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Archived News

01.16.04 - Expanded sheets for non-Solar Exalted are done. Dragon-Blooded, Lunar, Abyssal, and Sidereal. Party hard, et cetera.

Nice sheets! I'm printing out a Lunar sheet for one of my players, who's been feeling sheet size envy of late.  :) Also, will we be seeing more of your work on the Lexicon? The All-Color Fever was keen. - Quendalon

Thanks, I aim to please. As for the Lexicon, I have trouble writing on an at-all consistent basis, among other things, and I'm between (admittedly short) creative bursts at the moment; hell, the little vignettes for the Alchemical Charms sections gave me some trouble. I may catch up at some point. _Jabberwocky

01.15.04 - Revised three-page Solar sheet finished. It's hot off the presses, available here. For the minority that prefer Merits and Flaws, a version including space for them is here.

It's two years after and three times the resolution of its predecessor, which was never particularly vocally released; it's a substantial improvement on that, at least, but there's a number of things to keep in mind for the next major revision, which won't be until after the Players' Guide, at the very least. In the mean time, if there's any last minute tightening to be done that anyone can see, or any suggestions for the forthcoming varients for other Exalted types, this version is certainly not static yet. Comments. Comments? Comments!

Looks pretty good to me.\\


12.29.03 - Well, no Merits and Flaws, then. Incidentally, I mentally voted 'no' as well; I wouldn't have even bothered asking, but since it seems the Players' Guide will include Merits and Flaws, I was curious whether I should preemptively account for them. First two pages are done, final third shouldn't take over-long, although I may first be consumed by the countless PC games I must eventually play. Mm, speaking of which...

12.28.03 - Quick poll: Multi-page sheet -- Merits & Flaws, yay or nay?\\ Nay\\ 0\\ 1 Ikselam\\ 2 MidKnight\\ 3 willows\\ Yay\\ 0\\ An aside: The Scar kicks. Ikselam speaks the truth.

12.18.03 - I'm feeling industrious as of late. In addition to finally writing up my... I-hesistate-to-say-infamous firewand Charms (I have recently acquired a newfound respect for the more prolific Charm writers; they must be built of circuitry and hydraulics beneath their fleshy exterior), and correcting a mechanic error on my Ghost sheet, I'm tenatively planning to finish my revised multi-page Solar sheet, perhaps followed by a slightly more adventurous revision. I really should work on properly making PDFs, rather than doing everything in Paint Shop Pro, as I tire of having to manually insure pixels line up.

12.15.03 - A thought: (Color) Queen of Daggers Style. Scarlet, perhaps? Chartreuse? Since I'm on a computer-not-my-own, it makes sense to stick it here, to remember about later. The Style'd involved a huge number of daggers; throwing them, wielding them, stabbing them into important veins. An early Charm (the form?) would allow you to draw conjured duplicates indentical to an existing set of daggers, for the purposes of Charms in the tree. Defensive Charms could include 'blade-storm' sort of imagry. First, though, to finish MartialArts/UmbroseSaberStyle.

Archived Comments

Dude, where's that Umbrose Saber Style, eh? Curiosity kills me! - FourWillowsWeeping

  • ...Fermenting. It's a universal melee tree with a slight Abyssal\swashbuckling bent. I think I'll put up what I have, since people have been tossing around good ideas left-and-right, as of late. (Incidentally, I must have missed this completely when it was first posted. My bad. Hope it hasn't been eating at you for over a month.) ~Jabberwocky

Hey, thanks for the formatting and redirecting. Kudos to you, good sir. - Fifth

  • It had been a long afternoon, and I wanted to tidy something without actually having to get out of my chair. ~Jabberwocky

Love your comact character sheets. And I think the Mortal sheet is exelent! -Trueform

  • ...I'm intrigued by your ideas, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter. ~Jabberwocky