This is a place for me to put all the various fantastic and wonderous things that I've thought up to infest my version of Creation. I'll be basing this on Direction (starting with the South, and the Southeast), and it will include many wildly varied things. Everything from interesting Little Gods, to Natural Wonders and Fantastic Locations, to lost Artifacts and even works of Sorcery and uncharted Kingdoms.
Note: This material is written with a "Year 0" assumption, similiar to the material offered in the Exalted corebooks. I.e., it assumes that this is a description of things as of about 5 years after the Empresses reign. If I deign to include stuff from my own campaigns, it'll be clearly marked as such. This is, actually, mostly for my own benefit -- I prefer to do it that way:)
Local Treasures
- A slight look at how one might view the Seasons of Creation; /Seasons
- A Creation spanning Cult that dates back to the Solar Realm; /Godwalkers
- A ruined city in the South, destroyed by a Rogue Twilight Solar; /DalaVaria
- More information on the Far East region of the Scavenger Lands; /FarEastRegion
- A small city in the Eastern Scavenger Lands. Gold Faction stronghold; /Kental
- A Northern Barbarian Kingdom, home to the Lanji People; /Lanji
- The story of a very very old First Age ghost; /Mirane
- A nifty location by haren; /FountainofLoss
- Information on Nexus, as viewed by me; /Nexus
- Information on Sijan, as viewed by me; /Sijan
- Information on the Ten Tribes, by me; /TenTribes
Relocated Treasures and Links of Interest
- a Pirate Fighting Dragon-Blooded Brotherhood; Characters/EmeraldBrotherhood
- a Cynis Household, which needs a lot of detail; Characters/CynisCrystalwind
- An elite Realm force within the 16th Legion; Characters/MelasVengefulTalon
- A former Solar retreat, turned into a Fae Tower; TwistedTower
- A dive of scum and villainy in the Southwest; Locations/IsleOfBlackHearts
- The legendary bow of a Dragon-Blooded Hero; Artifacts/AsharonsFlamebow
- Emaldrine, the Lost Maiden, Soul of Erembour: DemonsOfTheSecondCircle/Emaldrine
- Plants, Minerals, and Gems of Creation; NaturalWondersOfCreation!
- A page of Barbarians in the South; SouthBarbarians
- An atlas of creation, ripe for new content; Locations
- Character sheets, writeups and ideas; Characters
- Mortal Character Seeds!
- MortalsOfTheEast
- MortalsOfTheSouth
- MortalsOfTheWest
- MortalsOfTheBlessedIsle
Wow! I'm amazed at how much nicer this page looks now. -- CrownedSun