Eternal Material Style is an esoteric style based on the five magical materials. It begins as a terrestrial level martial art, eventually bridging into celestial martial arts via its own enlightening path. It contains multiple forms and both enhances and is limited by items of the FiveMagicalMaterials. Portions of this page make use of Wordman/2eTerminologyRefinements and use Wordman/ReferenceStandard for page references. - Wordman
Coincident with the solar Wyr'palja's experiments with advanced circles of magical alchemy, was her acquisition of a retinue of young terrestrials, anxious to learn the ways of her power. While she was primarily interested in teaching them the ways of alchemy, they were anxious to learn more practical magic, particularly the higher martial arts. Knowing the best student is a self-motivated one, Wyr'palja decided the challenge of incorporating both studies at once was a worthy one and together, she and her students spent the next few decades studying various materials and alchemical lessons and how to internalize them into a martial art. Though this taught the terrestrials a great deal of alchemy, its martial arts enlightenment was limited until they began to focus on the five magical materials themselves, particularly how they interacted with essence and with each other. Progress came quickly then, mostly with the realization that the materials acted in a progression up to the celestial sphere, just as they were attempting to do with their martial arts style.
Wyr'palja referred to the magical materials collectively as the "eterna". The style based on their study became known as the Eternal Material Style. While never hugely popular in the First Age, it was well documented and knowledge of it was widely distributed, particularly among alchemists and artificers. Many of its practitioners were killed during the Usurpation and, afterwards, a schism developed between those that remained. Much of this was ultimately caused by political divisions in the scramble for power in building the Shogunate, but it was justified as a philosophical split, though little knowledge remains of its particulars. One side, largely made up those swayed by contemporary research into alchemy, considered the style to be somehow incomplete. The other side, largely made of of artificers, rejected this claim, as to do so was to admit their knowledge of the Eterna was incomplete.
The chaos following the Great Contagion obliterated this schism, as it did most everything else, but ultimately saw it resolved as well. As knowledge of the Eternal Material Style reached the Underworld, those who studied it there knew the alchemists to be correct: the style lacked the knowledge of soulsteel. Though it is unclear exactly where the knowledge of how to integrate the dark metal into the style originated (most suspect one Deathlord or another), minions of the underworld tracked down those who practiced the style in creation, and saw to it that they knew how to do so, though the motivation for this is as mysterious as the origin of the charms.
As this was occurring, the tenants of the Immaculate Philosophy were being codified. Unaware of the developments of soulsteel charms, an terrestrial whose name has been lost to history made a compelling argument that the Eternal Material Style fit into the Immaculate Philosophy, largely by playing up the idea of a progression to enlightenment and connecting the eterna with the Immaculate Dragons and the gods, rather than the anathema. Though many remained unconvinced, this argument allowed the style to avoid being declared heretical for nearly two centuries. At that point, however, the style's connection to soulsteel became known and, combined with a different political climate, the style was banned from the Empire.
Presently, the style is largely forgotten in Creation, practiced only by a handful of outcaste artificers. It is referenced in a number of alchemical texts, so even mortal alchemists have heard of it, some have even managed to learn part of the style. Outside of Creation, a small subculture of Fair Folk know the style, experimenting with how gossamer plays into it. At least one abyssal alchemist is a master. A number of spirits know the style as well, mostly gods related to alchemy, artificing or the magical materials themselves.
Charms of this style begin as terrestrial martial arts charms. They eventually progress into celestial martial arts, providing an enlightening path along the way. The style features many interlocking charm effects, so many of the charms, taken individually, are weaker than typical for their essence level, particularly some of the early charms. More complete than most, the style contains enhancement for all five of the main combat categories (attack, damage, defense, mobility, soak); however, it has unusual interactions with gear selection, where the materials of the gear you choose create limitations as well as bonuses. In particular, while the style supplies many options, the gear you select commits and, in some ways, limits you to choosing one set of options over another before the fight begins.
Weapons and Armor: Unsurprisingly for a style based on magical materials, weapons and armor play a significant role in this art. As a general rule, charms of this style may be used with up to and including medium armor and with any one-handed close-combat weapons. In practice, this style is more concerned with the material of the weapon or armor than its shape and many charms offer restrictions or bonuses based on the material of the weapon or armor being used. In the descriptions below, phrases talking about an item "made from", "fashioned from", "of" or otherwise constructed of some magical material act as a shorthand for the following requirements:
- The item must be primarily (i.e. more than 50%) made from that magical material. Thus, for the purposes of this style, an item can only be "made from" up to one material, even it contains others.
