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Part 1 | Story Info Page | WBM Home Page | Part 3
by SandJack

Games of Divinity, Act 2

Act 2, Scene 1

Spotlight reveals the form of Cailus standing alone on an empty stage, looking resolved.

Cailus: I remember it all. I remember the golden light shining in through the open roof of my palace each morning, granting me strength, and the Moon shining her blessings on me as I lay down to sleep each night. I remember the lords of the world bending down at my feet, offering me praise for my benevolent rule. When I sat on my throne, Creation stretched before me. Nothing was beyond my gaze, and no place beyond my reach.

I remember watching my brothers fall before me, their benevolence twisted by the dark powers of their fall, and I remember grieving for them. I remember cutting down my brothers with tears in my eyes, hoping that death would bring them purity once more. And I remember the day my silver-haired goddess left my side with her kin, fearing that even I was not beyond the dark power that was taking my people.

I shall not let love be taken from me again, nor shall I stop once I have found her. The world must be brought to Justice for my loss! I was fair and kind, not like my brothers! And yet here I live in this hell world, my rule forgotten and my justice dry! I shall find my love and make her captors pay, and then I shall make the world pay for its forgetting.

Enter Chorus. The Chorus consists of nine members, all wearing black robes. On her face each member wears a mask: One for each of the five Maidens, Luna, and the Unconquered Sun cover seven of the chorus' faces. The remaining two are the traditional dramatic masks of comedy and tragedy.

Chorus: My son.

Cailus: Who speaks? Face me or I shall find you out and you shall feel my blade!

Chorus: Peace, my son. You cannot harm me, nor should you desire to.

Cailus: Your voice, it is familiar to me.

Chorus: You are a part of me, and I a part of you. Your hands were formed to work my will, and your face to reflect my glory. I am you God, Cailus, I am The Sun, and now my will is that you turn yourself away from revenge and toward justice.

Cailus: The darkness speaks with a silver tongue, spirit. Whoever you are, you mix your truth with unholy lies. I am an avatar of Justice, and it falls to me and to me alone to determine what is Just. I have judged, spirit, and I have found the world lacking! My mission is not revenge, but to excise the cancer that is killing all of creation.

Chorus: Patience! You are among the highest of my children but do not think that means I will not take you over my knee. I am no serpent, nor a force of darkness, I am your Lord. You will respect me, or you will burn and I will find another.

Cailus: Then do it. I'm standing here.

Cailus spreads his arms out and waits for a moment.

Cailus: I thought not. Your words are bluster and your power wanting. Go and bother someone else, I have more important things to do than talk to scum looking for worship.

Chorus: Wait, a moment. What must I do to convince you that your perception is poisoned and your judgment lacking? What must I show you for you to see the world does not need to be put to the sword?

Cailus: You can do nothing spirit, run along home. ROSIMUND!

Cailus runs off the stage, his sword drawn. The members of the chorus circle, and cease speaking as one.

Luna: Well, that went well.

The Unconquered Sun: Your right. Mission failure. Can I kill him now?

Jupiter: Patience, Bright One. The plan has been set in motion, and now not even the gods can stop it.

Exeunt Omnes.

Act 2, Scene 2

A tavern at around dinnertime. Wang Fu and Hannak Dur, wearing the guise of mortals, sit at one of the tables, table covered in glasses and spent dishes.

Wang Fu: Barmaid's a nice tall drink. I don't see why you won't watch the table for a few moments so I can take a sip.

Hannak Dur: Down, boy. Luna says wait here, we wait here. She said he could come by anytime.

Wang Fu: We've been sitting here all day. If Luna hadn't given us an expense account we'd have run out of money about an hour ago.

Hannak Dur: It is not given to us to question the Silver Lady, Wang Fu, nor to chase after every young piece who wanders by.

Wang Fu, now gnawing on a bone to pass the time, growls.

Hannak Dur: That's good, just work on that bone for now.

