Seven-Jeweled Peacock Fans</b>
Artifact <b>••</b>
Speed +3 Accuracy +4 Damage +2L Defense +5 Rate 6
Requires: Dexterity 3, Martial Arts 3; Commitment: 2
These weapons use the Orichalcum magical material in their construction, and the modifications are already incorporated into their stats. All other abilities as per their description in Castebook: Eclipse.
These are the only weapons in Castebook Eclipse. Not sure what your modification system is, so here are it's original stats:
Artifact 2, stats and Ability requirements identical to wind-fire wheels, with +1 to Speed, accuracy and defense. The description mentions Orichalcum in their construction. They must be wielded as a pair. Commitment is 2, and it seems to imply that's for both fans, not for each.
- Kicker
That seems awful, awful weak to me, so I'll just give them the same stats I gave the Heavenly Thunder Leaves. I think I was also a little too generous to the Heavenly Thunder Leaves, so I bumped down their defense by 1.
Well, yes they're pretty weak. They're \fans\. I think their their main advantage is supposed to be that you can carry them as part of a dance or just at a party and not necessarily appear armed. -Kicker
They're fans made of the 5MM. They're going to attract attention if you carry them at a party. Also, the section on Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Style in the EPG points out just how different a war fan is from an ordinary paper fan. --MF
Plus 1 to 3 different stats is equivalent to an exceptional quality item. That's definitely not worth a Level 2 artifact. A Level 1, maybe.