A cluster of pages for enumerating crunchy bits from FirstEdition sources, and their correspondences in SecondEdition sources.
A few notes on reference format: each item in a Source column should give the book(s) and page number(s) where that bit of crunch can be found. To conserve space in the table, I'm using the same abbreviations as found in Wordman's excellent Charm trees. Additionally, the references should link back to that book's entry on the Books page.
- /SolarCharms
- /DragonBloodedCharms
- /LunarCharms
- /TerrestrialCircleSorcery
- /CelestialCircleSorcery
- /SolarCircleSorcery
- /ShadowlandsCircleNecromancy
- /LabyrinthCircleNecromancy
- /VoidCircleNecromancy
Might I suggest some re-directs for your previous versions of the pages, just in case? I'd to them myself for you, but I've never quite mastered the re-direct art... - Hapushet, happy to have you aboard the Virtues battle
- An excellent suggestion. I didn't previously know about WikiWikiRedirects. —JasonWhittle
Currently, my own reference format idea is only implemented on the /SolarCharms page. I'm rewriting the perl script, so expect to see the others soon. —JasonWhittle
No reason you would know this, but I'm using distinct abbreviations for second edition. Maybe I should build a page describing my reference system (which is built on one I made for Shadowrun). Anyway, current values are listed in Wordman/ReferenceStandard. - Wordman
Very cool stuff, and quite handy to boot. - Caelene