- If a magical material, it must be fully attuned to the user.
- To qualify as "armor", it must provide significant body protection, such as covering the chest. Ancillary defensive items (e.g. hearthstone bracers) are not considered "armor" for the charms of this style where the material of the armor matters.
Complementary Abilities: Being based on the magical materials, this style requires a great deal of knowledge of these metals, their use and their properties. Mechanically, this requires that students of this style have Lore 2, Occult 2 and Craft (Fire) at least as high as their Martial Arts rating.
Minor Materials
Students of this style start by studying exceptional, yet mundane, materials found in Creation, an applying lessons learned from them to their fighting technique. The charms based on these materials are terrestrial martial arts charms that are elementally neutral. Terrestrial exalts of any aspect may cast them without paying a surcharge.
Lesson of the North
Cost: 1m; Mins: Martial Arts 1, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: none
Feathersteel, a strong, light metal found in the north (scav.15, bstn.107), teaches the martial artist the maneuvering advantages of being lighter than you appear, while still staying strong. Applying this lesson, she may add two dice to an Athletics test or to any "pool" used to calculate a static value involving Athletics (e.g. feats of strength).
Lesson of the South
Cost: 1m; Mins: Martial Arts 1, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: none
Chiaroscuro glass (scav.42) teaches the martial artist that even the most fragile looking of implements can be made to stand up to punishment. The martial artist may parry lethal attacks barehanded and adds +1 to PDV. If she is defending with a weapon made of a material similar to Chiaroscuro glass, she gains an additional +1 to PDV.
Riddle of Kleinen Har
Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: 1 turn
Prerequisite Charms: Lesson of the North, Lesson of the South
Adamant, a nearly indestructible, completely transparent material (isle.112), presents a puzzle to students of this style. For while adamant is a key component of many magical items, even the wall surrounding heaven (ex2e.28), it is not, strictly speaking, magical, at least not in the way the other materials are. In emulating adamant, students thus learn to transcend their nature without sacrificing it. Until the start of their next moment, any bonuses from charms of this style are not considered bonuses from charms, and therefore do not count against dice caps and the like.
Terrestrial Materials
Having mastered the lesser exotic materials, the student graduates to true magic, delving into the mysteries of jade. Lessons learned from this material are considered terrestrial martial arts, each with their own elemental aspect.
Solidified Sky Delivery
Cost: 1m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Riddle of Kleinen Har
Blue jade teaches the martial artist of the motivating force of air, even when trapped into solid form. After any attack is completed against the martial artist, she may perform a reflexive Move action at her normal movement rate. If restrained in some way (by a clinch, for example), her normal movement rate is reduced to zero.
If the martial artist is wearing armor of blue jade, add Essence in yards to her movement rate. This bonus is applied after all other effects, including reductions for being restrained. In such cases, the power of air moves both the martial artist and whatever is restraining her, within reason. For example, if the martial artist is restrained by a clinch, both she and the attacker would move. Used while chained to a wagon or small boat, wind might rise, moving the craft and the martial artist along with it. Used while chained to something fixed, like a stone floor or a mountain, however, this charm has no effect. Even after movement, if any, the martial artist remains just as restrained as before.
Aspected to elemental air, terrestrial exalts with aspects other than air pay the mote surcharge when using this charm.
Hardened Wave Strike
Cost: 1m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 1 or 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Knockback
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Riddle of Kleinen Har
Black jade teaches the martial artist how water hardens and can be controlled into crashing force. Add one die to any Martial Arts attack, including counterattacks. If successful, increase the difficulty to resist knockback by 1 as well. If the attack is made with a weapon made of black jade, add an additional die and increase the knockback difficulty by 1 again.
Aspected to elemental water, terrestrial exalts with aspects other than water pay the mote surcharge when using this charm.
Petrified Thorn Scourge
Cost: 1m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Riddle of Kleinen Har
Green jade teaches the martial artist how to harness the lethality of nature. If used while making a barehanded attack, the attack may deal lethal damage. Any lethal attack adds +2L to damage. If the attack is made with a green jade weapon, add an additional +2L.
Aspected to elemental wood, terrestrial exalts with aspects other than wood pay the mote surcharge when using this charm.
Coalesced Blaze Evasion
Cost: 1m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Riddle of Kleinen Har
Red jade teaches the martial artist how even solid objects can flicker and dance like fire. Add +1 to DDV. If wearing red jade armor, add an additional +1 DDV.
