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The Blue Tongue Orchid

by Dreaming Nymph

"Just a touch! You don't want to overload the senses, just pique them juuuuuust right ...."
- Master Chef Lyzel Karinder explaining his secret ingredient to a novice.
"Mmmmm... So intense... I can hear the spices, almost."
- Yet another satisfied customer ;o)

The Blue Tongue Orchid is a flower native to the southeastern rainforests. It tends to grow in small patches around the base of a tree; some think that the trees provide some of what the flower needs to survive. The stems of this unique bloom are nearly black, sprouting deep violet petals that are covered in small hairs, resembling velvet in texture. The flower gets its name from the vibrant blue pistils in the center of the flower, also covered in short, velvety hairs.

The Blue Tongue is a very sensitive flower; it likes its own growing conditions, and tends to fail miserably in other environments. This does not mean that it's impossible to grow in greenhouse conditions, just VERY difficult. There is only one known greenhouse in Nexus that has this rare flower available, and even then at an extraordinary price. Shining Thistle owns the "Prose in Petals", a greenhouse in Cinnabar that specializes in rare flowers and herbs, and the knack for growing the Blue Tongue has been a family secret for generations. The extract from this plant has properties that enhance scent and taste when prepared correctly; this precious nectar is in high demand from chocolatiers capable of making the Dragon's Pearls candies, and from chefs like Lyzel Karinder of the River's Edge Restaurant who know its secret and use it in dishes to impress high profile clients.


  • There is more than one way to prepare the extract of the Blue Tongue; one method produces a very potent aphrodisiac.
  • The reason why the Blue Tongue is so hard to grow in a greenhouse is that it thrives on blood, and usually takes more blood than the grower is generally willing to give.


  • The Blue Tongue Orchid, when prepared in another manner, produces one of the most deadly poisons in Creation. This is usually discovered by those attempting to prepare it as an aphrodisiac.


It's MSG! -- JesseLowe

I like the write up. Nice Job!