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Ikselam's Resistance Charms
There's no big story behind these. I just tossed them out one night. Indestructible Aura's name is a rip-o-- er, I mean homage to Magic: the Gathering. For that matter, so is its effect.
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Unassailable Solar Aegis</b>
<b>Cost: 7 motes, 1 willpower, 1 health level Type: Reflexive Duration: Instant Min. Resistance: 5 Min. Essence: 3 Prereqs: Adamant Skin Technique
The Exalt glows with a soft inner radiance, briefly transcending his mortal form to become one with the Essence of pure sunlight. Unassailable Solar Aegis confers complete protection against a single attack or effect, even one which does not do damage or whose damage is normally unsoakable. Physical blows pass through the character unimpeded; spiritual attacks are cancelled in a flash of golden light.
Indestructible Aura</b>
<b>Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower, 1 health level Type: Reflexive Duration: One turn Min. Resistance: 5 Min. Essence: 4 Prereqs: Adamant Skin Technique
A cocoon of blazing golden radiance surrounds the Exalt, turning aside even the most grievous of blows. For the remainder of the current turn, damage inflicted by any attack striking the character, even aggravated damage, is reduced to zero. Indestructible Aura does not protect against effects that do not do physical damage.
Activating Indestructible Aura automatically causes the Exalt's anima banner to flare at the maximum level for the remainder of the turn.
- back to SolarResistance.
- back to Ikselam's Charms.
I'm confused, I think. I don't understand the 2nd charm in light of the first. Why would I ever bother to learn it, as it has a higher cost and doesn't protect from as much? - Qaphsiel
Because it lasts for the entire turn.\\ _Ikselam
I'm lacking my DB book at the moment- how does Indestructible Aura compare to Bottomless Depths Defense? It feels more expensive, but I can't quite recall... - DariusSolluman
Bottomless Depths Defense costs 5 motes and 1 aggravated health level, but I think the developer later errata'd it to three aggravated levels. This Charm's advantage over it (in spite of costing more) is that the health level cost is bashing (well, I assume it is, since the author didn't note otherwise). You can regain the HL cost of this Charm a whole lost faster, and if you compare it to the errata'd Bottomless Depths Defense, it looks superior to me. - David.
Ah! Forgot about the errat'd increase to BDD. Yeah, with that in vogue, Indestrucible Aura starts to look fairly sweet :) - DariusSolluman
Looking at it again, though, I think that Indestructable Aura would be better off if it was made explicitly Comboable. - David.
^__^ I find it amusing, and vastly imagination-stimulating that the way your Unassailable Solar Aegis Charm is worded allows it to be a perfect soak against, say, a social roll to embarass the user. I'm not complaining, mind. I actually like this, and find its placement in the Resistance tree to be an added point. -Suzume