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[[BeronTheGrey/RulesSolarOccult|Solar Occult]]<br>
[[BeronTheGrey/RulesSolarOccult|Solar Occult]]<br>
[[BeronTheGrey/RulesSolarWar|Solar War]]<br>
[[BeronTheGrey/RulesSolarAthletics|Solar Athletics]]<br>
[[BeronTheGrey/RulesSolarWar|Solar War]]<br>
[[BeronTheGrey/RulesSolarAwareness|Solar Awareness]]<br>
[[BeronTheGrey/RulesSolarWar|Solar War]]<br>
[[BeronTheGrey/RulesSolarDodge|Solar Dodge]]<br>
[[BeronTheGrey/RulesSolarWar|Solar War]]<br>
[[BeronTheGrey/RulesSolarLarceny|Solar Larceny]]<br>
[[BeronTheGrey/RulesSolarWar|Solar War]]<br>
[[BeronTheGrey/RulesSolarStealth|Solar Stealth]]<br>
[[BeronTheGrey/RulesSolarWar|Solar War]]<br>
[[BeronTheGrey/RulesSolarBureaucracy|Solar Bureaucracy]]<br>
[[BeronTheGrey/RulesSolarWar|Solar War]]<br>
[[BeronTheGrey/RulesSolarLinguistics|Solar Linguistics]]<br>
[[BeronTheGrey/RulesSolarWar|Solar War]]<br>
[[BeronTheGrey/RulesSolarRide|Solar Ride]]<br>
[[BeronTheGrey/RulesSolarWar|Solar War]]<br>
[[BeronTheGrey/RulesSolarSail|Solar Sail]]<br>
[[BeronTheGrey/RulesSolarWar|Solar War]]<br>
[[BeronTheGrey/RulesSolarSocialise|Solar Socialise]]<br>
=== Lunars ===
=== Lunars ===

Revision as of 13:39, 19 August 2008

Five Directions And None

This is the home page for my Exalted 2e game, Five Directions And None, a celestials game set in the Hundred Kingdoms (at least at first).

House Rules




Solar Anima Powers

Solar Excellencies

Solar Archery
Solar Martial Arts
Solar Melee
Solar Thrown
Solar War

Solar Integrity
Solar Performance
Solar Presence
Solar Resistance
Solar Survival

Solar Craft
Solar Investigation
Solar Lore
Solar Medicine
Solar Occult

Solar Athletics
Solar Awareness
Solar Dodge
Solar Larceny
Solar Stealth

Solar Bureaucracy
Solar Linguistics
Solar Ride
Solar Sail
Solar Socialise



Player Characters

Kiren d'Sillem

Crystal Leopard of the Azure Dawn

Joyous Ever-Vigilant Evening Serpent

Storyteller Characters


Blazing Reed

Nameless Fire Locust

Number Ten Yeddim

Speaker With Dragons

Katai Hebi


Cathak Aralla

Ragara Karse

The Most Honoured Scion of the Eastern Wind

Iron Tsunami


Unfettered Raitron of the Fourfold Dance


The Beautiful Maiden Without Pity

The Hundred Kingdoms

Here are write-ups for four of the Hundred Kingdoms used in my campaign:

Kingdoms Created by Me

Belarn, Lyndanisse, and Vandaar all share a common border. Tsingtao is on the far side of Vandaar from Belarn and Lyndanisse.





Kingdoms Created by My Players

Mayavati created by Ratty


Prideful Mountain

The Temple of the Noble Phantasms

The Temple of the Wind's Secrets

The Unassuming Glade Shadowed In Moonlight

Artifacts and Wonders

A Child's Picture Book


Greetings, and welcome to the Wiki! Take a look around, and hope you enjoy your stay! - FrivYeti

I can't wait to see it. I'm going to run a game later and all the inspiration I can get is eagerly looked for! - Paincake

Really interesting stuff. It's pretty dang cool. - EwindaleMoss