Hi all, and welcome to my wiki page
While here, please observe the following rules:
1) Don't edit my stuff. Leave comments, and I'll edit it myself if I agree with you. Please? I know I can't stop you, but I'd really prefer to have it this way
2) Nevertheless, please DO leave comments, especially if I've written something that is incorrect. While I dislike being corrected, being wrong annoys me even more.
3) Have fun! If my stuff doesn't please you, go elsewhere ^.^
al Haqim ibn Said ibn Asai ibn Haqim
This is the raw, un-edited prelude for my character, Haqim ibn Said, cut directly from the mIRC log. It is very rough, and written in two languages. I include it only because aspiring ST's might want to see what a prelude looks like when it's being performed. It has text lines in wrong order, OOC stuff that should have gone in the OOC channel and other stuff like that. In short: Abandon all hope, ye who enter here - SRN-HaqimsPrelude01
This is the edited prelude for my character, Haqim ibn Said. This is the version I recommend reading, if you want to know about my character - SRN-HaqimsPrelude02
Crimson Mane
This is the Prelude for Crimson Mane. His player is going to ST some group or other, and he wanted experience with preludes, so I ran one of his characters through a short one. SRN-CrimsonManePrelude01 is the MSN OoC Chat log, SRN-CrimsonManePrelude is the IC mIRC Chat log.
Rules discussion
Some people don't get how virtues and the Great Curse works. Here's a thorough analysis for Solars SRN-Virtues01
Grasping Mantis Defense is a really hardcore evil Charm. Read why I think so here: SRN-GMD01
- I've made a revised version of Grasping Mantis Defense for Players Guide powercombat: SRN-GMD02
Setting discussions
Travelling is a big deal. You don't do it just for fun, and especially not if you're leading an army. SRN-Travel
The ages of Exalted are varied, but they're not as abruptly changed as some would have you believe SRN-Ages01
Random stuff I want a link to
QuotesofGoodness is for funny quotes
QuotesofCoolness is for useful quotes
Commentary Section
- I just wanted to put in a comment so the commentary section didn't look so emtpy medivh
HOOAH! Welcome to Wiki! Remember BestPractices, and you might want to nest your entries instead of making them their own root folders and all that mess. If that made sense. Y'know, like SRNissen/Foo instead of SRN-Foo. Anyway, welcome and *enjoy the sauce*. -Raksha Boy