Aspected to elemental fire, terrestrial exalts with aspects other than fire pay the mote surcharge when using this charm.
Ideal Rock Skin
Cost: 1m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 8)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Riddle of Kleinen Har
White jade teaches the martial artist the most ideal pattern of stone, the emulation of which allows her to soak lethal damage with her entire Stamina. If the martial artist wears white jade armor, add +2B/+1L/+1A to soak.
Aspected to elemental earth, terrestrial exalts with aspects other than earth pay the mote surcharge when using this charm.
Alloy of Creation Form
Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Any two of: Solidified Sky Delivery, Hardened Wave Strike, Petrified Thorn Scourge, Coalesced Blaze Evasion, Ideal Rock Skin
The martial artists learns to alloy the terrestrial metals together, merging their traits and making them stronger and longer lasting.
When this form is activated, the martial artist chooses two of the charms she knows which act as prerequisites to this form (including the minor materials charms). The martial artist gains the benefit of each of the selected charms automatically and for all applicable actions, without cost, while the form remains active. In addition, any bonus these charms provide due to using specific materials is doubled. To select a different set of prerequisite charms, the martial artist must drop the form and reactivate it with the new combination.
While using this form, weapons or armor of the five magical materials cannot be used unless they correspond to materials related to the charms selected when the form was activated. Using other materials does not cancel the form, but prevents the martial artist from receiving any of its benefits.
Celestial Materials
Demonstrating their understanding of jade prepares the martial artist for ascension into the Bulb of the Perfected Lotus, which this style equates with the celestial metals. Charms at this level are celestial martial arts charms and are elementally neutral.
Metal Road to Heaven
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Enlightening, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Harmony of Creation Form, Solidified Sky Delivery, Hardened Wave Strike, Petrified Thorn Scourge, Coalesced Blaze Evasion, Ideal Rock Skin
Detailed comparison between terrestrial and the celestial metals teaches the martial artist how these more noble metals transcend the limits of jade. Internalizing these lessons allows the martial artist to transcend their own limits, if only briefly. For the resolution of an instant, the martial artist raises the dice cap limit on any pool involving Martial Arts, Athletics or Dodge, adding her permanent Willpower to the formula used to calculate the limit on bonuses provided by charms. This also applies to static values calculated from these three abilities. For example, a terrestrrial exalt's limit would become (Ability + Specialties + Willpower) for, say, a Martial Arts attack, and half that amount for DV bonuses.
Sharpened Sun Attack
Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Metal Road to Heaven
Orichalcum teaches the martial artist to excel in all areas, striving for perfection. The martial artist adds his Essence in automatic successes to Step 3 of an attack. If this attack is made with an orichalcum weapon, count tens rolled on the damage roll as two successes instead of one. Solar exalted or orichalcum caste alchemicals attacking with this charm incur no DV penalty from the action supplemented by the charm and the attack does not count against the weapon's Rate .
Forged Moon Adaptability
Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One flurry
Prerequisite Charms: Metal Road to Heaven
Moonsilver teaches the martial artist to adjust herself to fit the situation rather than the other way around. While performing a flurry, the martial artist may reduce penalties for multiple actions by her Essence. If the martial artist is wearing moonsilver armor, she may ignore an additional point of multiple action penalty. If she is a lunar exalt or moonsilver caste alchemical, she may ignore yet another point of multiple action penalty. The multiple action penalty may not be reduced below zero.
Smelted Star Inevitability
Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Metal Road to Heaven
Starmetal teaches the martial artist to manipulate fate to make damaging their opponent inexorable. Attacks made with this charm add a number of dice equal to the average of all the martial artist's Virtues (rounded down). Successful attacks backed by this charm ignore the target's Hardness. If the attack is made with a starmetal weapon, the attack can damage even insubstantial foes (though it grants no ability to see such adversaries). Sidereal exalts or starmetal caste alchemicals using this charm also convert one die of post-soak damage into an automatic success.
Caged Soul Liberation
Cost: 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Metal Road to Heaven
Soulsteel teaches the martial artist about the energy contained in trapped souls and how to release it from the living. Used after the martial artist makes a Martial Arts attack that kills a target who is not an extra, this charm allows the martial artist to feed on the energy released by the death, regaining a number of motes equal to the sum of the target's Virtues. If the killing attack was made with a soulsteel weapon, the martial artist may also claim any motes drained by the weapon. Abyssal exalted or soulsteel caste alchemicals who use this charm may spend an additional point of Willpower to gain motes equal to the target's Willpower as well. These motes fill personal pools first, and (as normal) may only replace motes that have been spent, not those sustaining charms or committed to artifacts. Any motes left over after the martial artist's pools are replenished are wasted.