Wang Fu motions to throw the bone at Hannak, when a bell jingles OS. Enter Phineas. Phineas is a well dressed young gentleman, wearing a purple suit with white gloves, his long brown hair trailing down in a braid to his waist. He heads straight for Hannak Dur

Phineas: Ah, Hannak Dur. So good to see you. You really do look dashing when you're human, you know? You should stop by some time; I have half a dozen ladies who'd love to meet you, and I'm sure could show you a good time.

Wang Fu: Ladies? I mean, who are you?

Cailus walks in and begins his own silent conversation with the barkeep, both vehemently gesturing at each other. Hannak Dur: He's the servant of an ... associate of mine. I thought I told you that I would come by when I finished with my current business. I regret to inform you that however highly your master thinks of himself, there are those above even the princes of the earth, and they command me now. I will return to speak with him when the Gods are done with me.

Phineas: Well, how can I possibly stand in the face of such nobility? Still, you know what you swore. Oh, and young man, turning to Wang Fu some of the ladies my find you, refreshing. Here's my card, promise you'll stop by?

Hannak Dur snatches the card before Wang Fu can get to it. Phineas shrugs and exits. Hannak Dur: You'll get this back after class.

Wang Fu: Who was that?

Hannak Dur: His name is Phineas. He works for a man who collects favors, and it seems I've come due. sighs

Cailus runs out and slams the door behind him. The bell jingles sharply, drawing Hannak Dur and Wang Fu's gaze to the door.

Hannak Dur: That man who ran out the door, what did he look like?

Wang Fu: I couldn't tell, I wasn't looking over there.

Hannak Dur: Too far from the barmaid, hmm?

Wang Fu: And what did you say he looked like?

Hannak Dur: Hush, I was busy.

Wang Fu: So was that him?

Hannak Dur: It had to be checking the sun he was supposed to meet us now.

Wang Fu: Then we've been waiting here all this time because?

Hannak Dur: I was thirsty. All right, lets go after him.

WF and HD hastily gather their things and begin to rush out the door. WF doubles back to leave a large tip for the barmaid before leaving. A few moment and then, enter from offstage, Second Bandit and Rosimund

Second Bandit: Sit down and shut up. I'm supposed to meet someone here. Once he shows, we're gonna move you somewhere more comfortable like, see? Wouldn't do to have a pretty piece like you all bruised and cut up, wouldn't fetch so good a price.

Rosimund: So why don't you sell me when I'm fresh, you brute!

Second Bandit Hits her across the face with a jade cudgel

Second Bandit: See this? Stole it off of a genuine man of the realm, its made special not to leave any bruises, so as not to damage the merchandise. To answer your question, I need to get me some more men, ran a bit low when last we met your boy-toy and I'd prefer not to meet the same end myself. Man I know is supposed to have contacts, like. Know people I can get in touch with, people willing and able to work, and people willing to buy.

Rosimund does not respond, she's holding her face.

Second Bandit: That's much better, my pet. Keep your mouth shut and I'll treat you like an angel.

The door jingles again, and opens. Whomever has opened it stands behind it, his face hidden from the audience

Second Bandit: That'll be him now.

Second Bandit turns toward the door. At the same time the figure steps from behind the door, revealing himself to be Cailus.

Act 2, Scene 3

Bandit Leader lies dead on the stage, a spotlight on him. Chorus stands behind him.

Chorus: My Son. Wake my son, you are sleeping. Wake, my son, from your nightmare.

Bandit Leader stirs.

Chorus: Wake, my son. You have been dreaming. All that has come before, all of the pain, all of the suffering. You have been dreaming.

Bandit Leader sits up.

Chorus: Wake, my son. Take my hand and I will take your pain. Take my love and I will give you bliss. Give your hatred and I will give you revenge. Give your life and I will take your name.

Bandit Leader stretches out his hand.

Chorus: Come with my, my son. You shall be my Darkness when all is Bright.

The Chorus enfolds the Bandit Leader. They break, and he is gone. Then the chorus exits stage left. The Tragedy mask pauses for a moment and then turns as if to leave. But instead, he pulls his hood forward over his face, revealing a shining comedy mask grinning as the lights go dim.


Part 1 | Story Info Page | WBM Home Page | Part 3
by SandJack