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The goal of these Scenarios is quite simple; to tell stories that blend the epic heroism of the Solar Exalted (and, in some cases, the other Exalted as well but the focus of this section is on Solars) with the general savagery of the Age of Sorrows and the rather poor odds that the Solars face at the beginning of their Emergence.

The Mood of the Game

The Realm is split and foundering, but make no mistake; they sit astride Creation, their power more than sufficent to utterly destroy a Circle of the Anathema without even a major effort. For countless centuries, they hunted the Solars down as they were reborn -- rather or not they will be able to stop the Solars as a whole makes no real concern, when you are quite sure that they are about to carve your head out with a Red Jade Spear.

No Celestial Exalt can ignore the simple fact that the Realm's basic religion dubs them Anathema; even the mysterious Sidereal Exalted have fled into the background, well aware of what their own creation would do to them if they were exposed. The Solars suffer from this most especially, since they are both viewed as the most deadly of the Anathema as well as the fact that they are alone and hated in a world that thinks them Demon Princes.

The current 'distraction' of the Wyld Hunt merely gives the newly emerged Heroes of the Past a chance to find a place for themselves, but if they want to find peace they will have to earn the privledge.

The reaction of the world to one of the Anathema can be hard to gauge, but definately errs toward the side of fear and hate.

One village might stone the Solar, or rouse a mob to drive him out at the fear of their souls. Others might hurriedly worship him as Demon Prince, in hopes of appeasing him that they might spare them. They might be frightened and in awe, but unwilling to take any action except perhaps minor impediments to the Exalts travel (not allowing him to stay at the Inne, etc). Others might respect the character, but only in the manner that a sailing man respects a Shark. Dangerous and very likely eager to take a bite out of your flesh, and thus worthy of notice. A few might worship them as Powerful Gods, but this will be the exception.

Anyone without a personal relationship with the new Exalt is going to think in these terms, and there is no test of friendship greater. While it is certainly possible for even a Dynast and a Solar, who were friends before the Exaltation of the Celestial, to remain such afterwards -- it is not the kind of relationship that comes naturally. If the characters wish to find acceptance, they will have to either hide their natures or earn that acceptance through their deeds.

The Wyld Hunt is a constant threat, even if it does not show up every time the character shines his Anima in front of observers. You can't hide, you can't escape their notice; eventually the Dragon-Blooded will come for you and you will have to fight for survival.

Even so, the Realm will not always be able to respond to the Anathema with overwhelming force, and some sightings might go unanswered as long as the Solar stays away from the Blessed Isle. But if the character is to open about his nature or his anima flares too often in the open, eventually the Dragon-Blooded will come looking for him. If not from the Realm, then Devout Outcastes or a group of Seventh Legions Dragon-Blooded. You can expect the average DB in the Wyld Hunt to have anywhere from 50-75xp more to you, to hundreds more to you, depending on how much trouble you’ve caused and just who they are!

In addition, even if you do avoid the Wyld Hunt for the nonce, there is always a local lord willing to prove himself to his oppressed subjects or the local Immaculates by “hunting down the Anathema on his own”. While these mortals are not likely to be a huge threat, they will be present and can cause all manner of trouble for an incautious character.

Character Creation Guidelines

Characters created for the Scenarios will be beginning level characters, and the rules will generally be as outlined in the core-book. The guidelines described below deal, instead, with different assumptions of the game and how they affect Character Creation.

  1. All Character Creation rules will be as outlined on page 104-105 of the Exalted Solar Corebook, except that the player will have 21 freebies and any other notes described below.
  2. Any Essence above 3 is restricted. Most characters should have Essence 2 to start the game. Exceptions can be allowed, especially for ‘experienced’ characters and ones who are Sorcerers, but should not be expected.
  3. The following backgrounds are ‘mortal’ backgrounds, and characters without these backgrounds can be assumed to be outcasts without any real friends or ties to their society and probably being chased by the Wyld Hunt. Allies (Powerful Mortal), Backing, Contacts, Followers, Influence, Resources.
  4. The following backgrounds are ‘exalted’ backgrounds, and are perfectly allowed for all characters but should be taken carefully – the more of these you’ve got the less you have to spend on Normal backgrounds. Allies (Spirit, Exalted, etc), Artifacts, Familiar, Manse, Mentor.
  5. Low levels of the Artifact Backgrounds can often represent ‘mortal’ type magical items such as lucky charms, walkaways, Linowan Masks, etc. Most Orichalcum Artifacts that are relics of the First Age, especially Daiklaves, should be level 4+.
  6. All of myCrownedSun/HouseRules are in effect, including the new Speciality rules.
  7. The Crafts ability does not have to be bought for each individual type of craft you take, but you should write down the crafts that you are skilled in. The first three ‘crafts’ are free, but every additional three crafts costs one bonus point. A material is not a craft, nor is it an acceptable specialty in most circumstances.

Note: Just like in the canon Exalted Campaign, not all of the characters mentioned in the following setting pages are assumed to exist together within the same 'world'. I.e., if your playing in Nexus, theCrownedSun/RiverSerpent isn't necessarily sailing out there somewhere.

The Settings

CrownedSun/ScavengerLands :: General Information about the preferred setting for these Scenarios, as well as a more 'specific' discussion on mood.
CrownedSun/Nexus :: The City of a Million Lice
CrownedSun/Lookshy :: Home of the Seventh Legion
CrownedSun/PortCalin :: and the Great Game
CrownedSun/Sijan :: City of Tears (Abyssals)
CrownedSun/Farhold :: Outpost on the Edge of Creation

CrownedSun/IcyNorth :: Home of the Icewalkers (Lunars)