Howling Entropy Form
Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Caged Soul Liberation
Internalizing the lessons of soulsteel, the martial artist mimics its entropic abilities, unleashing them on nearby magic. The martial artist is surrounded by a faint but visible field of purple and black mist that moans much the way soulsteel does. This field moves with the martial artist, initially surrounding her for a number of yards in each direction equal to her Essence. Charms cast by anyone in this area (other than the martial artist herself) cost an additional mote, which is consumed by the field. For each mote so consumed, the radius of the field expands half a foot. Charms from combos get no "discount" against this effect, and must pay this surcharge individually as they are cast. The martial artist has no access to the motes stolen by this field; they are all spent to enlarge the field.
While using this form, weapons or armor of the five magical materials cannot be used unless they made of soulsteel. Using other materials does not cancel the form, but prevents the martial artist from receiving any of its benefits.
Supple Vehemence Form
Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 4, -0 DV)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Sharpened Sun Attack, Forged Moon Adaptability
Combining the traits of the most noble of the magical materials, the martial artist alloys the swift offensive insistance of orichalcum with the defensive flexibility and adaptability of moonsilver to form a rapid, furious but controlled fighting stance. She adds her Essence to her weapon's Rate while ignoring up to her Martial Arts in DV penalties caused by the actions she takes.
While using this form, weapons or armor of the five magical materials cannot be used unless they are made of moonsilver or orichalcum. Using other materials does not cancel the form, but prevents the martial artist from receiving any of its benefits.
Serendipitous Wiles Form
Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Smelted Star Inevitability, Forged Moon Adaptability
In merging moonsilver's ability to find ways to slip around defenses with starmetal's gift in controlling one's own destiny, the martial artist creates a subtle, flickering fighting stance, touching without being touched. When making attacks, the martial artist may, just prior to the roll, convert Essence dice in the pool to automatic successes. These dice are not rolled but are treated as if they rolled a single success. She also reduces the minimum damage done by those who attack her by two, to a minimum of 1. (Other effects, such as the material bonus of startmetal armor, if worn, may subsequently reduce this further, even to zero.)
While using this form, weapons or armor of the five magical materials cannot be used unless they are made of starmetal or moonsilver. Using other materials does not cancel the form, but prevents the martial artist from receiving any of its benefits.
Radiant Destiny Form
Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 5, -0 DV)
Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Smelted Star Inevitability, Sharpened Sun Attack
The martial artist condenses the defensive excellence of orichalcum and the inevitable nature of starmetal attacks into a fighting stance based on absorbing punishment steadfastly while unerringly striking her opponent. The martial artist adds her Martial Arts to her Hardness and soak. She also increases her minimum damage by an amount equal to the average of her Virtues, rounded down.
While using this form, weapons or armor of the five magical materials cannot be used unless they are made of starmetal or orichalcum. Using other materials does not cancel the form, but prevents the martial artist from receiving any of its benefits.
Harmonious Celestial Amalgam
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Supple Vehemence Form, Serendipitous Wiles Form, Radiant Destiny Form
For the rest of the scene, the martial artist may reflexively invest anything she she touches with the essence of any magical material except soulsteel. Each application of this effect costs one mote for each item so imbued, and lasts only for an instant (i.e. a single die roll or static value application). During that instant, however, the item(s) so empowered gain the magical material bonus appropriate to that material. This bonus stacks with material bonuses natural to the weapon and does not apply if the weapon already receives the bonus from that material. A given item can only be imbued with the essence of one material at a time. This charm may effect mundane weapons, even the martial artist's hands or feet. When so imbued, bare hands may parry lethal attacks.
During the instant the item is empowered, it behaves in all ways as if it were made of the magical material (in addition to whatever it is actually made from). Any effect based on such a material applies for that instant, including the material bonuses from charms of this style. A mundane sword charged with the essence of blue jade could, for example, be used to parry an effect that can only be blocked by one of the five magical materials.
Any abyssal exalted who use this charm to emulate orichalcum during a scene gain a point of Resonance. Items under the effect of this charm interact with this style's form restrictions using either their original material or that of the imbued effect. For example, using an oricalcum dagger normally makes Alloy of Creation Form go dormant, but if it were imbued with white jade by this charm, the form would provide its benefits for the instant that the dagger was so charged.
