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Examples of Alchemical Names

Because they're so wildly different from those of Creation-at-large

Orichalchum Caste

  • Gloriously Cerebrant Ordinator
  • Entrancingly Captivating Calligrapher
  • Resplendent Pantheon
  • Concordially Accomplished Transpatial Supraservitor (C.A.T.S)

Moonsilver Caste

  • Multiferously Aspected Polylith
  • Obliquely Transingular Recombinatrix
  • Witheringly Mordant Cipher
  • Unflinchingly Solid Snake
  • Consistently Optimal Solution
  • Floor Slippery When Wet

Starmetal Caste

  • Discreetly Sheened Auspicitator
  • Most Efficient Implementor

Jade Caste

  • Radiantly Transcendent Servitor
  • Fifth Encompassing Bastion
  • Acknowledgment And Acceptance Of Terms
  • Unstoppable March of the Proletariat or, perhaps Ceaseless Proletarian March

Soulsteel Caste

  • Ardent Supradistinctual Sentinel
  • Infinitely Revolving Oscilot


Here's some to get things started. Enjoy! ...DeathBySurfeit

From my reading, I've come to the conclusion that the general naming convention for Alchemicals is Adverb-Adjective-Noun. Also, their names are almost always italicized, like the names of ships. Which is sooo bomb. -- OhJames

Consider me righteously shamed before the Alchemical Titular Protocol. Names altered accordingly...DeathBySurfeit
You didn't have to change them. I just like to have a stereotype to deviate from. -- OhJames

What about the Many-Pillared Armipotent Colossus... Is Many-Pillared an adverb? I honestly don't know.
-- Darloth has already broken this naming structure for an NPC, but not by much. MPAC is canon, though, if you're wondering.

Many-Pillared is totally an adjective. But I just said it was a general naming convention. Lemme think... Fair-Spoken Rishi, Lissome Avid Engineer, whatever-whatever something of the Talents... a bunch of them break the convention. But I just like having a convention to break in the first place. -- OhJames
Miraculous Icon of the Talents --Prions
As long as they sound odd, I agree with them ^^ -- LastHero

I'm working on a perfect Alchemical circle currently, all of whom are optimal solutions of some sort or another. I added the Consistently Optimal Solution, but have also considered the Soulsteel Brutally Optimal Solution, the Orichalcum Intrinsically Optimal Solution, the Starmetal Globally Optimal Solution, and the Jade Locally Optimal Solution.

Which one would be Sub-Optimal Solution? Stanoje
Sadly, the Sub-Optimal solution, a Black Jade Alchemical, was declared lost in action after an expedition into the depths of the oil realm. :) -- GregLink, with a sad pun
How about the Prime Optimal Solution? ~ WeepingStar, who only wishes he wielded the Matrix of Leadership.

Do I see a culture GSV sneaking in there?
-- Darloth