motes         Orichalcum spear (stats listed with weapons)
                                                which has knock back abilities on a parried attack
                                                (reflexive spent motes = to stamina to add 2 to difficulty
                                                 to avoid knockback, must be rolled immediatly) knockback 
                                                distance is yards = to wielders willpower. Can break attack
                                                chain. In the beginning of a fight, attackers must roll Valor
                                                to attack wielder (only on the first attack). Shamira will 
                                                return to wielder if thrown. One hearthstone setting.
Familiar:  Desert Caracal (Seyjin)      Spd/Atk/Dmg: Claws 6/5/2L
Str/dex/sta: 2/3/2                      Dodge/Soak:  8/0L/2B                     Will: 3
Per/Int/Wit: 1/2/3                      Abilities: Ath: 5, Awr: 3 Dge: 5, MA 2, Stealh 3