Cathak Alana
Concept- Semi-Disgraced Noble turned Solar Anathaema
Nature- Leader
Gender- F
Player- Vervain
Caste- Zenith
Str 2 Dex 4 Sta 2
Cha 4 Manip 3 App 3
Per 3 Int 4 Wits 3
Archery 1 Melee 4
Athletics 2 Awareness 4 Dodge 5 Larceny 1
Endurance 2 Resistance 2 Performance 4 Presence 5 Survival 3
Bureaucracy 1 Linguistics 1 Ride 1 Socialise 3
Craft (War) 3 Investigation 4 Lore 3 Medicine 2 Occult 2
Tiger Warriors 3
Influence 1
Artifact 2
Illumination 1
Resources 1
Backing 1
Allies 1
Compassion 2 Temperance 2 Conviction 3 Valour 2
Great Curse- Deliberate Cruelty- triggered in stress, dire straits or being backed against a wall.
Indoctrination. Spend 1w and gain 1 Limit to act against teachings of Cult.
Will power 5
Essence 3 (Cult Trained Exalted)
Personal 14
Peripheral 35
Anima Power- 1m to burn corpses, 5m to inflict 1A on demons, undead or of darkness, 10m to cause demons, undead etc to make a valour check or be at -2 to attack Zenith.
Ten Magistrate Eyes
Masterful Performance Exercise
Ox Body Technique
Hardship Surviving Mendicant Spirit
Reed in the Wind
Shadow Over Water
Fire and Stones Strike
Excellent Strike
Hungry Tiger Technique
Respect Commanding Attitude
Crafty Observation Method
Reflex Sidestep Technique
Seven Shadow Evasion
Soak- 4B/5L/4A
Daiklaive- Spd 11 Acc 10, 8L, Def 10, Rate 5
Slashing Sword - Spd 10, Acc 8, Dmg 6L Def 7, Rate 2
Knives- Spd 7, Acc 8, Dmg 4L, Def 5, Rate 4
Health Levels- 0/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4SJE/FirstEdAlana/Incap
Cathak Alana comes from the Dynastic Cathak Family and was expected to Exalt as a Terrestial of good breeding. She didn't, and while she was able to deal with this (although it disappointed her almost as severely as it disappointed her family), she wasn't able to deal with having the blame for a series of mishaps in the Lap, where she had a position of minor authority, blamed upon her. Shamed by the implication that she was not dealing honestly with business and that she lacked the competence to lead in even a small way, she has fled the family and no longer uses her surname, instead trying to forge a career with the Gem City Watch. While she doesn't directly know any of the members of house Cathak in Gem, except to have perhaps met them in passing, she knows of them and is not keen on interraction with them on any level.
XP: Current 4xp 48xp total)
Dodge 2->3 (4) Wits 2->3 (8) Socialise 2->3(3) Performance 0->1 Bureacracy 0->1, Dodge 3->4, Performance 1->2, Presence 4->5
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Hi Vervain, as a member of the GCW, you get Resources 1 and Backing 1 for free. This leaves you with an extra Backgrounds points to spend :-) SJE
Okay. I added some backstory, though not masses of detail, and the backgrounds should be fixed now. Her newly-acquired ally would be a guy who helped her get to Gem, find somewhere to live, etc. He's effectively the only person who presently knows the whereabouts of Cathak Alana, but has no plans to tell anyone about it, as Alana has helped him out on a number of occasions in the past. There. How's that? -- Vervain