Eternal Alloy Forge
Cost: -; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Celestial Harmony, Howling Entropy Form
Upon mastering the lore and essential nature of the five magical materials, the martial artist can then merge the essence of these materials together by sheer force of will. Once reaching this level of understanding, the martial artist may spend Willpower to activate multiple forms of this style at once. When casting any of the forms of this style, the cost of the form is increased by one Willpower for each of the style's forms that is already being sustained. The Speed of the action to activate the form also increases by a like amount. The magical materials allowed for weapons and armor in each form combine when more than one form is active, allowing all active forms to use weapons and armor allowed to any of the individual forms. This charm does not allow the invocation of forms from other styles.
- Example: Hammer in the Woods is a master of Eternal Alloy style. She wears a starmetal breastplate and carries a black jade daiklaive. In preparation for a duel, she activates Alloy of Creation Form (selecting black jade and adamant as her materials for this form). Since she has no other forms of this style active, this costs no additional Willpower. She is wearing starmetal armor, however, which Alloy of Creation Form doesn't normally allow, so while the form does activate, she gains no benefit from it. She then activates Radiant Destiny Form. Since she already has one form running, this costs an additional point of willpower and increases the Speed of the action to activate the form by 1. Both forms, however, now allow black jade, starmetal and oricalcum, so she can now access the benefit of both forms. She then activates Howling Entropy Form. Since she has two forms running already, this activation costs 2 additional Willpower and adds 2 to the Speed of the form activation. All three forms may now be used with black jade, starmetal, soulsteel and oricalcum.
- Name: Eternal Material
- Author: Wordman
- Type: unusual
- Description: A style based on the five magical materials that runs from terrestrial to celestial.
- Rules: E2
- Form Weapons: one-handed close combat weapons
- Armor Allowed: medium
- Shield Allowed: no
- Essence Range: 1-5
- MA Range: 1-5
- Total Charms: 20
- Forms: 5
- Comboable Charms: 14
- Reflexive Charms: 10
- Persistent Charms: 7
I watched this style develop on your scratch pad, and I liked what I saw. I still like what I see, and the fluff that goes with it is exquisite. One quibble, though: let's say I'm a Solar, Lunar, or Terrestrial using Smelted Star Inevitability. Unarmed, it's like Five-Dragon Claw, but doesn't make me do Lethal, and costs an extra mote. Armed, well, I'm not too likely to be using a Starmetal weapon, am I? Unlike the other basic celestial magical material charms of this style, I can't honestly think when I would use Smelted Star Inevitability unless I was a Sidereal using a Starmetal weapon. - IanPrice
- Maybe it should add some dice as well. With the charms that allow other style charms to avoid dice caps, there aren't actually many charms in it that add dice. Or, I could reduce the cost. What would you do? - Wordman
- I'd add dice to hit. Probably Essence of them, and up the cost to 3m. That'd also make it look a little more like the sharpened sun/forged moon charms. - IanPrice
I'm also a bit less-than-impressed by the Orichalcum Sharpened Sun Attack. At 5 motes, it starts by granting you three auto-successes on your to-hit roll - nearly as many as 5 motes would if spent on an Excellency. Functionally, then, it's not actually much of an improvement over the Excellency. Sure, it gets a bit better by Essence 4+, but really, given that this style tops out at Essence 5 for the Pinnacle, most practitioners are going to be in the Essence 4 range. An Essence 5 practitioner will already be learning other styles to continue learning. Furthermore, it seems so weak compared to the glory of the Moonsilver Forged Moon Adaptability, which for 4 motes, really allows you to go hog-nuts with flurries. It's easy enough, using that, to get in at least 3-4 attacks. As it has a duration of 'one flurry', you need only activate it once per flurry (if I'm reading it correctly, at least) giving you what is effectively a fairly cheap extra-action charm. I have real scary images in my head of people learning just up to that charm, and using things like CMoS to easily get in 12+ attacks per action, with no real penalties. Anyway, just wanted to say that in my opinion, the Orichalcum one is underpowered, at least compared to Moonsilver, it's primary competitor. -- GreenLantern
- Remember that since these auto-successes are not specified as counting as dice, they're not capped like the excellency would be. However, you do have a bit of a point there, which I would recommend a willpower point added to Forged Moon's cost as the cure for. - IanPrice
- I might also switch the bonuses in Sharpened Sun so that the orichalcum weapon gets the damage cherry and the solars get the rate and DV bonus. - Wordman