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Defilement, Mark of

Oral Report given by Talneth the Scholar to the Lesser Fair Folk Noble, Foam

“I have finished my research on the subject of the Mark of Defilement, at your request. I found, in my studies, that this mark is not the only form that these brands of power may take. Another version, known only as the Mark of Purification, was said to exist, though I have not yet delved into that subject.

“The mark of defilement was created around the era of the Bitter Flower Empire, and it was developed by the Solar anathema known as Rage of Seraphs. She developed this rune like tattoo to inhibit the natural essence flows of any creature it was branded upon.

“In a Dragon-Blooded such as my self, it would cut off nearly half of my ability to regenerate essence, and cause the abilities that I can use, even those that are latent within me and my fellow Earth Aspects, to become far harder to employ.

“The truly unfortunate thing is that to remove the mark, it took sorcery of a level that no Dragon-Blooded sorcerer is capable of.

“No, My Lord Foam, I am not certain as to what this mark would do to one of your kind. It is a good thing, however, that the methods of making the mark have been lost with Rage of Seraphs. Do you not agree, My Lord?"

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