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Revision as of 08:07, 5 April 2010
Comment as always...
The old stuff is under LunarFluxOld"". I thought about deleting it, but it was my first project here on the wiki.
Inspiered by hplovescats rules for a more interesting Great Curse for Lunars (see LunarHouseRules/LunarLimitBreaks) I had this great idea of making the lunars a little bit more wyld! This stuff is also greatly inspired by the Resonance of the Abyssals, which makes me every night pray to the God of Roleplaying to let me find a ST, who runs an Abyssal game in my town.
Basically it will change the Great Curse of the Lunars in a way, that Lunars will produce Wyld effects in a manner of Death effects the Abyssals produce with Resonance. As with Resonance the Lunars have no Limit but a new trait, which is called Flux, but it works different (and not only in the effects produced by Flux). For more mechanics see below.
The change of the Great Curse will not affect all Lunars. Quite the contrary, it will only be changed for a small group of Lunars. You can choose, how big this group is, as always.
Never wish for something, if you are in the Wyld,...
... because your wish could be answered. Wandering Hoof did not wish for something, exactly. He cursed. It was not the blizzard he cursed about. That was something, he was prepred for. In fact, he liked walking trough blizzards, walking upright where everyone else was shivering in a shelter and praying to the gods for another morning. For this he was chosen by Luna eons ago. Even when the snow changed into razor sharp silver, he didn't cursed. He would endure the constant cutting of his skin, because he had to. The only why out was dying, and this wasn't the day for it. No, he cursed not about the pain outside, but about the pain inside - about his weakness. He had to walk in the Wyld, because he would die, if he would roam around his homelands. Because they would kill him. Because he was to weak! \\ "I will toss the treacherous dragon-blooded into the deep Wyld and then I will enjoy the unlimited torture of the ever changing Wyld twisting thier bodies and minds!" \\ And then he heard the Voice for the first time. "This would please me, too. What are you waiting for?" \\ to be continued...
One possible History of Creation
In the beginning, there was only the Wyld and possibility. Some dwellers of the Wyld, which survived long enough, started to call themeselves the Fair Folk. With enough effort, the Fair Folk could create everything out of chaos, therefore war among them was seldom. What sense would it make to fight about something, if you could create it? But the creations of the Fair Folk did not last for very long. Given time, the ever changing power of the Wyld dissolved everything.\\ Until He-whose-Name-is-Forbidden found a way to weave essence in stable patterns, which were in resonance with his essence. By storing ambient essence in the patterns, they got stronger and with them, he got stronger himself, but also less changeable. Fearing his growing power, his lover betrayed him and gave away his secret method of pattern weaving. Soon all powerful Faerie Nobles started to create thier own realms, which resulted in war about ambient essence.\\ Other tribes of Fair Folk were not interested in creating realms. They wanted to roam free in the Wyld, enjoying thier freedom. But the new kingdoms sucked out the ambient essence, forcing it to stay in stable patterns. The nomad Fair Folk would never accept any constraint on thier freedom, so they went on war against any kingdom.\\ When his most prized creations were destroyed and therefore part of himself, He-whose-Name-is-Forbidden went mad with hate. He went into the center of his realm, brooding about a way to make his enemies pay for his loss. And a way was found by unweaving thier creations and sucking out the essence, refilling his own patterns. His mad hunger for essence destroyed many kingdoms and his ever growing realm threatened the nomad Fair Folk. An unlikly coalition between Fairie Nobles and the nomad Fair Folk stopped him by imprison his realms in a sphere surrounded with a layer, which contained no essence at all. The essence of any being entering this sphere is dissolved to pure chaos and catapulted into the deep Wyld.\\ Imprisoned but not destroyed, He-whose-Name-is-Forbidden was still a dangerous enemy, which could destroy all created realms by assimilation of every fixed essence. For fear of this possibilty some fairie Nobles and Fairie tribes decided to create a weapon to destroy He-whose-Name-is-Forbidden. The most knowledgeable about essence fixation of the allied Fairies gather for creating a new realm, where they could experiment on essence control and fixation with much less interfernce from the ever corroding influence of the Wyld. They were called the Rooted Ones by the allied Wyld fairies, since all thier of destroying He-whose-Name-is-Forbidden was rooted in them.\\ But with time the Rooted Ones got alienated from thier Wyld brethren. They bolstered up more and more the defense grid they had built to protect thier creation against the Wyld, because thier experiments were serverly disturbed by its mutating influence. Then some of the Rooted Ones decided, that even the presence of thier Wyld brethren was too much a disturbence to be tolerated in thier realm, so they prompted thier fellows to augment the defense grid to shut out thier Wyld relatives. Most of the Rooted Ones approved to this measure as the next logical evolution of thier realm, but some admonish, that they were on the wrong path, which He-whose-Name-is-Forbidden had already walked. Unable to agree on a mutual decission, the skeptic Rooted Ones left the realm to report about the news.\\ XX\\ which suspiciously observed the rooted realm while it grew in power with time and stored essence and with it its lords. At some point contact broke between the Rooted Ones and the Wyld tribes. Fearing that the accumulated power mislead the Rooted Ones on the path of betrayal, spies were send into the rooted realm. The few who returned reported of war between the Rooted Ones and thier children. The Wyld tribes tried to stop the war, but the defense grid, which the Rooted Ones had built to protect them against a Wyld incursion, made them weak inside the rooted realm, so they were easily repelled by the rebel army.
The inferior tribes tried to slowly dissolve the rooted realm from the outside, but again they were defeated. Under the control of the rebels the rooted realm even grew for some time.
What is Flux?
Flux is the tool of the Faerie masters, with which they control thier new Lunar slaves, which are called Marauders.
For this they replaced the already existing "flaw" in the Lunar essence, the Great Curse, with thier own Wyld essence.
Mechanics of Flux
The value of Flux goes from 10 to 0. Yep, you count down.
For discussion of possible FluxManipulationEffect""s I have setup another page. There you can add and discuss possible FluxManipulationEffect""s.
Possible Implications for the History of Lunar Exalted
Soon to come...
Well, a lot of work here. I hope, I have in the next weeks more time, than the last months... \\ WyldSpawn
I know this hasn't been touched in a while, but I'd be interested in using a variant of this for those Lunar Essences that were in the Wyld at the time of the Great Curse, or perhaps a few of the Wyld Barbarian types. Maybe even certain circumstances for 'regular Silver Pact' type Lunars.
Interesting idea... I might borrow aspects of this... ^_^ ~ haku