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04-26-2004, 01:12 PM

> Patkin > "Hey, sure they tore apart people and made them into living organ gardens, and turned their back on their god and patron, and destroyed entire cities over petty duels, and stole and killed and a whole bunch of other bad things but...at least the trains ran on time."

You know, it'd be kind of interesting to play in an Exalted game where the Sidereals *didn't* arrange the Usurpation.

"You hate them, of course.

"You live in a world run by mad and terrible gods. On their altars you have sacrificed everything that ever mattered to you. They call themselves the Solar Exalted. In that tiny little space at the back of your mind where you retain some fragment of self, you call them 'monsters' and 'architects of horror.'

"There is nothing in you that they have not defiled.

"And now you have the power to fight.

"It happens. Every few centuries, there's another hero. Or another five. Or another ten. Some disaster manages to kill a few of the monsters, and their power rages out into the world and finds . . . someone like you. Someone who's managed to hang on to just a little bit of hate.

"You will fight them. It's necessity, and also tradition. You will fight with every bone and fibre of your being to wipe this scourge from the world, and with the noblest of motives. Perhaps, to reach your full power in time, you will bargain with the exiled Yozis, or the restless dead, or the great chimera of the outer fringes of the world. What other hope do you have?

"You're on a clock, you see. It's why they tolerate you. Ten years, twenty years, fifty years . . . or sometimes five.

"That's how long you have before you're one of them."


I'd just like to say that I think this is one of the coolest things on the Wiki. I'd love to run a game like this; it gave me shivers. Gotta wonder what it'd really be like to be on the other side of those Presence charms. Also, I like the contrast between this perfect Magitek utopia and the Heavenly Atrocities wrought by and in the name of the Solars. Just giving the players a tour of what the first age must have been like would be fun.

DigitalSentience and I explored this idea some more over an AIM conversation the other day. Dig thought y'all might find it interesting, so here it is: DigAndMeisFailedUsurpationThoughts -MeiRen

Vaguely related: I'm always up for talking Exalted. My screen name is Miedvied, same as my user name here.