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Levinarch (level 3 Familiar)

Levinarchs are storm spirits that take the form of small dragons, never more then a meter long. They spend their lives in the stormclouds, churning up thunder and lightning for their amusement. Elemental beings of limited Essence such as they are, Levinarchs rarely Dematerialize. The vast majority of their existence is spend as yard-long serpents of brilliant blue with scintilating golden "whiskers" dripping from their chins and cloudy grey-black fur around their necks and along their spine. Their four tiny limbs are effectively pointless, allowing them only to lift the lightest of objects and grip whatever surface they may choose to land on. Like other flying serpents, Levinarchs never need to land, they are perfectly at home in the air and hover effortlessly.
Flighty and possessed of a limited attention span, Levinarchs move quickly physically and mentally, darting between places and thoughts in seconds. They are hard to pin down in a conversation, if they choose to have one in the first place. Because of their lack of attention span they are hard to bind as Familiars and even when bound they often bring trouble to their master with their flightiness and love of gathering metallic objects and creating small storms.

Attributes: Str 1 Dex 6, Sta 2, Cha 1, Man 1, App 3, Per 2, Int 1, Wits 5
Abilities: Brawl 3 (Bite), Endurance 1, Resistance 2, Survival 1, Athletics 5 (Flight x2), Awareness 2, Dodge 5 (In Fligt x3), Stealth 3
Dodge & Soak: 16 | 4B/4L (2B/2L armored scales)
Essence: 2 (30 motes)
Willpower: 6
Health Levels: -0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Incap
Virtues: Compassion 2, Temperance 1, Conviction 3, Valor 3 Attacks:

  • Lightning Bolt - Acc 15 | Dmg 10L P | Range 20 | Rate 5 | Spd 20
  • Bite - Acc 10 | Dmg 3L | Def 5 | Rate 5 | Spd 10

Charms: Materialize, Dematerialize, Principal of Motion, Storm Control, Weather Control
Special Notes:

  • Flight - By means of its magical nature, a Levinarch can fly at 150 miles per hour, hover and otherwise move as freely in the air as a seasnake does in the ocean.
  • Storm Affinity - As creatures of the storms and Air, Levinarchs are immune to damage caused by lightning and cold temperatures.

The lightning bolt power easily beats many lesser elemental dragons' breath weapons using Dragon's Suspire. I assume you think that said dragons should also be upgraded, but it seems odd that an ess 2 mini-elemental has a ranged weapon easily as good as many daiklaves, if not better. Finally, what's Spd? Did you mean Range, or are you using a set of houserules where Speed is an issue and measured in such high numbers... Unless you mean it takes 20 ticks, which, well, might go a long way towards offsetting the power of it. Bite of speed 10 seems weird though, if that's the case.
-- Darloth is currently assuming you meant Range

Telgar is not writing for X2- I suspect he meant the old Speed. -Azurelight

Indeed, I never write for Ex2. Ever. As to the power of the lightning attack, I'm just attempting to make sure the little lizard can actually be useful in a game. As opposed to, you know, every single animal in the corebook. - Telgar, didn't mean range

I'd think the fact that the statistics are lacking stuff like DVs and Join Battle would be a rather adequate tipoff. - Seiraryu