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Sapphire Crown

A magnificent blue crystal fortress sitting near the southern shore of the Northern Sea, midway between the cities of Gethamane and Icehome. Also, the city of the same name that surrounds the fortress. The fortress is large enough to hold several thousand people in comfort for an indefinite amount of time, currently inhabited by the spirit Sapphire Heart, and his god blooded servant/adopted child, Haku.

Surrounding the fortress is a sprawling city, famous mostly for it's unique climate. The fortress radiates a zone of temperate weather to a range or 3 quarters of a mile in all directions, making it unusual for a city so far to the North. The city is ruled by Sapphire Heart, who along with the dragon blooded Matall Karyn founded it in the years following the Usurpation. Karyn and Heart founded a family of god blooded descendants who helped consolidate their power over the following years. Following the death of Karyn, Heart took sole control of the city, and removed much of the power from his god blooded descendants who were for the most part more loyal to their mother than himself. To this day the much diminished spawn of Heart, or "Heartsblood" as they are more informally known, hold positions of nominal power in the city, though ultimate control still rests with Heart himself.

The city produces no unique goods or crafts, however its position and its climate make it a popular point on the trade routes of the North. It does also have a small hobby level recreational drug market supplying drugs not easily aquired this far north.

The well to do of the city tend to crowd closest to the Fortress to take the best advantage to the fortress supply of warmth, whilst those less able to afford good property are placed progressively further away, until eventually they are living in climes functionally identical to any other city in the North. The one exception to this remains a small bohemian residential area lying closest to a rent in the side of the fortress. This rent makes for a climate significantly hotter than the rest of the city, taking the heat to an uncomfortable level. This tends to be populated primarily by disafected descendants of Heart, as well as other mostly harmless nare do wells prefering to endure heat rather than cold.

The city itself tends to operate on a rather lasai faire basis, mainly due to the fact Sapphire Heart maintains a distant relationship with the city itself leaving the Heartsblood responsible for much of the day to day running of the city. However, if and when serious issues arise affecting the stability, Heart generally steps in and makes whatever changes needed to get things back on track. Given that he generally does this with no regard to existing power bases, understandings or agreements between the Heartsblood families, they do their best to avoid letting things escalate to the point it requires Heart's Intervention

People of Sapphire Crown


The name the local populace gives to the "nobility" of Sapphire Crown. These are the descendents of Sapphire Heart, and are generally recognisable by their sapphire blue eyes. The weaker or mixed blood descendents however are often indistinguisable from other light eyed northerners. Due to reasons not completely understood, the Heartsblood are generally disliked by Sapphire Heart himself, though as they do serve a significant role in maintaining order in the city, this dislike has not extended to anything further than Heart limiting the power they can individually achieve within the city.

Characters of Sapphire Crown


HaKu - God blooded child of Sapphire Heart, and Governer in everything but name of Sapphire Crown

Red Grin

RedGrin - ChangingMoon Lunar from the Northern IceWalker tribes, new to Sapphire Crown

Sapphire Heart

SapphireHeart - City Father and Founder of the city of Sapphire Crown


Sapphire Crown is a city of my invention that I'm using as the starting point for the current Exalted game I am running. - NightRain

More, please! - Quendalon

Will do! I'm still updating the basic setting that provides the starting point for the campaign, but I'll also be adding more people and places and characters as the campaign unfolds - NightRain