From Exalted - Unofficial Wiki
Because each artifact has story to go with it, I am further dividing the sections up and putting in links for each weapon.
- The Weeping Blade A golden blade that has drunk of blood and battle for so long, inflicted pain and sorrow so often in so many countless wars it cries blood now, blood infused into the being of the blade now.
- /FirstLight A solars blade that grants a gift of speed to those first in to battle.
- /KuklasClaw A jade weapon inspired by the power of the Kukla.
- /HonorOfHesiesh A pair of daiklaives crafted for Karal Strident Ember and to honor Hesiesh.
Reaper Daiklaives
- /HornOfTomorrowsBattles A long and graceful blade of starmetal given as a gift to a lover by Ahlat.
- /PointOfReflection A light blade of White Jade it tempers the mind.
Reaver Daiklaives
- Breaker of Souls A deadly soulsteel blade that will either kill you or bring you to a world of servitude.
- Betrayer's Bane A weapon forged by a mad twilight king of the First Age, its power is both horrible and against all the Sun teaches.
Grand Daiklaives
- Fire of the Moon Any warrior with this moonsilver blade will not know fear in his life.
- /GrandLightning A orichalcum weapon that can strike with the fury of the heavens.
- /TevinZa A powerful weapon of ancient design that can shatter even the sturdiest object.
- The Coruscating Golden Rain A bow with a string of honey.
- /TheEasternGlory A peerless bow from the east!
- Gauntlet of the Unending Sun A powerful gauntlet forged in the greatest of hubris before the fall of the Solars.
Fate Rings
- /SunsEyeDisks Twin weapons that can burn with the flames of the Unconquered Sun and cast down all those from beyond Creation's limits.
- /TheThreadedSpear An old first age that knows no obstacles in cutting down people.
- /TheSunflame A powerful weapon from the first age.
- /Vinestriker A jade weapon that entangles its foes before bringing them down.
Chain Daiklaives
- /TraditionUnbending Soulsteel weapons that bind and trap any who feel their bite.
Typhoon Wheels
- /RadiantShard Jaggedly edged and forged of orichalcum for superior grace and danger.
- /FateSpiderFangs A pair of starmetal daggers connected by a chain. Their touch can deliver a powerful fate poison to the blood, strike at range or help in clinching up a foe.
- /GreenSunBlades These twin swords are forged from the Green Light of Malfeas and express his terrible power.
- /HungryRepeatingKnife A mechanical soulsteel weapon that can hurl repeated knives.
New Weapons Types
- /Splitklaives A new kind of template weapon. Meant to be the base upon which more enchantments are added just like a daiklaive or reaver daiklaive or the like.
- Burning-Heaven Disks Are the template used when makeing up the artifact version of the Wind-Fire Wheel.
- Celestial Weapons The celestial exalted tended to posses and use weapons of greater quality and power then those of the terrestial exalted. Newly exalted celestials while still possessing superior equipment were resticted from the more powerful ones until they had finished masterying and learning to control their powers. These weapons reflect that idea as beginner tools for Celestials.
- Shatterspear A direlance that can break objects and pierce even the thickest of armors. A fast, offensive weapon.
- Lancer Blade A sword as long as a Grand Daiklaive, but thinner then a normal daiklaive. A weapon of speed and grace.
- /ThousandPoundBlades A favorite of the Lunar exalted some weapons used special techniques to increase the density of the weapons until they were almost beyond lifting and using even with essence.
- /RazorBlizzards A deadly type of shuriken used more to slow down and delay then to kill.
Have you considered putting them on subpages from here? Spaces are not usually suggested in pagenames either, at least not with this wiki (I know wikipedia does it all the time) but there seem to be a fair few toplevel pages that don't really need to be?
-- Darloth
Yeah, working on that slowly. -BogMod