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Aranzahas, the Shackled Storm

A vast, spark-shot cloud drifts through the layers of Malfeas; where it passes, it covers the sky from horizon to horizon. This cloud is Aranzahas; it contains Aranzahas. He hangs within, a skeletal dragon with bones of blue light, crucified upon bars of lightning. He has suffered thus since the fall of the Primordials. His fury is illimitable, his hate absolute; he shall know no rest until every living thing has been expunged from Creation. Quendalon

Progeny Count: 1:0:0
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  • Azuta Xipe, the Bringer of Rain and Sorrow, fifth soul of Aranzahas (Nero's Boot)
    In the time before the gods rebelled, there was one bringer of rain in the strange lands of Creation, and it was Azuta Xipe, the Bringer of Rain and Sorrow. For it is his custom that for every rain that caresses mortal lands, five toddlers must die. In ancient days, such was not done from malice, but rather from need, for only from innocence could Azuta Xipe craft the life-giving rains. Now, with his imprisonment, Azuta Xipe commands the drowning of toddlers for his own amusement, and sends rain only when it pleases him. The Court of Seasons hates the Bringer of Rain and Sorrow, and work always to undo his works. In form, Azuta Xipe is a short man, with his skin flayed from his body and then sewn back on, with needles and thread of purest jade.


For the record, Aranzahas is loosely derived from the elemental Sardhin in John Brunner's "Traveller in Black" stories. - Quendalon