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Cold Eye

A city born man, a young noble, he became interested in and devoted to mystical studies. The popular works that he read taught him superstitions and half-understood references to real practices, and he lived by their syncretic nonsense. He happened, by chance, on a new form of mysticism that rang true with something in the world by sheer force of will, and Luna rewarded him for his perseverance with an exaltation. The strange magics that he has invented for himself are largely dominated by cutting oneself into new shape in accordance with one's goals, whether physically or mentally; discarding things that are not considered to be of importance.

Creation stats

2/5/5, 2/2/3, 5/3/2
(3 bp) Abilities:

Cult 1
Allies 1 (Tshavanes, god of ambition)
Manse 5 TheHoverpope/TheHouseHeDwellsIn)
(4 bp) Tattoo artifact 5 TheHoverpope/CullingWolf)
(5 bp) Artifact 3(3 bp)
Mentor (shoggoleth)

Essence: 2
Willpower: 9
Virtues: 1/5/4/2 (9 bp)

Merits and Flaws:
Derangement: self-harm (-3)
Major Oath (never be satisfied, Tshavanes, god of ambition, -5)
Dark Secret (-2 - the magic he has devised is based on and blessed by the second circle demonTheHoverpope/Shoggoleth)