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Lunar Shapeshifting Charms

by haren

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Bird Wing Movement</b>
<b>Cost: 8 motes
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Min. Charisma: 4
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: Flying Tiger Technique

Instead of the wings forming from pre-existing limbs, with this Charm, they form completely new attached to the Lunar's back. As with Bird Wing Movement, the Lunar can fly at a speed of his Essence times 15 miles per hour, or thrice their running speed per turn. This can be affected by charms that would increase running speed or the Full Moon anima effect. The main benefit is the flexiblity to use hands and claws freely while in flight.


Not sure how useful this one would be when a Lunar can just eat a bird and fly like that for less motes, but a nice idea, and the one you put after this is very good. This might want the same change in wording though, as Lunars cannot be changed by charms, although charms can allow them to change... - CorlanDashiva

You might as well say that the swimming and water-breathing Charms are useless because you could just eat a fish. This one would be more useful if you kept your arms, because then you could fly around and shoot arrows and stuff.\\ _Ikselam

That's kind of how I see those charms actually, but to each his (or her) own :-) The charm coming off of this one lets you keep your arms... - CorlanDashiva

I think the main thing which makes these Charms appealing is that you get to stay in human form, while gaining desirable characteristics of fish, fowl, &c. Fish and birds don't have arms, can't talk, generally have crummy Str/Sta, and so on.\\ _Ikselam

The reason I made it work like this, with one turning arms into wings, and then another to just make wings is this. There is no bird in nature that has 6 limbs (two wings, two arms, two legs). It takes some working to meld together something that does have 6 limbs with bird wings. Reminds me, maybe that one should require Startling Tentacle Attack? - haren

I'm not even sure it should require Fish Tail Technique to be honest, it has nothing to do with swimming and isn't that powerful really... - CorlanDashiva

The way I was looking at it, Fish Tail Technique is an alteration of the limbs, but to a far lesser degree. It adds some fins and webbing, but this is transforming the limbs to a much larger degree. And while not too useful, it does have a definate advantage. - haren

Not sure how much Bird wing movement would get used but this one is definitely useful. Might be worth changing the wording so that it says somethign along the lines of this charm allows the Lunar to grow wings, rather than this charm forming wings, as Lunars cannot be directly affected by shapechanging charms, apart from that this looks useful - CorlanDashiva

Thank you, I appreciate the comment and have altered the wording to (hopefully) make it more correct. - haren

Actually the Lunar immunity to shapechanging charms applies to any that they don't perform, so as they are the ones performing the charm it has no problem affecting them. - Blackedout

Lunar Charm Costs are so prohibitive that I am positively allergic to speedbumps, which the first Charm appears to very much be. Ditch the first pre-req. or recast it as wings on back/gliding (like the Beastman Gift, and make a second Charm that allows the Lunar to fly really fast/do scary divebombs/poop explosive turds, then we will talk. Also, the Fish-Tail seems unneccessary. What Bird Lunar is going to want Fish limbs? Good thought tho. hplovescats

I agree that the first Charm is a speedbump, on the grounds that a Lunar can easily fly by drinking a bird's heart blood. Likewise, a Lunar can eat a fish to swim; the advantage of Fish Tail Technique is that it doesn't interfere with combat abilities. So I'll concur with hplovescats and suggest that you scrap Bird Wing Movement, and get rid of Fish Tail Technique as a prerequisite. - Quendalon