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Series Outline

Exalted is a living, breathing world. This should be conveyed, both in the relationships the NPCs already have, and the results of the PCs actions in the world.
The Exalted are not subtle. Even when they try to avoid notice, they do virtually anything with a degree of compentency rarely seen. Events and major NPCs will take notice of them, attempting to use the PCs for their own purposes.
The Exalted are rulers, and the people wish to be ruled. Seeing the Exalted in action is a life changing experience- they gain converts, followers, and adherents willing to fight and die for them over seemingly inconsequential things.
There are shades of grey in a mortal dominated setting. The Violet Coast is far removed from the Realm, the Immaculate Order has virtuallyno influence in this region of the world. It lies on the border between the Southern and Western Conventions- Circles of Sidereal already hard pressed and unable to properly respond. There are few Shadowlands, and contact with the dead has been minimal. Although spirits are worshipped actively, they also war actively. Exiled Fair Folk minigle in Tinalion, while others lurk in abandoned Demenses. A Hundred Kingdoms divide the Violet Coast, staining it crimson.
Epics are meaningless without some actual human drama and emotion behind them- if the players don't care about anyone, than making hard decisions gets easier. A large chunk of the game is meant to get them integrated into this world, before opening up all of Creation's doors.

Them's the goals, anyways. :)

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