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Starter Theme: Suddenly, Ninja!

Because no starter theme should be taken too seriously.

Sushi House Of Flying Daggers -- DeathBySurfeit

The Circle is enjoying a nice meal at a good sushi bar. Suddenly, ninja! Ninja everywhere! Chopping knives fly, and platters are turned into deadly chakrams as the ninja chefs flip out. Soon, the paper walls are coming down, ninjas are being given a taste of their own medicine (by being dunked into cooking pots), and a concealed message indicates these are not the only ninja-chefs in town. But who is training them? For what foul plot? Can you trust anyone to cook for you? And just how is the god of cooking involved?

Oasis of Impromptu Ninjitsu -- Darloth

The circle has been trekking through the desert for several weeks, and is overjoyed to find a beautiful oasis, sparkling with clean pure water and with a couple of palm-trees hosting tasty-looking coconuts. Noone is in sight, and the circle settles down to enjoy themselves. Suddenly, ninja! Ninja everywhere! They're hiding under the sand using reeds to breath, they're stepping out from behind (or even inside!) the trees, throwing exploding coconuts filled with poisonous gasses, and eevn the leaves of the palms turn out to be cunningly concealed throwing knives and gigantic shuriken. But how did they know the party would be along? -did- they even know, and if not, why is this oasis so important that it must be kept under constant secret ninja guardianship?

It wasn't me, it was my Previous Incarnation - Dmccoy1693

Our intrepid circle is this time traveling with a carivan when, suddently ninjas, a band of ghost beastmen ninjas (using custom arcanoi) encircle the carivan. The characters easily fight back the ninjas when one of the circle has a vision of his former incarnation having a lovers quarrel with who is now the ghost in front of him. Throughout the fight he keeps remembering the last fight they had and every move they make it is the identical move from then. Once they both realize this and the player strikes the ghost with their weapon/hand/etc, they see the previous incarnation slapping the now ghost in a hurtful manner and the vision ends with the now ghost running away crying. The ghost has a hurt look on her and withdraws with the remaining ghosts. Before leaving the ghost says, "You never change. You still like hurting me. I don't take it anymore." The leader of the ghosts swears to finish what has been started here. Can the players mend the broken heart before the ghost beastmen ninjas return with reinforcements? Will finding the Lunar that sired these ninjas help in bringing them to a peaceful rest and reincarnation? Will the circle just use ghost eating technique or something similar and end the problem? Will getting Kevin Bacon to teach them to dance solve everything?

The Bloodied Throne - Hapushet

The PCs are making their way through a kingdom recently brought to peace after a civil war. At last a new ruler has been chosen, and the celebrations have turned the kingdom's capital into bedlam when the PCs arrive. As the moment of coronation approaches, the crowds gather to see the new ruler take their throne. Suddenly, ninjas attack! Dozens die in the storm of shuriken and thrown knives, including the peacemaking ruler. In the space of moments, the prospect of war looms again. Will the PCs capture one of the assassins to learn who ordered this slaughter? Will they intervene to stop - or take control of - the war? Perhaps the attack was not aimed at the new ruler at all - has one of the Circle's enemies struck, willing to plunge a nation back into bloodshed just to remove the PCs from Creation once and for all?

The Second Hand ~StarHawk

A rumor has poped up seemingly over night in a small village in the east. In this village, children are being abducted, tattooed and then returned all in one evening. Villagers are outraged that someone can enter their home, steal their children, and then steal their way back in without notice. They are also frightened for the safety of their children. So they've hired the characters to help protect their children.
At night all is quiet. A little too quite. Then one notices a figure, it's dark... a little too dark. As they follow the dark figure they notice it is a short one... a little too short... as understanding dawns on them... Suddenly, ninja! Ninja everywhere! And they're children!
Will the characters keep the children's secret? Will the children have to kill the characters for knowing? Who is traing them? Are they really unaware they're not sleeping? What is the meaning of all these ninja!?

Peanut Gallery

I'm not too sure about the format, so heckle me if you've any reservations. Otherwise, feel free to add in your own ideas...DeathBySurfeit

My problems at first is this... If we went with the Title, Dawn, Zenith,... model, then you did the first 3 steps with no seperation. How about something like this:
Sushi House of Flying Daggers -- DeathBySurfeit

Dawn, The Prelude
The Circle is enjoying a nice meal at a good sushi bar. The bar is in a small city in any country. The people there of a normal reasonable temperment but the characters have received a snide look or two because of the way they dress.

Zenith, The Plothook
Suddenly, ninjas! Ninjas everywhere! Chopping knives fly, and platters are turned into deadly chakrams as the ninja chefs flip out. Soon, the paper walls are coming down, ninjas are being given a taste of their own medicine (by being dunked into cooking pots), and a concealed message indicates these are not the only ninja-chefs in town. But who is training them? For what foul plot? Can you trust anyone to cook for you? And just how is the god of cooking involved?

Twilight, The Conflict

Night, The Resolution

Eclipse, The Impact

Thoughts? -Dmccoy1693

Uhh, that's the idea we were working on for the PlotRelay, not the SeedRelay. See the discussion on FluffRelay for more details...DeathBySurfeit
Ops, Misunderstood. - Dmccoy1693

Added one ^_^
-- Darloth

Totally sweet...DeathBySurfeit

Thought something a little more serious would not go amiss amongst the, uh, more creative options.  ;) -- Hapushet

I liked that one a lot. Hurrah for the serious angle! ...DeathBySurfeit

Perhaps we should add "Target Character Type" like the Bastions of the North book has. ~StarHawk

I'm sure we could, but is it really necessary? The seeds seem pretty self-explanatory with regard what kind of character restrictions are imposed upon them...DeathBySurfeit

Good stuff, StarHawk. I look forward to your choice of theme proper! ...DeathBySurfeit