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Not a bad idea for a style, though the name (as you note) could use a bit of "Exalt-ifying". One thing you may want to add to the fluff text is just how useful this is as a means of controlling the enemies of the practitioner, as opposed to killing them. Kill an Anathema, and a little while later, another one Exalts, and you've got to track them down. Enslave an Anathema, and you've just reduced the Wyld Hunt's workloads for years. Same goe s for Abyssals - rather than let the die, to let their shard head back to the monstrance, you can keep them alive, again, depleting forces. Perhaps quite useful in those situations... -- GreenLantern

Of course I will change the name, but I just can't think of a good one... any ideas? It's far from finished yet, but most of the charms are finished though /Swifty

The fluff text seems rather interesting, I can almost see the style weapons as 'whips', smash-fists and maybe... just maybe staves. And yeah, it would be a useful technique to enslave 'anathema' with, so that you lighten your and the Wyldhunt's work loads. ~ haku who hopes to see more.

I have thought about the style weapons and the way I see it, the only one that makes sense is the whip. What do you think? /Swifty
Heh, well... the smashfist is for... bitch-slaps. Got to have some way of showing an uppity 'courtesans' and 'harlot' whose boss... ^_- ~ Haku
I recommend the all important Pimp cane. If its not preferred, I recommend the smashfist or other ornate glovery for divine biatch-slaps. - ArabianNinja, the original Pimp Ninja.
The thing about the famous divine bitch-slap is that it's not intended to do damage, just to show that "I can slap your face and you can't do shit about it. Now behave, bitch!" That´s why there won't be any smashfisting. /Swifty

Thanks for the comments, guys. This the first time I'm doing something like this and I appriciate the feedback. The concept of the style acctually came from a joke I made when I saw how many diffrent styles there were for courtesans and harlots. "Who's going to pimp all those supernaturally skilled martial-artist whores...?" Well... now you have the answer. The whole project got a whole lot more serious when I realized that there was much potential to it.

Well... given that I've made three such 'styles' (she-wolf is iffy for some consideration)... I have to say that your concept is definitely welcomed and interesting. ~ haku

"Righteous Pimp Style". Please, call this "Righteous Pimp Style". My group demands this. ialdabaoth

"Righteous Pimp Style"... hmm,I don´t know. That would be a joke since this is a rather nasty style, nothing righteous about it, realy. /Swifty

Hm, I could see this a Sidereal Style to manipulate the practicioners of the 'lesser' whoring styles... B-) nikink

Yes, if by _manipulate_ you mean beating someone until they cry and bullying everyone around you /Swifty

Went and corrected some glaring spelling errors. Didn't change anything other than that, but I'd love to know just what a "Contagniation" is. ^^ - Trithne

Thanks... ehh, english is not my first language so please forgive my spelling /Swifty

Take a look at MartialArts/GhettoFabulousStreetQueen style <shameless plug>, style of beaten whores everywhere. It was written as a joke, but it turned out quite a bit darker and crueler than I anticipated, even with the jokes taken into account. Be warned: if you are going to write a style based around sexual domination and abuse, be prepared for what it might turn out to entail.

Oh, and this should be an animal style based on rooster and his hens. "Domineering Cock Style" or somesuch. ~Capric

I see what you did there...DeathBySurfeit
Acctuallt that would'nt work since this style is made for merchants trading in human stock, not animals dominating eachoter, but thanks for sugestion anyway /Swifty
I see. You are looking more for a slaver's martial art. Keep in mind the thematic and stylistic constraints canonically placed on martial arts; the thematic scope you seem to be interested would more indicate a Terrestrial rather than Celestial art. More powerful martial arts are necessarily wider in thematic scope. ex:
Terrestrial: Taskmaster's Backhand Style / Furious Bully Style / Iron Chain Style / OMGWTFOTL Style (...lol)
Celestial: Cock/Walrus/<other alpha-male species> Style / Heartless Lord Style
Sidereal: Domination: The Granite Tithe of Love (or whatever)
....a slaver's MA. Honestly, the idea is very distateful. Kinda reminds me of when I realized what the high essence Abyssal Bureaucracy charm tree had to be. Turns out I didn't have the stomach to write it. Good luck. ~Capric
The way I see it, the power of the style is based on who created it, not the thematic scope. A Terrestrial creates a Terrestrial style and the others creates Celestial or Sidereal styles. And of course it's distastefull, it's about slavery and domination... those things are always distastefull. But I like to keep my games gritty... /Swifty

Possible names: Vicious Culling of Inner-Strength Style or Savage Master of the Fearful Style. Madoka

I like the first one,sounds vicious /Swifty

Just made some minor edits, spelling and such ~ Haku

Thank you =) /Swifty