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The Isle of Mists


Where the Rock River flows into the Yellow, the river widens for many miles, becomes almost a fast-moving lake. In the centre of the widest portion is a deep bank of nearly impenetrable fog. None have yet ventured in and returned. At times the fog thins enough to reveal the wrecks of ships that have tried to best it over the centuries, cast up on the jagged rocks the mist conceals. Even those few who have attempted passage to the isle by air have failed becoming hopelessly lost in the mists, the lucky emerging confused and disorientated on the other side somehow bypassing the island altogether, the less fortunate disappearing forever. Few of the would-be explorers realise how lucky they are to fail in their attempts, amongst those who reach the shore death is a sweet release to be craved, for this island is the domain of Moragath the Lady of the Dancing Mists and she does not brook trespassers upon her lands.

The island itself was a powerful demesne that was seized as a forward base camp during the Balorian Crusade, the great manse fortress that once stood upon it torn asunder by the mighty behemoths of the host. Then came the terrible day when the Empress activated the terrible weapons of the realms defence grid and decimated the Fae host sending the scattered survivors fleeing towards the relative safety of the middle marches. Gathering the few survivors of her own household the lady Moragath withdrew and took refuge here the pallid energy of the demesne sustaining them as the great wyld storms were driven back beyond the borders of creation. Unable to face the forces of creation with her depleted numbers and unwilling to fall back in disgrace Moragath fortified her position. Together with the other surviving nobles she crafted a great work of glamour, raising a barrier of shifting mists around their refuge and cutting it off from creation. Now shielded from the remaining legions of the shogunate and the power of the empress, the Raksha began to transform their new home into something more favourable.

With effort and time the fae learned to change the nature of their domain investing the ordered essence of creation with a portion of the wylds infinite possibility. The land became fluid and mutable like that of the middle marches and Moragath learned that by investing a portion of her soul into the land she could shape it to her will.


Once within the confines of the freeholds barriers one is able to appreciate its true grandeur and glory. When on reaches the border the mists abruptly clear held back by some unseen force. It is as though the entire city exists within a sphere of perfectly clear crystal with the endless spiralling patterns of the mist moving across its exterior. The city exists in eternal twilight with the mists blocking most of the suns light during the day a glowing faintly to illuminate the night.

As with all the freeholds of the fae the landscape of the island can change in an instant to suit the whim of its mistress. However Moragath takes little pleasure in such open displays of power, unless she feels it truly necessary, and so the cities appearance remains fairly constant. No part of the isle is ugly or base in any way Moragath will not allow it. Indeed even the spawning pits of the hobgoblins are constructed of fine sculpted stone and surrounded with delicate silks.

The city spreads across almost the entire surface of the island tall shapely towers composed of dazzling white marble stretch upwards into the sky. The exteriors are decorated with intricate sculpture and balconies look out in all directions and some of the residents are known to travel by flying from one to another. Windows are uncommon as the weather is always clement the fae do not allow rain to fall in their city. The towers are all interconnected by a series of canals, crossable by curved bridges of living golden wood that grow from the lush and verdant ground, filled with crystal clear water that flow outwards from the central tower to mingle with the currents of the yellow river, numerous slender walkways of spun crystal and adamant also stretch from one tower to another at varying levels allowing for easy access. The only exception is the central tower in which Moragath resides.

This tower is almost a fortress unto itself far taller and more opulent than any of the towers the lesser nobles are permitted to rebuild. The only entrances are the four great gateways at ground level through which the canals enter one coming from each of the four cardinal directions. The waterways meet in the centre of a great hall where they a fed by an ornate fountain. This hall is also where the Lady Moragath holds court her throne set into the base of the fountain with the waters coursing around it. Atop the tower, surrounded by a dozen sentries of sculpted stone, burns the freeholds bonefire, the mystical heart of the domain. The column of silver flame is a glorious beacon reminding all who see it of their Lady’s power.

The shore of the isle is a large series of docks. It is here that the workers labour fashioning great ships of ivory and teak and the vessels of the ravagers dock on the nights of the new moon to unload their human cargos. Unlike the ports of human cities there are no sea walls, ballista or other defences. The entire freehold is a weapon in the hands of its mistress and any ship that somehow penetrates the barriers and survives the reefs would find the waters coming to life and dragging their ships beneath the surface. The only ships that come or go from the island are those who have the permission of its mistress and even then it is only on the darkest of nights when Luna hides her face from the world and none on the mainland may chance to see their passing. On these nights Moragath wills the razor reefs to sink into the waters and the mists to part. Even if someone were to discover the presence of the freehold only the Ladies noble lieutenants and her most trusted ravagers know the times and places of these openings making any attempt to invade the isle without the aid of powerful sorcery and charm a risky venture.

Back to FairFolk


Doesn't CotW imply that this was due to a crazy Solar's application of Curse of Unyielding Mist to a fairly ordinary kingdom? --MF

The book doesn't tell you what it is. Its simply a plot hook to use. I thought it would make a good freehold. I'll label it as non cannon if you like. Well just as soon as theres something to label. Also I think that the story of the mushroom king was set on the mainland somewhere as the king used to leave the mists to look in on neighbouring kingdoms. --Ageis

Agreed, there is no connection spelled out between Mist Island and the Mushroom King. However, it would be good to know which things you're posting are canon, taken from the Fair Folk book (which I haven't read yet), and which are your creations. If you don't label them, it's easy to assume they're all either one or the other. --MF

Since when does any location in Creation have only ONE origin, anyway? Let's not start going "but this book says..." in responce to our ideas, people! That way lay madness. More so than the Fae in general, anyway... ;) I mean, how many times has Gem been destroyed now?? - CrownedSun

None. The destruction of Gem is an asymptotic quantity. It is always about to be destroyed, and that destruction creeps ever closer, but it will never quite happen. ^_^ - Moxiane

Ok finaly got down to doing the Mist Isle idea. What think you my fellow wikizens? I'll put in some more solid rule tpe stuff later provided no-one can think of any good edits -- Ageis